Chapter 5: Things Go VERY Down Hill

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As the blaze neared, Magnus charged out in front.

"Get closer!" he shouted. As everyone collected behind him, he chanted, "Cartoosh, airban, prykoon!" His eyes glowed fluorescent gold as he outstretched his hands, a golden dome encompassing the heroes. The blue blaze made contact with the dome, but Magnus seemed to be the only one being affected. Sweat trailed down his brow as the dome started to constrict. "Won't...hold," he groaned. The flames only grew as Magnus's dome shrunk. "Raven...get...them...out."

"What about you?" Robin shouted as Raven took Star and Beast Boy through the floor first. Magnus smiled at Robin as Raven came back and took Cyborg and Hercules.

"It was a pleasure knowing you, my friend. Give Multon a good punch in the face for me." Robin tried to protest as Raven grabbed him. The last thing he saw before falling through the floor was Magnus's dome cracking.

"No!" His screams were useless. He was on the first floor of the tower with the others, Raven being pulled along by Beast Boy. "Wait! We can't-"

"Rob, we have to take the T-jet and get out now!" Cyborg shouted, dragging him toward the jet. He tossed Robin into a back seat and locked him in. Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven jumped into the other seats, buckled up, and took off. Hercules flew beside the jet, unable to fit. From their aerial view, they could see Multon and Adeline flying away, the tower burning blue. Robin pressed his face against the glass, trying to see any signs of Magnus. He got nothing.

"Nothing good can come from the presence of a Tetrophorn," Star said wistfully. Robin sat back, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. This was his fault. He didn't know how, but he knew it was. He had brought Magnus into this life of danger and gotten him killed. He had kept Adeline's true self hidden, and now Multon was treating her like a pet.

Cyborg flew the ship toward the city, landing on a nearby rooftop. Everyone got out, staring at the burning tower with mournful looks. A tear trailed down Raven's cheek.

"I should have gone back," she murmured.

"This shouldn't have happened," Robin muttered. Beast Boy sniffled.

"Why am I sad for a guy I hardly knew?" He started to cry uncontrollably, Cyborg joining him a few moments after. Raven looked away from the wreckage on the horizon, unable to handle that simple truth, and unsure why. She touched her forehead, a slight headache bugging her. She looked up and saw the cause. A magic portal opened, composed of golden light. Magnus, toasted and clothes torn and scorched, stepped through and fell, the portal closing.

"Magnus!" Raven caught him before he hit the concrete and laid him down gently. Robin and the others turned to see the boy, motionless. Robin ran over and knelt beside his friend. "Magnus?" Raven held his head in her lap, stroking his blackened face. She took off her cloak and laid it on top of him with Robin's help. Now Raven was in tears, holding Magnus in her arms but unable to do anything.

"Why is it always the best of us?" Robin asked, his hand grasping Magnus's shoulder. As if hanging on to him would bring him back, give him an anchor to the world of the living. Tears streamed down Star's cheeks, Herc cowering in his wings beside her.

"I'm...hardly" Everyone stared at Magnus as his eyes opened slowly, a smile spread across his face. "Hello, Raven," he greeted. Raven just stared, unbelieving.

"Magnus?" He tried to sit up, but relaxed in her lap.

"My, I feel like a turkey on Thanksgiving," he commented. Raven, overjoyed, held him in her arms and kissed him. His eyes shot open before lazily closing. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, not wanting her to let go. Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Hercules gagged, looking away.

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