Chapter Ten

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Finneys POV:

Me and the group were walking into school right now. Something was off..

"Is it just me or do i feel like everyone is staring at us right now.." Bruce said. "No i feel like that too." Griffin said. "Hey atleast people are finally noticing you Griffy." Billy says while smiling. Griffin gave him a nasty look and shook his head.

We were still walking when a kid comes up to us. "Oh my god, oh my god! Bruce is it true!?!" The kid says while getting all up in Bruce's face. "Hey back up." Vance says while walking closer to Bruce and the kid. "Is what true?" Bruce says confused.

"The instagram picture! Are they actually dating?" The kid asked with his eyes wide open. The whole group went silent and looked at me and Robin.

"No the rumor isn't true asshats." Robin says. "Oh.. that's not what the posters say around school." The kid says while laughing. "What posters?" Vance asked. "Look for yourself, it's upstairs down the hall." The kid says, still laughing and walking off.

Me and the whole group look at each other and run to see. "OUT OF THE WAY!" Vance tells as we are all running. We had to run a long time because it was upstairs. Griffin almost fell twice. Billy already fell because he tripped on his shoelace."Get up Billy!!" Griffin yelled. "GOD DAMN!" Billy yelled back. We all stopped when we got to the poster. Me and Robin walked up to it. "What the fuck.." I said.


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"Even if me and Finn were dating, why the hell would they care so much?!?" Robin yells. "I don't know.." Billy says. "Hold on.. DAMNN I LOOK SO GOOD." I say. "HOLD ON THEY PICKED MY BEST PICTURES FOR REAL." Robin agrees. "Oh my god.." Bruce says while face palming himself.


The bell rang and we all went to class. As me and Robin walked into our first period class. EVERYONE was staring and whispering at us. "Oh shit i forgot i sit next to Tiffany right now. She helped make the paper!" I say leaning in so I can whisper to Robin . "Oh fuck.." Robin said.

"I thought she liked you?" Robin whispered to me. We had to whisper everything so she wouldn't hear. We were now sitting in our seats with me leaning back so I could talk to Robin. "I think she still does, she messaged me not that long ago on instagram." I said back. "Do you like her back?" Robin asked. "What? No! Of course not." I said. "Good morning class!!" Mrs J said. I leaned back forward so the teacher wouldn't catch us talking.

*Time skip after school*

Griffin POV:

"Hey Griffin, do you want to hang out today? Billy asked me. "Sure." I said back. Me and Billy have gotten along very well for the past few months. We knew each other before summer started but not that well. We started to walk to my house.

Once we got to my house we walked in and saw Vance. "Oh hey Showalter." Vance said while jumping on the couch. "How the hell did you get here so fast?!" I asked. "I ran." He replied. "Okay whatever." I responded.

"Wait why is Vance here?" Billy asked. "He's my step-brother, did i not mention that?" I said. "UH NO??" Billy yelled a bit. "OH OKAY WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" I said also yelling. "I don't know." He said back in his normal tone. "Anyway, me and Vance have the same mom but not dad. My dad was nice while his dad is still a giant asshole." I said while taking my shoes off.

"Oh i'm sorry about that Vance." Billy said. "It's okay." He said back. Vance went up to his room. "Mom should be home soon Griffin!!" Vance yelled from upstairs. "Okay!!" I said back.

Me and Billy go upstairs to my room. I showed him around and then we sat on my bed. We decided that we would play 2 truths and a lie.

*10 minutes later of them playing 2 truths and a lie (still playing btw)

"Okay my turn." Billy says. "Okay so.. 1. i like you, 2. i have a dog, and 3. my favorite color is pink" He asks. Woah wait did he just say he liked me?! Or maybe that's the lie? "Hmm is the lie that you like me..?" I asked. "My favorite color isn't pink, it's orange." He says while smiling. "Oh okay.. my turn! 1. i like you back, 2. my stepbrother is Vance, and 3. i'm popular in school.

"Well i know Vance is your stepbrother. And your definitely not popular in school." Billy starts. I laughed a bit. "So does that mean.." He says. "Mhm." I nod my head.

"Can i kiss you?" Billy asks. I nod my head, of course. He grabbed the side of my face and slowly kisses me. I put my hand on the back of his head. I would rotate my head a bit every second and he would do the same.

After about 15 seconds, we pull away. We smiled at each other for a bit then shared a nice hug. "So does that mean you'll be my boyfriend?" He asked me. "Of course i will, Billy." I said while smiling. I pecked him on the lips again then we layed down on my bed.

I put my head on his chest as he played with my hair. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure he says back. He pulled out his phone and we browse for movies to watch. We decided that we would rewatch disney movies.

After a while of watching movies we went back downstairs because it was time for him to leave. "Thanks for having me. I had a lot of fun." He said while waving bye to me. "Bye Griffin" he said. "And bye Vance!!" He shouted a bit because he was far away. "Bye Billy!!" Vance yelled back. "See you tomorrow." I said. He kissed my cheek and started to walk away.

I went back inside and decided that I would hang out with a Vance for a bit.

After about 3 hours of hanging out with Vance. I was getting tired. "I'm gonna go to bed Vance." I yawned. "Alright goodnight." He said. "Night." I said back.

I walk upstairs and get ready. I brush my teeth, put my pjs on, and put my phone on the charger. I layed down that night thinking about how Billy Showalter is my boyfriend now. I smiled as i drifted off into a deep sleep.


tysm for reading this chapterrr and i hope you enjoyed!

these chapters might have mistakes in them because i mostly write these at like 4am before i'm about to go to sleep. 😭 anyways, i love you guys sm!!❤️❤️

1164 words🔥

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