Little Spider

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~A/N~ Mentions of a LOT of blood/past child abuse/past sexual abuse/child left for dead

This was originally going to be a multi chapter fic but I decided it would be better as a one shot which is why it's a lot longer than my other one shots~

Peter said goodbye to his best friend Ned, before leaving and starting his trek back to Stark Tower, where he's been staying on the days his Aunt works late. He popped his headphones in and turned on his playlist, air drumming to the music.

He was around halfway to the tower when he stopped in his tracks, his enhanced senses picking up something. Blood. He smelt blood. It was strong, very strong, which meant there was probably a lot of it...

Going into hero mode, he ripped his headphones out and followed the smell of blood into an alleyway to his right. He started to pick up his pace, practically running down the alley as the smell got stronger. He stopped in front of a dumpster, where the smell of blood was the strongest.

He hesitantly opened the dumpster lid, afraid of what he would find. Inside the dumpster were a few trash bags with blood on them. Peter knew that there had to be something else, the blood smell was too strong for there not to be. Moving some of the bags, he saw a pool of blood at the bottom of the dumpster. There was blood all over the sides of the dumpster towards the bottom. He moved another bag and his heart dropped. A small bare foot was poking out from under the trash bags, bloodied like most of the dumpster.

He panickedly threw the rest of the bags out. Laying in the pool of blood at the bottom of the dumpster, was a small unconscious girl, who looked no older than three. She was curled up into a ball, her hair matted against her hair and dried blood on her face, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. Eyes widening, he managed to lean inside the dumpster and picked her up. He took off his jacket one handed and wrapped it around the small girl since it was starting to get cold out.

He ran all the way back to the tower, whispering to the girl, telling her that she was going to be okay and that he would get her help, the whole time wondering who could do something like this.

When he got to the tower, he took the elevator to Medical. "DR. BANNER!" He yelled once the elevator doors opened. He ran into one of the rooms and tried to put her down but her hands were gripping onto his shirt, preventing him.

"Peter? Wha-" Banner ran into the room confused, he stopped when he saw what was going on. "What happened?" He went over and helped Peter get himself free from the girl's grip and laid her down on the bed, immediately started medical procedures.

"I- I don't know... I just found her... She was in a dumpster, there was so much blood... So much..." He whispered the last two words. A few tears ran down his face as he watched Banner try to help the little girl.

"Why don't you go get Tony?" Banner said, not looking away from the small child on the bed.

Peter shook his head, sitting down on a chair next to the bed. "I want to stay..."

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to change Peter's mind, Banner nodded and continued what he was doing. "Jarvis, can you please tell Tony to come down here"

"Yes, Dr. Banner"

Peter watched as Banner stopped the little girl from bleeding, and Peter brushed a piece of hair out of her face. Tony came down not long later, he was confused and concerned when he saw Peter covered in blood from carrying the girl, and then he was even more concerned when he saw the little girl laying on the bed, also covered in blood.

Little SpiderWhere stories live. Discover now