Chapter 2: Still Before the Titans, but a Little Closer

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In a modified warehouse, five teens sat around a table. Robin glanced at Adeline to his right, Magnus to his left, Hercules and Multon right in front of him. Hercules, biceps the size of branches, punched his palm as he looked to each of the other heroes. Magnus, blond hair combed to the sky and handsome smile present, used his best poker face to try and fool the others. Multon, dark eyes analyzing the teens, leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. Adeline leaned on the table, keeping her eye on each of the gentlemen.

"Herc," Robin said, breaking the intense silence, "are you ready?" The powerhouse nodded and picked up a card. He stood up from his seat. He extended his large white wings and started squawking. Adeline shot up.

"A chicken!" Magnus jumped up and down.

"No! You're a parrot! A parrot!" Hercules stood on one leg and tried to reach the ground, but fell over.

"A dying flamingo," Robin tried, starting a chorus of laughter. Hercules stood up and shook his head, brown hair flying.

"Robin was close," he answered. Multon snapped his fingers.

"Flamingo. I win." Robin slapped the table.

"You can't take that win! I had it! I said it! I win! Plus, Herc talked before you said it." Adeline scoffed.

"Speaking of which, Magnus, using magic is cheating. So those last couple wins of yours are being retracted." Magnus smiled as he adjusted his unzipped gold trench coat.

"Charades requires using all of your brain power." He rubbed the back of his fingers against his chest and looked at his nails with a smile. "Magic requires brain power, so it counts." Hercules punched the table, causing that section to break under his fist.

"I meant to do that," he responded as the others turned to him. "And if you can use magic, then I should be able to use my wings." Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Uh Herc, you have been using your wings," Adeline noted. Hercules's smile disappeared.

"Oh, right. I knew that." An alarm blared and red lights flashed around the room.

"We're on." Robin ran out of his seat and toward the main computer, the others close behind. Robin clicked a few keys and the alarm stopped, a map of the city appearing on the screen. "Robbery at the bank. Police are ten minutes out." Hercules pumped a fist in the air.

"Yeah! Titans, go!" Adeline put her head in her hand. Magnus shuddered. Multon silently gagged while Robin put a hand on Hercules's elbow, since he couldn't reach his shoulder.

"Bud, no offense, but we aren't using that." Hercules smiled.

"Just wait. That'll be the best battle cry in the world," he assured Robin.

"Trust me," Multon muttered. "It won't be." The teens got changed, Adeline in full black with a white symbol of wings on her chest. Hercules now wore red pants and tall black boots, no shirt but a red mask that covered only his eyes. Multon pulled a full mask over his face and clad himself in black and purple tights. Magnus and Robin were already ready, the team's wizard casting a spell. Three golden disks of light formed on the ground.

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