kyle adams

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full name: Kyle Oliver Adams

nicknames (if applicable): none

age: 18

birthday: june 1st

race: white

gender identity and pronouns: cisgender man, he/him

sexual/romantic orientation: homosexual

fandom they're from (if applicable): none

picrew: fzn maker by fuzzenia

love interest (if applicable): Roger Nelson

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love interest (if applicable): Roger Nelson

personality: Kyle is on the loud side. he's optimistic and slightly hyper, but he's fun to be around. he's the opposite of his boyfriend Roger. he's also really good at math for some reason

interests: video games, youtube, technology in general, earth science

backstory/important information: Kyle is an average teenage boy with a semi-successful gaming channel on youtube. he is Roger's gay boyfriend

song/playlist to describe them: Money by The Drums

other: Kyle is a satirical oc

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