Chapter 4: Oh Snap!!

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"Robin!" Starfire called, opening the door. She gasped as she saw Robin kissing Adeline, infuriated. Magnus walked over.

"Oh, mm. This is why you never leave teens in the same room alone." Robin heard him and his senses came back, as did Adeline's. They let go and stood up immediately. All of a sudden, they were defending themselves, shaking their heads and laughing at such crazy ideas. Magnus held up a hand and they stopped. He pointed his finger at them, saying, "Denial is the first proof." Robin stood up straight.

"That...that's not a fact," he shot back, hoping no one would notice his red cheeks. Magnus obviously did, nodding sarcastically. Herc did to, becoming Robin's larger double and mimicking a kiss. Cyborg and Beast Boy didn't notice, thankfully. They were staring at Raven, who had noticed and was standing beside Magnus. Starfire most definitely noticed, her whole appearance like a volcano ready to blow. He looked at Adeline sideways, who was also trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I kinda...ran into her. And next moment...well...that." Robin smiled, but no one believed him. His heart beat like a drum. This was something he couldn't get out of.

"I...we were reminiscing and, well...feelings, resurfaced," Adeline tried. Same reaction. The spotlight was starting to affect Robin, sweat pouring down his face. Magnus crossed his arms, still smiling at them.

"At least you two aren't fighting," he said. "We're having cake, if you're finished with your 'reminiscing' and resurfaced feelings." Robin and Adeline ran past them into the hall. The others followed.

"CAKE!" Hercules, Cyborg, and Beast Boy cried as they ran toward it. Magnus put a magic barrier between them and the cake.

"Be civilized, gents," he scolded. Raven used a spell to cut the cake, but even then, it was still the size of a building. Herc and Cyborg stuck out their tongues in disgust.

"Robin!" Beast Boy shouted, "Raven likes your friend! Ew! Magic love birds." He turned bright green. Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha." Robin stared at the cake, trying to keep his eyes off Adeline. Something brushed his shoulder.

"Was, the kiss, meant for love or another Earth custom? Like, greetings?" Starfire asked. Now Robin was worried. Starfire was tough and could take him out easily. Like out, out. Wait. What did he have to worry about? He liked Starfire, Adeline was the past. Right? He cursed under his breath, unsure of himself. Feelings were so fickle.


"Can I get back to you on that?" He could feel Starfire's worried glance. He turned to look at her. "Green cake makes me queasy." She smiled.

"I believe it is quite pretty." Robin smiled. He walked out the door and hopped onto his motorcycle, knowing exactly where he should go.

It wasn't long before he reached the park, a large white gazebo set up in the center. He stepped underneath the dome, remembering the night that didn't go so well right here. His first date with Adeline. Well, not exactly a date, but a friendly get together. Just them two, though.

Teen Titans fanfic: Old Friends, Dark SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now