Chapter 3 : Unexpected Connection

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Vincent's POV

As I watched from afar, my heart sank as I witnessed Daniel's cruel actions toward Berry. His impatience led him to snatch Berry's backpack, clearly searching for something. It was evident that Berry was trying to retrieve his belongings when Daniel violently pushed him to the ground.

The force of the push left Berry injured, clutching his elbow in pain. His backpack spilled its contents onto the floor, creating a chaotic scene. My anger surged as I watched Daniel callously pick up all of Berry's notes before casually walking away, as though he had done nothing wrong.

The sight was infuriating, and a wave of determination surged within me. I knew I had to do something; I couldn't stand by and let this continue. However, as I took a step forward, my friends cautioned me against intervening once more.

A thousand thoughts raced through my mind as I grappled with the decision. I wanted to help Berry, to stand up against Daniel's bullying, but the fear of becoming his next victim held me back. It was an agonizing choice to make—should I prioritize my safety, or should I take a stand against injustice?

Ultimately, my heart weighed heavily with the knowledge that silence could perpetuate this cycle of abuse. Berry deserved better, and I knew that if we continued to let Daniel's behavior go unchecked, it would only embolden him further.

I couldn't shake the turmoil within me. As I saw Berry gathering his belongings, attempting to shield himself from further harm, my determination only grew stronger. I decided I couldn't allow this to continue any longer.

With resolve, approaching Berry, I reached out and offered my paw, trying to help him stand up and lift him from the ground. But fate had other plans. A stumble caused us to tumble into each other's arms. In that moment of physical contact, an electric jolt surged through us, igniting a fiery sensation within.

As we locked eyes, time seemed to slow down, bringing us just a few inches away from an accidental kiss. Our breaths intertwined, and the world around us hushed, leaving only the sound of our pounding hearts.

After the accident, a few seconds passed, and despite the tension in the air, a soft chuckle escaped my lips. I decided to break the silence that had enveloped us.

"Well, that certainly caught us off guard," I remarked, my voice revealing a hint of emotion.

Berry, appearing somewhat nervous, met my gaze shyly and replied, "Yes, it w-was quite u-unexpected."

Concerned, I noticed him wincing, and with a sense of urgency, I asked, "Are your elbows alright? Let's get you to the medical room right away!"

Inside the Medical Room

Upon understanding the situation, the nurse swiftly headed to the fridge and retrieved an ice bag before leaving the room. A few seconds later, Berry skillfully applied the ice bag below his injured elbow after removing his hoodie.

As his body unfurled, it revealed countless bruises and wounds scattered across Berry's chest, arms, and waist. I was astonished, having never noticed them before, likely due to his usual concealment with sweaters and hoodies. The thought of what he might have endured in the past raced through my mind.

Numerous questions swirled in my mind, but just as I was about to inquire about Berry's wounds, my friends called me from outside, forcing me to leave.

It appeared that Berry had something he wanted to say, his indecisive reaction giving it away. Nevertheless, he ultimately chose to stay silent.

Approaching the exit door, I experienced a tender moment as I caught a faint murmur from Berry, softly uttering, "Thank you for your care and concern." The depth of emotion in his expression left an indelible mark on my heart.


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