Chapter 3// Teen Spirit

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chapter 3 guys! keep reading and let me know what you guys want to see.




It was Thursday, last period, and I was in history. With Ashton. Our teacher was babbling on about the Great War but all I could focus on was the fact Ashton was staring at me. Ive not spoken to him since his outburst of being an asshole, so I don't understand why he was staring at me.

"Cameron?" Mrs Hammel said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes miss?" I smiled towards her as she looked at me in anger.

"detention, for you and your friend Mr. Irwin." she barked at me, continuing on with her lesson. Great I was now stuck with Ashton for an extra hour after school. Oh I can't wait for this!

I was sitting trying to look over notes from the previous period when I felt someone sitting down next to me, I didn't even need to look up to know it was Ashton. He was very close to me, I could feel his hot breath on the exposed skin at my neck, I didn't look at him but I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. It was so hard to focus when all I could think about was why the fuck he was staring at me.

"Do you have a problem?" I glared at him, he just looked back in pure sadness and guilt. "Im waiting?" I pushed for an answer.

"I-uh-I I wanted to-uh- I wanted to apologise" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the table. I just looked at him, no emotion, just looking waiting for him to continue. "Truth is, I tend to push people away. I don't mean it, it just sort of happens. Honestly Cameron I don't mean it and I truly am sorry!" He did genuinely look sorry, he looked guilty for the way he treated me but I can't just forgive him that easy.

"Look Ashton, you were such an asshole to me in my car when all I wanted to do was look out for you" I had spent the past few days with Calum, and I had phoned Michael to tell him about what Ashton had said to me. He sounded pissed when I told him but it would all work itself out in the end, and that I couldn't wait to see him, and that I loved him. "Basically Ash all I can say is that you really hurt me and I don't know if I want to be friends with someone like that." He pleaded and begged for the rest of detention until I agreed to let him come over to try and sort it out, He claims that he wants to make it up to me.

I was with in the house by myself, listening to my spotify playlist on shuffle. I was making some food with Smells Like Teen Spirit playing loud in the background. It was so loud that I didn't hear the doorbell, next thing I knew I heard someone laughing. I turned around and it was Ashton.
"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.
"Well I'm here to talk, macca I'm sorry for the way I treated you, and I'm sorry for being such a dick it's just-" he stopped talking and walked towards me, his face was inches from mine and I couldn't help but glance between his lips and his eyes until our eyes locked and he started speaking again. "All the way through school I've had to sit and listen to all the guys talk about you, talk about how fit you are and what they would do to you, but I could never say anything because then Michael would know" he paused for a minute before speaking again, I was completely mesmerised as his eyes never left mine once, "you know what fuck it I'm going to do what I have always wanted" just as he said that his lips came crashing down on mine and one of his hands rested on my lower back, pulling me into him, and the other on my face as if to be treasuring my kiss. I enjoyed the gentle feel of his lips but the kiss ended too quickly for my liking as he pulled away.

"What was that?" I asked in utter shock. He didn't answer me but just kissed me again this time deepening the kiss, he flicked his tongue on my bottom lip before roaming my mouth. I found my hands tangled up in his hair as he lifted me up on the the kitchen counter. His lips trailed soft kisses down my jaw until he reached my neck and from there he started sucking and nibbling on my skin causing me to fumble little moans of enjoyment.
"Come on babygirl lets take this upstairs" he whispered in my ear. He took me by the hand and led my up stairs into my room, as soon as I was through the door I was being pushed up against the wall. He kissed me so eagerly, it was as if he needed to kiss me, like if he didn't he would die. " I need you so much Cameron, please I need you now, Im not up for all the teasing and messing around I need to get straight down to it. I need you, please" He mumbled into my ear, god I never knew I had such an effect on him. We stumbled onto the bed and he was on top of me leaving trails of kisses all down my body, When my phone started ringing.

I looked at the caller ID and it was Luke, "hey Luke whats up?" I asked trying not to sound too flustered.

"Well uh me and Calum are outside your house, we thought it would be a good idea to come and chill with you tonight, we spoke to your mum and she said it was fine and that we could stay if we wanted considering you rive us to school everyday anyway. But we've been knocking the door for ages and you haven't came to the door, are you out or something?" Wow this boy could talk.

"Uh no I'm in the house, I just locked the door so no one could get in, wouldn't want anyone coming to steal me now would we" I chuckled joking around. Ashton must have locked the door when he came in, god damn that boy. Ashton looked at me with wide eyes as he heard me tell Luke I was in the house. he scurried to his feet trying to figure a way to get out without the guys seeing him

"So could you maybe let us in? We have all your favourite munchies" Shit we are fucked, "Hey cameron have you seen ashton, his cars outside your house" Luke said confused. Now we really are screwed!

"Nope not seen him since he was a complete and utter douche I mean I seen him in school but thats it, give me 2 minutes until I put some clothes on then Ill come let you guys in. See ya" I hung up the phone quickly looking at Ashton, both of us trying to figure out a plan when his phone started ringing, it was Luke, FUCK. He didn't pick up the phone though. I told Ashton to wait in my room until me and the boys left, I was going to try and get them out the house to do something I don't know what yet but I will figure it out.

I walked to the door and let the boys in and letting them set their things on the dining table. They agreed to come to the shop to get juice with me which would I've Ashton the perfect escape time. We left and Luke was telling me about how Ashton didn't pick up his phone when he called,

"Luke I don't care, Ashtons been a dick so I don't care what he does." I was sick of Luke talking about him, my head was all over the place and it was because of him he was the last thing  I want to think about just now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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