Serena's Secret Part 14

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It was a cold February day, and Ash was training, as per usual. Serena and Bonnie watched him, cheering him on motivationally. Clemont was of course working on one of his inventions. After a tough couple of hours of training, Ash told his team to take a well deserved rest, and Serena greeted them with delicious Pokepuffs. Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame and Hawlucha sat on the ground and began eating as many Pokepuffs as they could as Ash sat down next to Bonnie and Serena.

While the three talked about Ash's strategies, a Lucario wondered off from it's trainer in order to seek out the food that smelled so delicious. It peeped through some bushes and watched as Pikachu and the others ate. He then noticed Ash, Bonnie and Serena. Immediately, Lucario ran over to the familiar faces.
"Raa!" It smiled. Ash looked at the mega stone on Lucario's arm.
"Hey, Lucario... Where's Korrina?" Just as he'd finished speaking, a blond haired girl wearing a pair of roller blades skidded in front of them, causing some of the grass to fly up. "Lucario! Don't run off like that!" She told her partner.
"Korrina, what are you doing here?" The tom boyish girl looked up.
"Ash! Serena! Bonnie!" She laughed. "Man is it good to see you guys!" Korrina, Ash and the others all began catching up while Clemont came out to see what all the commotion was about. When he saw Korrina, a faint blush creeped across the bridge of his nose. "Big brother!" Bonnie smiled and dragged Clemont over to the others. "Look, Korrina is here! Isn't this great!" Clemont smiled and nodded his head. "Sure is!"

"So what brings you to Santalune City?" Ash asked. Korrina smiled. "Well, I was actually on my way to Santalune forest to meet a couple of friends, but Lucario ran off as soon as we got here. He really does love your Pokepuffs, Serena!" Serena captured her joy with a beautiful smile. "Hey, why don't you guys come along? That way, I can introduce you to my friends!" Bonnie jumped up and down. "Yay! New friends!" The gang gathered all their camping gear together and packed it away into their backpacks, and set off to Santalune forest to meet Korrina's friends.
"It's great to see you again." Clemont told Korrina.
"Likewise!" She laughed. "I've missed you guys. Lucario too. Right Lucario!" The blond girls partner growled in agreement.
"So who are your friends?" Serena asked.
"You'll just have to wait and see!" Korrina winked.

"Hmm... They said they'd be right here." Korrina looked around.
"Let's split up and look around." Ash suggested. Everyone began walking around in opposite directions looking for... Anyone! The forest was completely empty.
"I wonder what's going on." Bonnie asked herself. She opened up the small yellow bag she carried and peeped down at the sleeping Dedenne in her bag. "Hey Dedenne, wake up! I need your help looking for Korrina's friends!" The small electric pokemon yawned and jumped onto Bonnie's head, making her giggle. Bonnie walked around a huge tree and noticed a Panpour captured in a net, swinging from the tree. "Huh?" She looked around. Why was there a random net in the middle of the forest? She began climbing the tree in attempt to help the Panpour. She sat on the branch the Panpour was hanging from and began trying to break the net, but it was no use. "Hey Dedenne, maybe you could use your... teeth..." Bonnie sighed, noticing Dedenne had once again fallen asleep. She carefully placed him back into her bag. How was she going to help the Panpour? "Ash! Serena! Help!" She called out.

"Did you hear something?" Ash looked around.


"Bonnie! Where are you?!"
Ash, Serena, Korrina and Clemont ran in the direction they heard the shouting coming from. Ash ran as fast as he could, and bumped straight into something. He sat on the floor holding his head for a few seconds.
"Watch where you're going!" A voice called out.
"Gah!... Sorry about that." He rubbed his head and looked up.  "Dawn?" He stood up and looked at her. "Sorry, no time. I have to help Bonnie!"
Serena looked over at Dawn. So this was the girl he had spoken about on Christmas.
Ash looked up at the tree.
"Bonnie? What are you doing?" He asked. Bonnie looked down.
"This Panpour is stuck! I can't open the net!" She told him.
Ash threw a Pokeball.
"Come on out Talonflame!" He shouted.
Talonflame flew out of the pokeball and flew in a circle around Ash's head. "Talonflame! Help out that Panpour!" The Panpour was shaking nervously inside the net, clearly shaken up from the way it had been captured. Talonflame used a steel wing attack on the net and made a gaping hole in it. The Panpour fell out of the net, and Korrina caught it.

"Way to go!" Dawn high fived Korrina before the lemon haired girl placed the shaken up Panpour on the ground. "Guys, this is Dawn!" She announced. "Dawn, this is Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and-"
  "Ash!" Dawn interrupted her.
"You guys know each other?" Korrina asked.
"Sure! We used to travel together." Dawn told her.
"Hey Dawn, where are the others?" Korrina asked.
"They went to the Pokémon centre in Santalune City." She told them. "Misty and Gary had a battle against team rocket and they needed to heal their pokemon. The others went along. I came back to wait for you."

Ash helped Bonnie down from the tree and they all walked back to the Santalune City Pokémon Centre. Gary, Misty, Brock, May, Max and Iris all sat around a table. As soon as Ash walked in, the group of people caused a big commotion.
"Woah! What are all you guys doing here?" He smiled.
"We're all gonna go to the fairground!" May told him.
Clemont, Bonnie and Serena looked at each other. They felt a little out of place.
Bonnie spotted a young boy around her age, and decided to go over to him and make friends.
"What's your name?" She sweetly smiled.
"I'm Max." He told her.
"I'm Bonnie. You wanna see my Dedenne?" She asked as she opened up her bag and showed the sleeping Dedenne to her new friend Max. Korrina skated over and pulled Clemont and Serena toward the table. "Don't be shy you guys. Everyone, meet Clemont and Serena!" Clemont  sat next to Korrina, and Serena sat in between Ash and Clemont. Ash smiled at her.
"Serena, I want you to meet everybody! This is May, Max, Iris, Dawn... and of course you already know Misty and Gary..." Ash smiled.
Everyone smiled and waved at Serena. "Nice to meet you!" She smiled.

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