Serena's Secret Part 2

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With a spring in their step, Ash, Bonnie, Clemont and Serena head off to the beach, excitement whirling around them.

"I can't wait to change into my new bikini!" Serena smiled, the image of herself trying it on in the mirror flashing across her mind.

"Me too! I love the swimming costume you bought me, Serena!" Bonnie chuckled, her smile growing.

As the smell of salt grew more prominent in the air, Bonnie ran ahead, eager to get her feet in the sand.

"We're finally here!" Bonnie cooed. She then dropped to the floor and began rolling around in the clear, soft sand.

"Come on, Bonnie! Let's go get changed!" Serena suggested, not wanting Bonnie to get sand all over her clothes.

After the gang had all changed in the port-a-potty, they could no longer contain their excitement. Not even Clemont! Though, he did struggle to keep up.

"Yeah!!!" Ash beamed as he ran out into the sea. Bonnie and Clemont followed him.

Ash took in the beauty of the sea, opening his arms out and smelling the salty air. He knew for sure Serena would love this.

He looked past the others to catch her attention, only to find that she wasn't there.

"Sere?" He looked around, spotting the girl still over at the sand, dipping her toe in the front of the water to see how cold it was. "Come on out, Serena! The water's great!"

Serena's head shot up as she heard Ash calling out to her. Whatever hesitation she had to get in the water was suddenly forgotten about. A smile spread across her pale face as she ran to meet up with her crush.

"That colour looks great on you, Sere." He grinned, watching as her face turned crimson.

Their little moment was interrupted by Bonnie yelling about a Pokémon. Ash looked over to where the blonde was pointing.

"That's Goldeen. Pretty, huh?" He winked. 

"Yeah!" Bonnie replied. Her eyes practically glistening at the sight of the water Pokémon. "Can you catch it Clemont? Pleeeaaassee?" She begged her older brother.

Clemont took a quick breath in as he realised everybody was looking at him, expecting him to capture this Pokémon. His heart began beating at a faster pace and his nerves got the better of him.

"Uh... I'll try!" The lanky blonde male laughed nervously.

Clemont had weakened the Goldeen, and was about to throw a Pokeball to catch it when a piercing scream filled the beach.


Ash's dark eyebrows furrowed, looking to Serena who simply shrugged in reply.

An orange haired girl bounded across the beach, and Ash turned just in time to get a glimpse of her before she threw her arms around him.

"Misty!" He yelled, spinning his friend around.

Serena watched, a small frown replacing her former smile as she watched Ash and this stranger.

"Who is she?" Serena whispered to Clemont, a feeling of sadness seeping through her.

Clemont shrugged, not particularly interested in Ash's other friend. He was far more concerned with catching the Goldeen for his younger sister.

To his surprise, when he turned back to capture the Goldeen, the Pokémon had escaped! When Bonnie realised this, she crossed her arms across her chest, pulling her best 'angry face'.

Ash's orange haired friend had listened to what they'd been saying, and she kneeled down to Bonnie's level and tickled under her chin.

"Cheer up!" She told Bonnie. "I have a Goldeen. You could play with her if you like?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but smile, her hands clapping.

"Yes please!"

Ash's friend reached into her pocket, pulling out a Pokéball and tossing it into the air.  An elegant water Pokémon was released in a flash of red light, and it swam around Bonnie's feet.

"She's so cute!" Bonnie screamed.

Ash looked over to Serena, noticing her discomfort. He frowned, wanting to make things better.

"Misty, have you met Serena?" Ash asked her.

"Hi! My name's Misty!" The tom-boyish girl said, holding out her hand.

"Serena." She replied, taking hold of Misty's hand and shaking it.

"Misty is one of my good friends, we've been through so much." Ash grinned, placing an arm on Misty's shoulder.

The two then proceeded to bring up memories from the past, and Serena couldn't help but feel left out. And... Maybe a little jealous.

Knowing it was unlike her to be so quiet, Ash became worried about Serena. She didn't look like she was enjoying herself at all.

"Is something wrong, Sere?"

Serena brushed him off, offering him a fake smile and insisting she was okay.

"I am thirty though. I'm just gonna go get a drink. You want one?"

"Oh, we'll come too!" Ash told her, not wanting to leave her alone while she didn't seem herself.

Serena nodded the frown returning. She didn't want to be around the pair rubbing their bond in her face. She didn't mean to be jealous, but she couldn't help but feel as though Ash and Misty had something between them.

Serena just wanted the day to be over.

I am currently in the process of going over these chapters and fixing any grammar, spelling, plots, etc.

I wrote these over 4 years ago and there are so many mistakes 😭

I've only updated up to this part so far rip

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