Contemplating Thoughts and Denial (Full Part)

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😎✨Y/N'S POV✨😎

Still pondering on whether I like Hanma or not, I was laying in my bed, fully confused, and was almost fully incapable of rest, though eventually, my brother came in the room to check up on me

"Hey Y/n, what's wrong? I can tell something's up with you" Draken asked a bit worried for me

"Something wrong with meeee?? Noooo..." I lied, too embarrassed to tell him the truth

"Y/n, don't lie to me"

"I'm not...?"

Draken raised an eyebrow in suspicion, knowing that I was lying, and decided to walk to me and shake me until he got it out of me

"Y/n, tell meeee" Draken said while vigorously shaking me

"TeEeElLlL yOu WhAt???"

He stopped shaking me and looked at me with pure disappointment and disgust "Really, Y/n"

After that, my facade of 'nothing is wrong with me right now' broke, and I gave him a question that slightly gave it away "You like Emma, what does that feel like..?"

"Well it feels li- WAIT, DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE?!" Draken asked in shock

I began to lie again out of embarrassment "no..."

"Who is it? I wanna know who you like!"

"I don't like anyone!"

"Y/n, stop lying to me and just be honest"

I began to sigh and then look him in his eye, wondering if I really should tell him, though eventually, I did

"That's the thing, Draken, I don't even know if I do like him or not..."


"I can't say, cause if I figured out I do like him and I can't date him cause you didn't approve, I'd probably be heartbroken"

"Fair, but I need you to tell me"

"I won't, but I just need you to tell me what you feel like when you like or live someone"

"Fine, it feels like.. like this weird sense of Euphoria when you're around them, if you know you like them that is.. If you don't know, you'll only feel your heart speed up when you're around them, and butterflies in your stomach"

"oh.. do you like the feeling..?"

"Feels weird and all, but kinda.. It's pretty nice.."

"Oh, okay"

"You really don't know if you like this mystery person?"

"Nope, I mean.. I don't think I do, but I have all these.. 'Symptoms' you just named"

"Then you like them"

"What if I don't wanna like him?"

"Then you have to find a way to stop or just accept that you like him"

"Damn.. Alright"

I began to look around for my stuffed animal Foxy that Hanma had won for me, but I forgot I let him have her for the night, so I stopped, though instead of Draken leeaving my room, he stayed and began to ask me another question

"Sis, where uhm, the uh- th-"


"Yea, where's that?"

"Don't consider Foxy as a 'that' consider her as what she is, both a fox and a girl"

"Alright, sorry, but where's Foxy"

"Hanma- I mean Shuji has her"

"Did you just call Shuji, Hanma? And how the hell would he have Foxy-?"

I stayed quiet so I wouldn't give him any ideas, but unfortunately for me I accidentally did the one thing I DIDN'T wanna do

"Wait.. Is it Shuji you like?!"

"What?! No! Preposterous!!"

"Oh hell no, it IS Shuji!! You like Shuji!"

"No, I don't!!"

"I know you do cause you're going against your own words! You told me you didn't know if you liked them or not! Now your mind is set on declining the fact that you don't like him!"

'Shit.. Of course he found out...'

"Y/n, you know we're against him, right?" He asked me in slight concern

"Yes.." I admitted, just wanting this conversation to end

"Then why do you like him?" Draken questioned

"I don't fucking know!! And again, I don't like him.."

Draken sighed in concern, then looked at me "You just don't realize it yet Y/n.."

"Whatever you say.. If his gang loses, and they join with us, I'll see what I can do to get you two together if you'd like.. Sure I'm currently his enemy, but he did save you.. So I commend him for that.."

I begin to blush a bit of the thought of me and Hanma being together, but I then shake it off and act as if nothin had happened "yea yea, whatever..."

"So why does he have Foxy? And when did he get her?"

"I was at school with Yama-sama and the rest of the Mizo-Five and Kazu-Kun burst through the door saying he needed Takemitchi, but he let me go with, he took us to Vvalhalla base and Baji was beating up Chifuyu, I asked him to hold Foxy cause I had her with me, and he did so, a little later I finished whatever I did and I looked up to see him cuddling with Foxy, what he did was pretty cute..."

Draken looks at me and then raises an eyebrow when he hears me say that what Hanma did was pretty cute

"ANYWAYS, I asked him for Foxy back and he was a cute blushing mess.." I had realized I called him a cute blushing mess so I quickly attempted to make him forget what I said "I- UH- JUST FORGET I SAID THAT, I MEANT NORMAL BLUSHING MESS, NOT CUTE!!" I began to rant, starting to blush myself

"Yea, whatever"

"Later before I left, he started to blush, then asked me if he could have Foxy for the night and give her back to me, I agreed and told to give her back to me tomorrow at 2:00PM, he agreed and I'll be meeting up with him tomorrow, but don't take that the wrong way!!"

"Alright, hope you have fun on your date"

"I said don't take that the wrong way, dumbass!!"

"I know, and I don't care"

I began to pout and blush a bit, wishing the teasing would stop, but I eventually walked off to escape the embarrassment



Alright, first things first, so sorry for the long wait! I swear, school has been kicking my ass lately 😭

Second things second, I wish you all a happy late Halloween cause I was trying to get a chapter out for both of my books on Halloween but failed, so happy late Halloween

And last thing last, NEXT WEEK IS MAH BIRTHDAYYYY, and it's on this day, best day of the week, FRIDAYY, so I'm excited 😌

Imma try to publish on both of my books for my birthday and or on my birthday, just for y'all, so yea

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good Day, Night, Afternoon, or Evening wherever you are, bye byee :)

Hanma Shuji x !Fem¡Reader, Draken's younger sister: In Love With the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now