Chapter 2//jealousy

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Chapter 2 guys, keep on reading and let me know what you think!
Ashley benson with be playing the role of Lucy Darwin

Why am I lying next to Cameron? What the fuck? It's my bestfriends sister- hot sister but still that's weird! Just as I was about to get up its just my luck that Michael walked in to see if Cameron knew where I was..
"What the fuck Ashton?!" He pulled me off of the bed, Cameron woke up due to the shouting and looked kinda scared.
"Dude look I don't even know what I was doing, I must have been so drunk because I can't remember anything and-"
"You guys threw him out of the bed so I said he could sleep in my bed, nothing happened mickey chill" cam piped up. She got up and left the room along with Michael leaving me there by myself thinking about how cute she looked in those pyjamas. God damn it Ashton!

"Mickey, how about I take us all out for breakfast?" I gave a slight smile to my brother as he nodded his head ferociously. We shoved on some clothes and I took a drive down town to a nice little café where we sat and had breakfast together.
"So cam.. One of your friends were there last night, I don't know her name but she looked fucking hot and I want her number." Calum chuckled a bit, he was definitely talking about Lucy, she was the prettiest girl in our friendship group! She had long blond hair and big blue eyes, she was quite small but slender with a lovely figure.
"uh yeah I'll talk to her if you want? But you'll just need to be extra nice to me" I winked at him in a joking manner, Ashton's face went a bright shade of red as he clenched his fists.
"Ew Calum that's my sister" Michael screwed up his face.
"Hot sister" Calum laughed and Ashton got up and stormed out.
"What's his deal?" Calum said as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I have no clue I'll go talk to him" Luke got up from his seat and went after Ashton. He didn't return for about 20 minutes when they both walked through the door, Ashton sat down in his seat and let out a huge sigh and didn't speak for the rest of the night. God only knows what his deal is!

I was picking up Luke and Calum to go to school on Monday when they told me Ashton wasn't going in, when I asked them why Luke said "he's got an appointment" but Calum said "he's got a lot of homework due today and doesn't want to hand it in" I mean why the fuck are they lying to me?
"Well basically I think she's the hottest person in our year and I will definitely be tapping that" Calum and Luke were talking about Lucy, and how Calum has been texting her the past few days,
"Calum no one says 'tap that' anymore for gods sake" I laughed and so did Luke.
Michael was away to a guys holiday with all the men in the family, they go away for a month each year to have a break from all the women, it seems to really help everyone in our family but my mums away on a business trip all next week so I'll be home alone.
"Hey I'll drop you guys off at school, I need to run to the shop and since I have my first two periods off its the perfect time" I said to the boys as I pulled up outside the school.
"Thanks cam!" Calum shouted and Luke gave me a thumbs up signalling a thank you.

I drove to Ashton's house, since dinner on Saturday he's been ignoring me and avoiding me, like all the guys came to say goodbye to Michael but he didn't, it's his bestfriend and I don't know if ihe's avoiding me or Michael but I'm going to find out.
"Hey Mrs Irwin is Ashton in?" His mum let me in and directed me to his room, and there we was, lying under his covers.
"Ash" I said softly as he looked up, acknowledging my presence.
"Oh uh hey cam, why are you here?" He mumbled while sitting up giving me space to sit down.
"Your friends are really bad liars, get dressed we are going a drive" I pulled at his arm so he would get up which he reluctantly did, once he was dressed we hopped into the car and I drove off.
"So, why you avoiding me?" I asked occasionally glancing at him but mostly focusing on the road. He didn't answer, that's it.
I pulled the car to a hault and turned off the engine. I turned round and he was staring at me.
"What are you staring at?"


God she was beautiful. I couldn't help but think of kissing her right there and then. But I knew I couldn't, just then the car came to a stop and she was looking at me
"What are you staring at?" She looked angry
"Nothing cam, why did you even come and get me anyway? I mean we never speak and I think you know there's a reason for that." I said sharply. Shit! Why do I do that? I always push people away and I never mean it!!
She didn't say anything, she just started the car and dropped me off at my house, when she stopped the car she didn't bother to turn off the engine and when I stepped out the car she sped off barely giving me time to get my feet on the ground. What the fuck have I just done?


I walked into English where Calum and Luke were sitting with a seat empty for me, Lucy was beside the missing space and she was infront if Calum. I didn't speak I just sat down and took out my notepad starting to scribble down the notes on the bored. Luke tapped my shoulder,
"What's up?" He gave me a reassuring smile as I told him the basic gist of what had happened.
"He's such a dick why would he do that? All you were doing is looking out for him." He huffed and turned to Calum to tell him the rest of the story, when Calum found out he seemed quite annoyed too.
"We will talk to him cam don't worry about it, he's probably on his man period!" He chuckled a bit and Lucy chuckled a bit aswell with him.
"Mr. Hood, you can wait behind in detention with Miss. Darwin" Calum and Lucy looked at each other smirking as I got lost in my thoughts about how Michael was doing.

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