The Party

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Willow was shaking with nervousness. Millions of things could go wrong. Boscha could be there, there could be alcohol, oh god why was she going?
   "Willow! Your friends are here!" Willow's papa said. Willow walked down the stairs, seeing Gus, Luz, and Amity at the door. Gus was tied to his phone.
"What'chu looking at Gus?" Willow asked.
"Oh- um, nothing." Gus shoved his phone into his pocket.
       "You guys be careful ok? Call me if you need anything sweetie." Willow's dad said, placing at little kiss on his daughter's head.
"Don't worry about us. Love you dads!" Willow waved goodbye and her and her friends walked out the door.
"...Where are they going again?"

"Holy smokes." Luz said in shock. Matt's house was HUGE. Like HUGE huge. Willow didn't expect him to have this big of a house. The three girls were surprised, but Gus wasn't. Was there something he wasn't telling them?
"Gus! You made it!" Someone yelled from the door.
       "Oh hey Matt!" Gus ran up and gave the other boy a hug. Ok, what was going on? Willow looked at Luz, trying to get a answer about what was happening, but her and Amity were busy doing girlfriend stuff.
"Oh boy this is gonna be a GREAT party." Willow thought to herself.

Turns out Willow's sarcasm was right, but if it was taken seriously. Everything was going great! Willow just hung out Viney and they talked for almost the whole time! The best part Boscha hadn't shown up! Willow truly felt like she could be herself, until...
"Hey everyone the TRUE party is here!" A annoying, screeching voice yelled. Boscha. Willow felt her happiness sink into a deep dark hole.
      "Boscha!? What are you doing here! I didn't even invite you! I specifically dodged you so I wouldn't slip it out!" Matt raged.
       "Matt, did you seriously think someone could throw a party without me finding out? You know I have sources." Everyone turned their heads to Skara, who slid down the wall slowly, trying to make a escape. Matt chased after her.
        "Let's see who's here..." Boscha walked around the room like she was a queen choosing the next person to decapitate, then she spotted Willow.
        "Oh look, it's Wittle Willow."
        "Can you please not call me that." Willow mumbled.
         "What was that Wittle Willow?"
         "I said, can you please not call me that?" Boscha's smirk was quickly whipped off from Willow's sentence.
"Oh I see, you think you can stand up to me Willow, but I know you." Boscha's voice became more stern.
"You're gonna act all tough but once I do what I'm about to do you'll run away crying." Boscha grabbed the collar of Willow's shirt and snatched a red cup filled with punch from a random person. Nobody realized what was happening, all the next thing they all knew was that Willow was standing there, covered in punch, soaking wet. Willow started to shake. Everyone stared at her. She pushed Boscha and everyone else out of the way and ran out of the house. She couldn't take it.
"What the hell Boscha!" Amity yelled.
"Oh Amity, you don't know how to have fun anymore!"
"What you did. there wasn't "fun", it was a straight up rude and your being such a
b!tch!" Everyone gasp at what Amity had called Boscha, but in the end, she was right.

 there wasn't "fun", it was a straight up rude and your being such a b!tch!" Everyone gasp at what Amity had called Boscha, but in the end, she was right

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Btw, this is what Matt's house looks like

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