XCII. Viscount Patterson

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WHO MADE ME A PRINCEchapter ninety two - viscount patterson

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chapter ninety two - viscount patterson.

WHO MADE ME A PRINCEchapter ninety two - viscount patterson

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"Yes. I'm trying to learn more about what they were like. . . but it doesn't seem like they were good people."

"Who knows, maybe there was a reason they were the way they were. Your parents don't define you Jennette, you define yourself. So even if you find out bad things about them, don't let it shape your personality. "

"I will keep that in mind. . ."

Athanasia glanced at Arius. One thing they had learned from their previous discussion with Jennette was that they shouldn't take the whole conversation too quickly. Slowly discussing the matter would be better.

Athanasia and Arius were reincarnated so their mental ages and their view of things and assessment of situations was quicker and more logical. However Jennette was just Jennette. No previous lives to gain experience from.

So they decided to go forward with the discussion at her pace.

"Speaking of Jennette, there's a tea party tomorrow. Let's wear matching dresses!" Athanasia changed the topic, as Jennette seemed uneasy.

"R–Really? But your highness–"

"Athy. When we're alone just call me Athy. You can address him as Arius as well."

"But that would be rude-"

"Jennette, you are a royal as well. Maybe not our sibling, but still a royal. Don't lower yourself." Arius told her.

"Yea. Especially since our father is against you being his daughter, you need to portray that you have a close relationship with us at least. Brother she should start calling us more casually from now on."

"Yea, you can call us by our names in public too. Since we also refer to you by your name."

The sparkle in Jennette's eyes was quite visible.

"Well, let's see you take our names."

"Oh," She fiddled with her fingers before speaking in a low voice. "A-Arius and Athana-asia."

"You can also address us brother and sister if calling our names feels hard."

The rest of the night was spent with them trying to make Jennette more comfortable around them.

The Palace seemed so peaceful now, however the Alpheus Duchy didn't seem too well.

Ijekiel just left his fathers office. The room reeked of alcohol. The royals, or specifically speaking the prince had been making sure that Duke Alpheus and Jennette were never left alone for too long. The Duke would visit her in the Palace, however Arius had stationed maids near Jennette to prevent the Duke from so much as touching her or saying anything threatening to her.

She was supposed to be his puppet. But the prince was stopping him from manipulating her anymore.

It has been a month now. A month since she entered the Palace and yet nothing. No improvements in her relationship with the emperor nor with any nobles. At this rate she wouldn't become acknowledged as a royal and the Duke's whole plan would be crumbled

He had been worried about how to turn the tide in his favour however what really ticked him off was when the prince attended the conference with the emperor.

It was an indirect announcement of him being the successor. As long as the prince was alive Jennette would only remain in the shadows of the Palace.

The Duke had been drinking immeasurably ever since the conference. Ijekiel had also come of age and was mostly handling his fathers work since the man would be too drunk or have headaches.

But on this particular night, it all ended when a ravenette appeared at the door to the Alpheus Duchy. The same ravenette who advised the princess the gift for her relative.

However, he entered the Duchy not at night, but when the sun had risen.

Meeting the Duke who was already in a tight situation was a smart move.

"I see you've been trying to use my daughter." He started as soon as he entered the office.

"Who are you? how did you enter–"

The man only snapped his fingers and his black hair faded into a sunny blond. His black eyes faded into the same jewels possessed by the royal family.

And in that minute, a smile formed on Rogers's face. "You're alive! This is wonderful!"


Oh no, if only the Duke knew how wrong things would go from now on.

But he didn't.

"I need a place to stay for a while." The man quickly changed his features back to black.

"Of course!"

Well it didn't take time for the dog to switch sides. However, the other one wasn't too far behind.

"Father, who is this?" Ijekiel arrived at the door of his office.

"I didn't know you'd be receiving any guests today."

"Ijekiel, where's your manners! You should knock before entering!"

"I did, but you didn't respond so I entered."

A lie. He entered after hearing two voices inside. Knowing fully well his hungover father wouldn't be able to tell if he knocked or not.

"I am Viscount Patterson, a vassal of Alpheus Duchy. I will be staying here for a while." Patterson introduced himself.

Ijekiel sent a glance to his hungover father before nodding at the guest and leaving.

"What do you intend on doing now?" Roger asked the man.

And in return he only got a smile. "Let's discuss it later."

Patterson's eyes narrowed towards the door. He noticed Ijekiel didn't actually knock before entering. Suspicion was easy to build up in him.

He'll need to deal with the puppy before he puts the dog on a leash.

He'll need to deal with the puppy before he puts the dog on a leash

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