I don't care who you are or what you've done. I want you in my bed - Anne Rice

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"Hey Scott, looking hot as always," I smile and step closer to him.

"I was just telling Eden how amazing you are," Kim joined me.

"She wasn't lying," I purred and wrapped an arm around his neck.

"I really wasn't," she nodded her head and wrapped both his arms around his neck.

"Off," I ensnare her will.

"Hey did you just ordinate her?" Scott pushed me off him.

"Pardon Moi?" I cooed while walking back to him.

"Ordinate. The Visitors mind controlling someone to do their bidding."

"If you mean suggested," I dazed, mesmerised by his green eyes. "Yeah. I did." "

It's fine," Kim smiled and laid her hand on his cheek. "All that matters is us."

"No Scott," I bump Kim away with my hip. "Us."

"What about Oliver," Scott asks.

"It's okay," I responded eagerly. "He's my past. You're my future."

"And mine," Kim captures his attention.

"He wants me," I snarl at her.

"As if," she pushes me back. "He's attracted to me." In our distractions, Scott seems to want to play a game and dashes off inside.

"See," I pointed to his running. "He's trying to get away from you."

"No," she raises her voice. "He's trying to get away from you."

"Scott," I sing and Kim and I run after him.

"Angel, hey," Oliver grabs me by the arms as we return to the atrium. "Hey," he waves his hand in front of my face, but I'm too concerned with finding Scott.

"Kim's not listening to me," Drax calls over to Oliver.

"Neither's Eden," he searches my body thoroughly.

"Stop," I swat at his hands.

"I'm saving myself for Scott. Where is he?" He kisses me firmly on the lips. "What do you think you're doing!"

"Nothing!?" Oliver calls over to Drax.

"Get off me," I grunt and push him firmly backwards.

A feather floats through the air, and both Oliver and I follow it with our gaze to the ground before it touches softly. It's then that we both look up simultaneously and see an eagle flapping its wings as silently as possible. Scott. I slowly bring my gaze back to Oliver, for the slightest of moments I forgot about Scott. I forgot about everything.

But then Kim's footsteps running upstairs broke me away from my trance and I darted in pursuit after her. We were both panting doubled over after making it to the top. In most of the walls or balconies, there were large, unfenced openings leading straight to the ground 350ft - give or take - below. But in my distraction to grasp for air, I felt a warm body fly on top of mine before sitting on top and pinning my arms above my head.

"Get off me!" I fight wildly.

"No. You're deranged."

"You're just jealous that I love Scott now."

"You don't love Scott," Oliver laughs.

"It's the truth," I feel the need to defend myself.

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde."

"I'll show you wild if you don't let me go," I grunt and try to push against him again. Again he laughs at me.

"Calm down and control yourself." I relax my whole body and feel his grip loosen slightly.

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