Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“No mom, I’m not mad, I just would have wanted a heads up.” I told my mom.

She had barely given me the news that she was going to go out with her friend to the casino and that I’m in charge of taking care of her friend’s daughter. Usually I’m good with kids, but if they’re really annoying like my cousin Daniela, then I lose control and start yelling. So hopefully, this girl I’m going to babysit isn’t annoying or irritating.

My mom smiles, showing her dimples, she kind of looks like me or I should say. We both share the same dark black hair, high cheekbones and tannish skin. The only thing I inherited from my dad and distinguished me from my mom were my blue eyes whereas hers were honey colored, I kind of looked like Megan Fox but fifty times less attractive.

“I knew you’d understand, that’s why you’re my best daughter.” She says trying to make me feel good about myself.

I roll my eyes at her comment. “Maybe that’s because I’m your only daughter.”

My mom laughs. “That’s not my fault; you’re the one who didn’t want to have a brother or sister. So don’t come to me and complain about it.”

“I wasn’t complaining, and by the way I said that when I was seven. I didn’t know any better, but now I do want one. Don’t say you’re too old to have one because you’re not. You’re only thirty-four.” Yes it’s true, when I was seven, a child, of course I didn’t want to have another sibling. I wanted to be the spoiled one, the baby of the family. But at thirteen, my perspective changed, I wanted a little sister, one that I can do her hair and dress her up in pretty dresses. Actually I still do.

“I don’t know, we’ll see later. Finish your homework, we’re leaving at 7:00.” she commands, walking to her room.

When she says ‘we’ll see later’ it usually means: it’s not going to happen. I start my homework, lucky for me I didn’t have much of it. What can I say I’m an overachiever, I finish most it in class. When teachers give you time in class to do work, you should take it. It means more free time in the afternoon or in my case right now, to babysit.

So when it’s time to leave, I’m all done with my homework. I only take my satchel, which contains a bag of M&Ms, Hot Cheetos, a book, and my phone of course. I can survive the whole night with this.

When I come out of my room, I find my mom and dad dancing together to some slow song. Both of them laughing, it was kind of funny my dad was already in his pajamas , and my mom was all dressed up in lavender colored dress, ready for a night out. “What are you guys doing? “ I ask them, taking them by surprise.

My dad smiles, no looking embarrassed at all. My dad is pretty good looking; he has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. “This is a song I made for your mother back when we were dating. That’s actually me singing. Your mother just found it and wanted to dance.”

Now I start to laugh. “Oh my gosh dad, that’s you? I thought it was The Beetles or something. It sounds good.”

“Of course it sounds good; it’s your father singing. This is how he won me over.” my mom sighs happily as if remembering a flashback.

“I use to be in a band back then, those were the simpler times,” he says, wrapping his hands around my mom’s waist, “Until sadly our band broke up. Luckily I had your mom to make me feel better.” He smiles.

“You’re so sweet.” my mom said, tilting her head back, kissing him under kiss chin.

I love my parents I seriously do, but I’m not a big fan of them being all mushy in front of me. Makes me feel awkward just standing there looking at them, and makes me realize that I still don’t have someone. I’ve had a boyfriend before, but after he broke my heart. I decided that next time I date a guy I’d make sure it was the right guy and not tell Logan about if he does break my heart. Because last time it didn’t end well when I told him about my ex (it probably wasn’t the right moment to tell him, it had barely been a couple months after his dad died), let’s just say he was really close to getting a face reconstruction.

I roll my eyes and my dad smiles in enjoyment. He loves to see me suffer.

“Well,” my mom starts looking at her watch, “It’s time to leave. Bye honey.” She turns to my dad, giving him a kiss, while I just pretended I didn’t see anything.

“Bye.” my dad tells her after the kiss. He walks towards me, “Good luck, sweet-heart. Take care, ok? And remember patience; always keep that in mind when it comes to children.” He advices, messing up my hair.

I get out of his reach and smile. “Ok, thanks dad. I’ll keep that in mind. Bye.” I wave to him as I get out the door.

The night was not as windy as it this morning, but still quite chilly. But I was warm in my oversized tan woolen sweater and black skinny jeans, with brown combat boots.

We got at her friend’s house; it was a big house, two stories high probably. It was the color of a soft green-blue, with green pretty grass and rose bushes, and a big tree that I assume gave a lot of shade and had a tire swing hanging from it. From the where we were parked I couldn’t see the back, but I bet there would be more fancy things. “It’s a pretty house isn’t?” my mom compliments. “Maybe I’ll get lucky tonight and win a lot, and then we’ll be able to buy a house like this.”

My mom has always wanted a big house, me I love our house. It’s normal, quiet, cozy, and it was pretty too for a one story house. I told my mom once I became rich and famous as an actress; I’d buy her the biggest house with everything else she wants in it.

We got out of the car and went to the front porch, where my mom rang the doorbell. Minutes later a lady opened the door, she was a middle aged woman, with light brown hair, and green eyes. I assumed she was my mom’s friend because she was wearing a dress and looked ready for the night out as well.

“Hi there Diane, are you ready?” My mom asked her.

The lady, Diane, nodded and smiled. “Of course, I’m ready to go out as a single lady again. No more yelling at me for coming too late.” TMI, lady. Most likely she just got divorced or broke up with her boyfriend. She turns to me and smiles. She had familiar eyes, I’ve seen them before. “I’m sorry; you didn’t have to hear that. You must be Cameron; your mom has told me a lot about you. A straight A student, has responsibility, you’re a disciplined young lady. I only wish my son was like you.” She sighs. “Well come in, let me show you where all the things are at.”

We enter the house, which looks normal like any other house would look like from the inside. The living room was bigger than my room was though, there was a big Plasma TV, couches on both sides of the room, a table in the middle, another table on the right side of the room with a lamp, and there were picture frames of her children I guess on the wall and on shelves.

“Sophie! Come meet your babysitter!” she calls her daughter.

A little girl, about three years old, came running from upstairs. She was a cute little girl, with gray eyes and dark brown hair; she was wearing a gray and white sweater and soft blue pants with bunny slippers. When she saw us, she Instantly hid behind her mom.

“Sophie don’t be shy, this is Cameron, say hi.”

Sophie looks at me and gives me a shy smile. “Hi.”

I smile back. “Hi there, cutie.”

“Well you’ve met, the kitchen is right there,” she points to the left side of the room where there swinging doors, “She probably won’t want to eat for another hour or so. You can just give her milk and Oreos, she usually likes eating that. After that just brush her teeth and she probably won’t go to sleep until 10:00. You can help yourself with anything that’s in the fridge, that’s probably all you need to know. But if you have any questions, my cellphone number is on the fridge. Thank you for babysitting by the way, we’ll be back before you know it.”

I nod to let her know I got everything she said. “Don’t worry, take your time and have fun. Oh, before you leave can I use your bathroom?” I ask when you gotta go you got to go. And well I didn’t want to go when I was babysitting, what if something happens to her while I’m in the bathroom, I couldn’t take that risk.

“Of course, it’s the third door on the left.” she informs, pointing upstairs.

I quickly make my way up there, trying to be fast. Once I find the third door, I open it and find myself something unexpected.

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