Beware; for I am fearless and therefore powerful - Mary Shelley

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"It's, so hot," I heave.

It's been 16 days since we left the Zone. 15 days since I learned how to swim. 14 days since I learned how to use 4-D, 13 days since we nearly got killed by a satanic cult. And 10 hours since we drank the last of our water. To say that this has been the biggest journey of my life would be an understatement. To say I was unhappy and snappy, would too, be putting it lightly.

"We've got to keep going, we've still got 2 hours or so of daylight until we are done with Wyoming, and we still need to find a supermarket that has bottled water or something," Oliver says.

"I'm going to die of heatzation," a groan

"Heatzation?" Kim questions sarcastically.

"Please, pray tell what Heatzation is."

"It's what I'm going to die from," I respond gruffly

"So it's a mix between heat exhaustion and, what exactly...?"

"You know what-!"

"Angel!" Oliver cajoles.

I sigh. "I'm sorry Kim."

"Look, we're all on edge right now, but according to the sign back there, there should be an exit off this highway to the next town very soon. Until then, can we all just shut up? I'm going to walk ahead even though I'm going to feel just so miserable without you, but then again it's almost like having you here."

"You know what Oliver, I've never actually forgotten a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception once this is all over," I retort.

"Gee really no please don't," he responds sarcastically.

"Yeah, look, I'm sorry but it's self-preservation and all. Because while some people bring happiness wherever they go, for you, it's whenever you go."

"Hey, Kim?" Oliver asks, "What's that quote again? If at first, you don't succeed, it's only 'attempted' murder?"

"Hey Drax," I seethe, "If we die out here, remind me that I'm in hell, otherwise it would take me a month to figure out I wasn't just talking to Oliver."

"You know what Eden," he laughs

"What?" intoned back.

"I don't actually understand your specific kind of crazy, but I do admire your commitment to it. God knows you won't commit to anything else," he rolls his eyes.

"You guys seriously need to just screw each other already. You have problems," Drax laughs.

"I really don't have a problem with him. So long as he doesn't talk to me, look at me, or is anywhere near me, and I don't see or hear his name."

"I'm 99% sure you don't like me, but I'm also 100% sure I don't care."

"I've met quite a few pricks in my life, but you Oliver, and are bloody cactus."

He laughs. "We've retreated to playground insults now have we? 5 minutes into a conversation with you and I already want to kill myself."

"When I say, 'agree to disagree, what I mean is: I would love to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my own ass."

"Even with my head up my arse, I have more of a chance of finding the stone, than going one whole day where you are completely pleasant."

I don't respond.

"Did you hear him?" Kim chuckled.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm listening. It just takes me a sec to process so much stupid all at once."

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