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E P I S O D E  2 8 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - e i g h t  :  H E A R T E N I N G

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E P I S O D E  2 8 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - e i g h t  :  H E A R T E N I N G

the practice match continued, in spite of the accident. senju and the coach had to be excused from the game before the match continue.

akashi senju is a very strong player, ryusei knows that. the boy isn't easily distracted; he's now questioning his own beliefs.

since senju was out of the game, every ikaizen player on court struggled to get the ball to land on the other side. they had began questioning if it's senju's absence that's making them struggle to keep up or it's kanto academy's libero that was making it harder for the ball to touch the opposing side's floor.

26 - 24 was what confirmed the winner of ikaizen vs kanto's practice match. coach yanai doesn't feel satisfied at that due to their first set being won out of sheer luck. but he could only be happy that they won their first practice match in the training camp.

"oh? takemichi?" murayama's hand stopped from bringing his water bottle to his mouth when he saw the bright yellow haired boy hastily removing his knee and elbow pads. "why are you in such a hurry?"

"i have to visit senju." takemichi responded as he successfully removed his pads, placing them on the bench. "can you please bring these back? thank you!"

the blond did not even wait for a response and immediately jogged his way out of the gymnasium, leaving murayama with his mouth hanging open.

"oh, so they're friends." yasushi coolly drank water from his bottle but then he was nudged to the side by fujio.

"shouldn't you be visiting the kid instead of takemichi? some athlete you are." the captain scoffed at him before passing by, ignoring yasushi's whining.

takemichi jogged to the main building — where ryusei told him where the clinic was when the boy was touring him around along with senju. the blond couldn't complete focus on the game as he was worried about senju's state.

it wasn't an abnormal occurrence for players to get injured or hurt during a game but that's exactly why coach yanai calls him angel. the boy would fuss and fret over every player he played against before that ended up being hurt or injured because of his team. the blond really has a soft spot for the unlucky ones — angel might as well be his first name.

takemichi huffed and puffed as he let his feet recognize the path to the clinic, which he soon found at the very end of the ground floor of the main building.

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