Chapter six

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Aaron stood up so fast and then helps me up. I didn't dare look at him; I cant believe I let him kiss me. I seriously felt like crying.

My mom and Diane opened the door and we're laughing. "Oh, look at that you're both awake." She looks at me. "Thank you honey, you're such a life saver. I hope she didn't give you much trouble." She went through her purse and handed me thirty dollars.

I give her a small smile. "Thank you," I look at my mom, "Can we go I'm really tired."

"Of course," she smiles.

I went to the car while my mom stayed to say goodbye.

When we got home i went straight to my room, I changed and brushed my teeth. I turned off all of the lights and got in bed. Then i let it all out, i started crying. I can't believe i let him kiss me. I felt so stupid, that's just what he wanted because he knew he could get any girl. Now he got to kiss me, and I felt weak and dumb.That's all that went through my head.

The next morning i woke up with my eyes still red from crying last night. I took a shower and changed into some jean capri, a light blue long sleeved shirt with white converse. I grab my bag and drive to school.

I was kind of happy when i saw Logan wasn't at school yet because honestly i just wanted to be alone. I walk to the other side of the school close to my chemistry class. I sit on a bench and take some of my notes out.

"Hey," I hear a voice behind me.
I didn't have to turn around to know it was Aaron. He walks to the other side of the bench and just holds my stare.

"Let's just pretend nothing happened." I tell him looking back down at my notes.

"Cameron I can't just pretend it didn't happen, when its been going through my mind all night and morning."

"It was just a kiss, and its not going to happen again. So forget about it," i say not taking my eyes off my notebook.

He puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him. "I can't, you're different."

"That's what all guys say."

"Why are you like this?"

I look back down and get my stuff. "That's none of your business." With that i leave.

Chemistry one of my favorite classes became one of my least favorite. Mrs. Dean put everyone in partners for a science project that we have to complete in two weeks. She thought Aaron and I would make such good partners and put us together.

"So you probably don't want to talk to me but we kind of have to now," Cameron said rolling up his sleeves on his button up shirt.
"What project do want to do?"

I sigh. "We can make the Esters i guess."

"Ok sounds good," he wrote something in his notebook. "So should we do this at my house? Or yours?"

"Probably yours since i babysit your sister."

"Sounds good." He stares at me.


He smiles, "You're kinda beautiful you know that."

I just stare at him. "Mhm."

He shakes his head and sighs. The bell rang and i leave, practically ran out of there.

"Cam look I don't want things to be awkward between us-"

"It doesn't have to ok, that kiss never happened. Just let it go." I know I'm only lying to myself because whenever I see him that kiss would always come to mind.


"Aaron I really don't care."

His eyes looked like that they were hurt but it only looked like that for a moment. "Fine forget it. It never happened." With that he leaves me there in hallway.

"What's wrong with you?" Flow asked as she sat down at our usual table in the cafeteria. She raises her eyebrows waiting for my answer.

All I do is shake my head. "I'll tell you later. Logan is coming."

Logan is already looking me, I can tell he knows there's something wrong me. But my whole Aaron situation is not really something I want to discuss with him. Who knows what he would do to him if he knew he had kisses me. He dislikes Aaron because of how he treated girls like they were toys.
"What's wrong Cam?"

"Nothing I'm just tired, I got home late." Technically I wasn't lying, I was tired and sleepy.

We all turn around when we hear the comotion of the soccer players who were laughing about something none of knew about. I noticed Aaron there in the middle with an arm around Kate, a tall blonde girl who was very pretty. He caught me staring and smiled then kissed her.

I looked away. Another girl, just like me who let herself get kissed by him. Unlike me she's actually happy about it. She wanted it to happen.

Of course Aaron is just trying to trigger something in me a reaction, but I don't care less. I've always known he was this way, so I wasn't shocked. He can do whatever he wants with his life.

"He's so annoying can't he see we're eating." Flow says making a face.

"He doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything." I tell her noticing how harsh my voice sounded. "He only cares abou himself. He's such a self centered jerk."

Logan laughs and puts an arm around me. "And I was scared you were starting to like him."

I roll my eyes. "Not even if he was the last man alive. I only tolerate him because of his sister." I tell him leaning on his chest laughing. It was true I wouldn't like him even if he was the only guy alive. Last night was just a weak moment.

"You guys should just date already." Flow says pointing at both of us.

Logan and I laugh, I couldn't help but notice how Logan's cheeks turned into a light pink shade. "What? He's my best friend that would be wierd." I respond, feeling my cheeks burning.

Like it said Logan is very attractive at some point I did have a crush on him but we've been through alot but I couldn't risk our friendship. It was too important for me, he was too important.

"Flow shut up," Logan smiles trowing some lettuce at her.

She shrugs. "What? You guys would be perfect."

I shake my head. "You're funny."

I look up and meet Aaron's gaze, he then looks at Logan's arm that is still aroud me. He looks at me one more time before turning away. Again he pulls Kate closer and kisses her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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