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S1 EP2
[ The Haunted House ]

(There's gonna be some chapters where it's just Y/n if you guys want me to i'll write up Seven's pov but i dont think it matters that much)

The evening comes, and you slouch down the stairs where Dai Bo was seen crossing his arms.

"It's the first day and you're already sleeping in!" Dai Bo smacks the top of your head which wakes you up

"ack! sorry, we have like...zero customers anyways" You yawned looking around the empty saloon, Dai Bo just gets more mad "And how come you didn't wake me up then?"

"We have zero business because you aren't doing your job! We did try, you're a heavy sleeper, kid"
Dai Bo shakes his head slapping your back "Now turn that youth charm on!" Your face deforms in a uncomfortable look due to Dai Bo's choice of words

"Right...anyways, Where's Seven?" You said, turning back at Dai Bo realizing the top-knot is nowhere to be seen

"He was called onto the job, while your sleepy ass was napping"

You rolled your eyes, getting ready to put on your...'charm'. You greeted costumers trying to persuade them to come in for a cut but nobody was really interested - Dai Bo actually left you took so long

You looked at your assassin...business card? You didn't really understand much of this killer mojo but the card looked quite spiffy.

"Hm, Dai Bo really put some work into this..." You lazily mumbled, you were noticing that no-one wanted a hair-cut or a hit-man so you slumped onto a saloon seat

You start feeling a bit weaker, you don't know why, but you definitely feel differently. You completely ignore it trying to get comfortable

The moment you got comfortable a customer comes in, It's an young lady but probably older than you, she had a short stature, she looked timid and her long dark hair covered most of her face

You hear the bell ring of the door ringing, you sigh slightly, pulling down the magazine from your face and stand up from your salon seat.

"Sorry. What can I do for you, ma'am" You said with a smile, you signaled her to sit in a salon seat.

"...I need your help with something" She speaks quietly sitting in the seat and handing you a photo

"Okay." You look at the photo, expecting either a reference for a haircut or a photo of the person this lady wants dead, but instead it's a picture of a bookshelf in a house, "Miss. i uh...don't know what you want me to do with this"

"No. Look closer." She says more forwardly, turning in her salon chair to face you and she starts pointing at the photo

You look closer, there seems to be a slight dark blur beside the bookshelf, it's inside a hallway next to it "do...do you want me to clean your phot-" You look up at her with a confused look

"No! It's a ghost you see?! A ghoul!" She yells, interrupting you "Right in my own home!!"

"...I'm not an exorcist" You said, "You do know that, right?" You hand the lady back her picture

"Nonono. You psychics are always driven by money, i'll pay you...1000 dollars." The lady pushes the photo back to you, she has a smile.

'1000 dollars...???' you pause. You aren't even an exorcist hell you don't even believe in ghosts but money is money

You clear your throat "Well, alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to take a look." You smirk a bit, putting the photo away

"... Thank you, young man" The lady is back to her timid nature. "I'm always so chilly in my house, and papers randomly fly everywhere when I'm trying to watch TV" She stands and leads you to her place.

The only thing you think when you start following her is 'How do I bullshit my way out of this?'

She lived in an area you haven't been round before, it was full of bipedal cats—The lady told you she was basically one of them, you highly doubt that.

The lady finally stops in front of her apartment room. You feel a slight chill go through your spine, but it's nothing, ghosts don't exist.

"I'll open...the door for you but that's as far as I'll go" The lady says, opening the door "There's salt and spirit banishing seals I've placed around...please watch out for them"

You turn to her, nodding "Mhm. Got it, just leave it to me" You go through the door and close it behind you "...she's just paranoid" You mutter quietly just in case the lady could somehow hear you through the door.

your hand glides against the wall, finally finding the light switch you flick them on-the apartment is relatively small so this shouldn't take too long to see any signs of a ghost if there were any

You walk around for a minute or two, stepping over salt circles, and paper seals placed around the floor. You turn a corner into the living room and find the bookshelf in the photo, you narrow your eyes trying to find some sort of spooky signs but you don't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Hello? If there's a ghost here could you leave, man? I'm just trying to get an easy 1000 bucks" You yell, there's silence for a long while so you groan pulling up the photo the lady had given you.

You rub on the blur on the photo the lady was claiming was a ghost and you weren't surprised to see that the "ghost" was just a dirty smudge on the photo. "Wow. Who would've guessed" You mutter sarcastically

As you did, the shut-blinds of the apartment flow open, gusts of wind filling the apartment and papers fly from the table onto the floor.

"..." You pause, walking over to the windows and closing all of them. "This lady...just didn't know how to close her windows" You laugh a bit, shutting the blinds and picking up the papers from the floor and putting them back on the table

You walk back outside, the lady looking at you expectantly "I fixed the problem, but you shouldn't try opening your windows, that's uh...how the ghosts come in" You lie, as you still want the 1000 bucks.

"Thank you!" The lady reaches in her purse, she pulls out a small velvet string bag "This isn't 1000 dollars, but it's just as good!" She says placing a small velvet bag in your palm

It gives off a weird vibe, you ignore the vibe and keep listening.

"I had got it from a ancient monk back in my home town for 2000 dollars" She says, grinning "There's a charm inside, to keep ghouls, demons and yaoguai alike away. since I don't need it anymore thanks to you, you can have it"

"...Thanks" You say, pretty disappointed the lady wasn't paying you the 1000 bucks—well, you didn't even do anything so you didn't deserve it but you still wanted the cash

The lady pats you on the back, going into her apartment. You watch as she happily closes the door, leaving you in the hallway, completely disappointed

"I wonder how Seven's doing..." You groan, putting the velvet bag containing the charm inside your pocket before walking out of the apartment complex.

The streets are eerily empty, but you start walking anyways...

Demonic Duo (Scissor Seven x Male Insert)Where stories live. Discover now