Chapter five

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“Oh come on honey, Sophie loved you. She wants you to be her permanent babysitter. Then Diane does need someone responsible to take care of her daughter, because she has to go out a lot.” My mom explains to me. She’s been trying to convince me to be Sophie’s permanent babysitter, the little girl is great she is calm, but Aaron is the problem. I don’t want to see him and well he’s still mad at me.

“Mom, but-” I start to say, not even knowing what I was going to say.

“She said she was going to pay you, if it’s the money your worried about,” my mom cuts me off, “come on I already told her you’d love too.”

I groan. I wasn’t going to get out of this no matter how hard I try. “Ok, when do I have to start babysitting?” I ask.

My mom gives me a naïve smile. “Today.”

“Can we dance again?” Sophie asked me, jumping up and down. She looked down at her light green tutu, fixing it.

“Um sure, what do want to dance?”

She puts a finger on her chin. “Um can you teach me a dance.” She asked, looking hopeful and excited at the same time.

Crap. I don’t know how to dance; she’s asking the wrong person. Well there is one dance I can do… “Do you know how to dance The Macarena?” I know, easiest dance ever, but that’s just how I am.

“The maka what?”

Before her time. “Look, just do what I do? You put both arms in front of you, then, you turn one to the other side…” I continue. I show her step by step.

For a three year old she got the steps down really fast. She kept laughing when I did the part where you shake your butt. I guess for children her age butt shaking was hilarious.

“Oh quit laughing, I know I’m no ballerina like you. As for dancing this is as far as I know.”

“Are you sure?” Sophie asked, looking up at me.


Then all of a sudden her face lights up. “Have you heard about One Direction?”

I laugh. “Don’t tell me you have One Direction Infection.” I think that’s what it’s called.

She starts nodding excitedly. “Yes, Harry is so cute.”

I have no idea who this Harry was, I mean I’ve seen their posters everywhere, but there are too many of them to actually remember their names. The blonde one stands out, and the only reason I remember their name is because his name is Niall like the Nile River even though it’s not spelled the same.

“Have you seen their new video, Best Song Ever? They have this dance towards the end and I’ve learned it!”


“You have to see it there is the computer, search it!”

“Ok. Just give me a second.” I type in the name and click on the first video. At first I didn’t get it, but I saw Sophie laughing when she saw it, not sure if she actually got it or because of the disguises they were wearing.

“So, which one is cute for you?” she asked, halfway in the video.

“Um, the blond I guess.” Well for me he was the cute one, and he stood out from the rest.

“Here’s the part, come on Cam dance with me.”

This little girl can dance; she was in tune with every move, while me on the other side was always a second too late.

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