Chapter 3: Present Day

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The bank was being robbed. Five gang members tossed as much cash as they could into their burlap bags, looking over their shoulders every few minutes. Three other gangsters held ten hostages at gunpoint. They watched each carefully to make sure they didn't try to make a call to 911.

Suddenly, something whizzed by and hit the first guards hand, knocking the gun to the ground with a clatter. The second looked around while the first found what had hit him. A red and yellow batarang. Inky darkness spread out below his feet and he and his gun were encompassed in black tendrils. He screamed and his partners jumped away.

"We have to-" the first tried to warn those in the back, but a green ape jumped out of the black hole and knocked him out. Starfire, in disguise as one of the civilians, jumped up and fired a bolt of energy at the last man's gun. Raven appeared from the circle of black.

"Azureath, metrion, synthos," she chanted and the last man was mummified in black tendrils. Beast Boy morphed back into his normal state. Cyborg and Robin charged in as the other Titans helped free the hostages. Gunshots were fired from the back. Robin ducked behind one of the walls while Cyborg took the other.

"Come out quietly, or I go in nice and loud," Cyborg shouted. The men dropped the bags. Two of them laid down cover fire while the last three went through their bags. One pulled out a small explosive and set it against the wall.

"Boss ain't gonna be happy," the second of the three murmured. The device was activated and it started to beep. Robin heard it over the gunshots.

"Cyborg, set your cannon to stun. We have to stop them from escaping." Cyborg set his arm, stepped out, and fired. The men toppled to the ground, unconscious. The bomb went off and the wall became a misty purple door. "No!" Robin shouted, throwing an explosive batarang at the gateway. His bomb went off and destroyed the portal before the last man could get through. But now there was a way outside.

"Thanks hero!" he shouted as he ran through the opening. Robin ran after him. As the masked man ran out onto the street, he pulled out his gun and grabbed a blond.

"Let me go before I hurt you," she threatened as he put the gun to her head. He scoffed. She elbowed him in the gut, catching him off guard. She whirled around and punched him in the face. She grabbed his shoulder and flipped him over onto the concrete with a smack. The man's body slackened. Robin arrived just as the girl stood up. Adeline. He walked over slowly.

"He's alive," was all she said, not even looking at Robin. He avoided looking at her as well.

"Should've listened." He knelt to handcuff the man, glancing at her boots. "You seem to be doing well," he continued. Adeline only stared at the man, but she could see the Boy Wonder in her peripheral vision.

"You too." She walked away, back down the sidewalk as far from Robin as possible. Each of her footsteps for Robin was another reminder of what he had done. How he had made her hate him. He grabbed the man with a struggle.

"I've got your back, Rob," Beast Boy said, grabbing the thug's other arm. As they carried him toward the blaring sirens, Beast Boy looked back. "Who's the girl that kicked this guy's can?" Robin stared at the flashing lights.

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