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At midnight, Palmgrove Beach transformed into an enchanting panorama. Lush palm trees swayed gently in the ocean breeze, casting eerie shadows that added to the mystique. The soft, golden sand stretched endlessly, creating a pathway that seemed to go on for miles. The moonlight danced upon the crystal-clear turquoise waters, as if nature's own spotlight illuminated the scene. 

Terah's arrival at this familiar setting was marked by a rush of emotions, as if he had been away for far too long. Gasping for air, he felt a sense of urgency, as though he had been fleeing from an unseen pursuer. Despite his intimate knowledge of the area, he was taken aback by the absence of any sign of human presence. The eerie emptiness puzzled him, for there seemed to be no one to hide from or evade.

Dressed in a relaxed beach shirt, shorts, and a bucket hat, Terah blended effortlessly with the casual atmosphere. Standing near the water's edge, he observed his surroundings with a vigilant gaze. The gentle ebb and flow of the waves caressed the sand, perpetually teasing but never reaching his feet, as if keeping a respectful distance.
With a mixture of desperation and hope, he unleashed a piercing scream into the vast expanse of the ocean, his voice carrying his longing and fear. "SPERO!"

The sound reverberated through the night, causing his heart to tremble within his chest. He called out once more, the word echoing across the water, but there was no discernible response. His legs quivered, weakened by both anticipation and uncertainty.

Summoning all his strength, he let out a final cry, "SPERO!" Yet, still, nothing changed. No ripples disrupted the surface, and the ocean remained undisturbed. Only a gentle breeze brushed against his face, playfully snatching his bucket hat and carrying it away in the opposite direction. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate, and turned to retrieve the wayward hat.
But as he spun around, he found himself face to face with an ethereal vision.

Standing before him was the captivating mami wata spirit, Spero, her beauty surpassing all imagination.
Startled and overwhelmed, he recoiled as if pushed by an invisible force, his fear gripping him tightly. Spero gracefully leaned down, her movements imbued with an otherworldly grace, and retrieved his fallen bucket hat from the sand.

Extending her hand, she offered it to Terah, her voice carrying an air of mystique. "I believe it is for you." She uttered in her distinct manner, devoid of any contractions.

As Terah reached out to take the hat, he couldn't help but gaze upon her in awe. Standing upright once more, he found himself captivated by the sight of her exquisite, wet tresses cascading down to her knees. Her rich, chocolate-hued skin shimmered in the moonlight, and she wore a dress that bore signs of gentle wear, with the ends slightly frayed. It was an uncommon sight to witness Spero assuming a human form, and yet she remained barefoot, connected to the elements around her.

"And what is it that brings you here?" Spero inquired, observing Terah's evident shock, as if he had just encountered a spirit, which, in fact, he had. But, he was well acquainted with this particular spirit. Gathering his composure, Terah decided to reveal his purpose without hesitation. "I'm getting married," he disclosed, ripping off the bandage of his revelation. To his surprise, Spero remained unperturbed. "In three days," Terah added, anticipating a stronger reaction from Spero, hoping that this revelation would provoke her in some way.

Spero continued walking past Terah, making her way back into the ocean. Terah called out to her, "Aren't you going to say something?" He waited anxiously, hoping for a meaningful response. Spero emitted a playful laugh. "Terah. Terah. Terah," she repeated his name three times, mimicking his own summoning chant. Terah understood the gravity of the situation he had unwittingly stepped into, and Spero's laughter only deepened his intrigue. She turned around, facing Terah with a smirk before completing a full turn. "Getting married to whom?" Spero asked rhetorically, knowing the answer already. But, Terah felt compelled to respond, "There's this girl, Muna. Our people arranged the marriage, and I didn't agree to it, yet they refused to listen because I couldn't provide them with a good reason..."

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