Late Night Stalker

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😎✨Y/N'S POV✨😎

Unfortunately for me, I had just woke up from MULTIPLE nightmares, and I had enough with them, so I decided to take a late night walk even though it was 1:43 in the morning

I put on a long sleeve black shirt and being that it was gonna be cold outside, and some leggings cause they're comfy

I grabbed the keys from my room, the left to go outside, locked the door back, and then I began my walk

"Damn it's colder than I expected, I should've put more clothes on, whatever, guess I'll stay out here for less than I intended"

Eventually, I began to walk for about thirty minutes, then begging to get the feeling that I was being watched, though I tried to ignore that fact and keep on walking, though I would rather go home, though I can't cause that would be dangerous

I began to take another route towards another place, but eventually, things took a quick wrong turn almost right as I did it cause someone just grabbed both of my wrists and wouldn't let go, and at the moment, I felt too weak to fight back, so I was in big trouble


"Nope, you tricked me, so I'll punish you for that, but aren't you supposed to be stronger than this?"

"Yes but I'm too tired to fight.. But you filthy whore! Let me the fuck go now you bitch!! I don't like you and I never with you stupid pervert! I told you I was lying so just deal with it!"

"Well cause you did that, we're going back to my place for your punishment"

"What?! No!! LET ME GO NOW!"

"Shut up, someone might hear you"


"I told your ass no!" And then he slapped my face

"You fucking bitch.. DIDN'T I TELL YOUR ASS TO ME GO?! SO DO IT!" Then I kicked him in the crotch for revenge, but unfortunately, I thought that it would make him loosen up, it only made his grip tighten, and his nails dig into my wrists

"Damn.. I'll need to punish you even harder I guess!"


He began to ignore me, and dragged me tightly into an alleyway where there were random trash bags just laying on the ground

"I need to shut your ass up, hope you don't mind babe"



"That's so much better, isn't it hun?"

"Mmmm...!" I was desperate to get out, squirming around while struggling, praying for someone to just be outside and help me out, but there was a low likely chance of that happening

But just my luck, someone was there to help


"Shut up you stupid brat! You're so annoying! Quit you muffled whines and cried for help and shut your dumbass u-" then he fell to get ground, and I fell after him

"You alright miss?" Said the mystery man who helped me

He was taller than my brother who was 6'1, so I assumed he was at least 6'3 or 6'4 ft tall, I saw a lifting up blotch of yellow in the middle of his hair, with the rest being black, and he had vibrant yellow/ golden eyes with the look of a sly ass cat tryna do some shit

I began crying after I shortly processed what happened, and I shook my head no

"Lemme get this off your mouth" Then the man bent over, took his nail, dug it in the trash bag, and broke it open, giving me the capability of speaking

"Th-thank you sir.. Thank you so much for helping me out.. I don't know what would have happened if it weren't for you.. I probably wouldn't have seen my big brother ever again.."

"It's alright, but what's a pretty lady like you doing here alone at night? You saw what just happened and the dangers of roaming alone in the middle of the night, and I'm sure you knew them before hand, so why?"

"I woke up from lots of nightmares earlier tonight, and I was tired of it, so I left my home to take a walk but that man you just knocked out was a waitress that kept on hitting on me last night at the restaurant when my two friends and big brother brother was there, he was gonna serve me my food first and purposely take a long time to serve them cause they were my childhood friends that were boys and my big brother is very over protective of me, so I tricked him into thinking I was gonna kiss his cheek if he served us at the same time, but when the time came, I told him I was lying and my brother would have killed me if I even dared, and then he walked off looking all sad"

"You seem like a strong girl, how'd you get caught?" He asked while taking apart the trash bag on my ankle

"I was tired at the moment, so he took my wrists and held a tight grip on them, I was still a little fatigued from my sleep too and there was nothing that I could do to escape, so I kicked his crotch area but that only made his grip tighten on my wrist and his nails dig deep in them.."

After that, he took off the trash bag on my wrists and saw how badly my hands were bruised up

"Holy shit.. He has your wrists looking like they're about to bleed"

"I know.. They hurt real bad, but thank you for taking those trash bags off of my ankles, wrists and mouth, everything hurts so badly, I owe you one man"

"That thank you is enough for me, I don't need anything else"

"I don't care, here, I always carry stuff with me, take a fifty man, have a nice night, thanks once more!"

"Uh- yea, no problem lady.."

The man took the waitress with him, and walked the other way, while I went back to my home which luckily wasn't too far

'Shit, it hurts to walk'

Soon enough, I made it back home and opened the door to see my worried big brother frantically looking around for me


"Onii-chan.. I was so scared..." I said, running up to him, hugging him tightly and crying

"Shit Y/n.. what the hell happened? Your face has a deep red strike around your mouth and your wrists look like they're about to bleed, and you were limping when you came home, did someone do something to you??"

My voice was begging to hurt after all my yelling and screaming for help, so I just nodded, but I knew I'd have to speak more, so I thought I'd have to find a way to cut it short

"Tell me what the hell happened"

"T-tomorrow, my voice hurts right now.."

"Shit, this must've been bad, alright, get some rest, but first thing you wake up, if I'm not awake, wake me up, if I am, come talk to me about it, I don't care, I need to know what happened, alright?"

I nodded my head okay, and went to my room to change into night clothes, and went straight back to sleep

Hanma Shuji x !Fem¡Reader, Draken's younger sister: In Love With the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now