28. Rules and Rituals

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We shared a beautiful moment on the river banks. It was far busier than the small streets of L'île Saint-Louis, but I was submerged by a sense of wonder that surpassed my fears. Probably because I was with Ikshan and that they made me feel safe.

And with the conjunction of these feelings, I felt inspired. I wanted more. "I want to see your library," I said.

Ikshan smiled. "You will. I'm really looking forward to it."

"No, I mean, now. Well, not now, but... Can we leave for... is it Budapest? Can we leave for Budapest tomorrow?"

Ikshan hesitated. "We could, but... I don't know if you're ready for such a trip. I mean, the plane is not a good idea, and the journey by train would be very long. I don't know..."

I frowned. "Why is the plane a bad idea?"

"It's a machine that flies. Even people from now - I would not tell names - are sometimes afraid of flying, so..."

I opened my eyes wide. I couldn't believe it. "Flying? We could do that? Of course, I want to try that."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you think it's safe?"

"Yes, it's one of the safest ways to travel, but..."

I put my hand on their arm. "Then, let's do it."

They searched my eyes and sighed. "Alright. Actually, I think the airport will be the scariest part. Airports are awful."

So we decided to leave Paris. Thankfully, Ikshan and Elise had already obtained fake identity papers for me to travel, so nothing was stopping us.

And now we're at Charles De Gaulle Airport, relaxing for a minute in a lounge, after what can only be described as a nightmare. Ikshan was right. The airport was awful. I didn't understand a thing: so much noise, so many people, so many rules I know nothing about.

I clang desperately to Ikshan, and even to Zoé, who accepted it probably because she seemed almost as uncomfortable as I was. Her mood was getting worse and worse and she yelled at two or three people on our way to the gate, at the first one I think because of a plastic bottle of water and at the other because they were not walking fast enough.

Zoé's anxiety is starting to get to me. I fidget with my bracelet, my small suitcase beside me. I only had the clothes Amaury and James bought me to pack, so it was pretty simple.

"Should I be afraid?" I can't help to ask her.

She looks at me and opens her mouth as if she was going to do one of her classic sarcastic comments, but then she hesitates. "No. I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous. I'm afraid of flying but..." She takes a deep breath. "It's going to be ok. It's just me. Don't worry."

I know Zoé doesn't like me much and I'm surprised and touched by her effort to reassure me. I smile at her.

Ikshan comes back with two glasses and looks at us, suspicious. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing. I was just telling an embarrassing story about you to Mister I'm-from-the-past here," she says, her usual tone back.

Ikshan looks at me and I shake my head. They smile.

"Anyway. Champagne for Monsieur, and for me, and whiskey for Madame," they say, giving us the glasses.

Zoé drinks all the content of her glass at once and then crumples on the comfortable armchair she is seating on.

I take a sip of my drink and look in disbelief at the planes through the windows. "They are huge. And they're going to fly?"

Ikshan smile. "Yes."

And when it's our turn to get on board, after yet another line and papers checking, I am overwhelmed by the sounds and the vibration of the path to the plane. We sit, me near the window - because I insisted -, then Ikshan, and Zoé on the aisle's side.

Ikshan explains all the steps as they are happening. The whole thing looks like a strange ritual, that nobody cares about. People are reading, others are chatting, while the flight attendant shows us the safety instructions. I'm fascinated.

But when the plane starts to move and finally takes off, I grab Ikshan's left hand, at the exact same moment when Zoé takes their right one.

But when the plane starts to move and finally takes off, I grab Ikshan's left hand, at the exact same moment when Zoé takes their right one

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