Episode 21: The Missing Princess of Almunaicho

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Once upon a time, a spirit was drifting through the desert. There was nothing as far as the eye could see besides sand. The days were hot and the nights were cold. Water was scarce, and the spirit was so very thirsty.

The heat soon became too much, and the spirit collapsed in the sand.

When the spirit awoke, there was a strange creature stuck to the spirit's mouth. This creature had a soft body and a hard shell.

"Wh-What are you?" murmured the spirit.

"Me? I am but a humble snail," replied the creature.

"What are you doing to me?"

"You collapsed in the desert. You would die without water. I had some to spare."

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I have all I need. I am a snail, after all."

With that, the snail continued on its way without another word, slow as its way may be.

Feeling humbled and thankful, the spirit used magic, giving the one thing the snail couldn't possibly have.

And thus, was born, the first of the Great Snails.

Upon the backs of these colossal beings rest massive cities filled with humans and drakyks that have existed for as long as recorded history. That history, of course, is written by the officials of the cities, and the officials of the cities are but humans and drakyks themselves, with greed, fear, corruption, bias, hate, and other negative emotions and motivations directing their decisions.

Tomoba, the son of the 'official' ruler of the city, referred to in the elite circles as the 'Prince', believes wholeheartedly that some group within the Church of the Spoken Realms -the Holy Order- kidnapped his adopted sister.

Given what they've seen, Lykha and Maerin the fairies, Coco the young teen Techromancer, and Gyrryth the lizardman spellshot all have little reason to doubt the prince's belief.

At present, the prince has returned to the 'Palace' while the four monster hunters attempt to infiltrate the Church itself under the guise that Coco, as a child born outside of a city, wants a chance at salvation.

Gyrryth's plan, of course, involved cleaning the teen up and dressing her in more formal attire, which meant everyone cleaned up and has much cleaner and nicer outfits on. The two fairies are apparently not welcome as members of the church, though the reasons aren't fully clear. Fortunately, according to both the prince and Gyrryth -who Lykha is pretty certain was a former agent of the Holy Order-, the fairies aren't explicitly forbidden from entering the church, but aren't welcome in service.

Of course, the church is crowded with civilians attending services, making confessions and tithes, offering prayers, and other functions. As such, Maerin is riding on Gyrryth's shoulder, while Lykha is riding in Coco's shoulder bag. The teen is very pretty in her new dress, and her leather gear bag was easy enough to clean up.

Maerin teases as they walk through the elegant archways leading to the church door, "I bet you two're pretty disappointed, huh, ladies?"

Coco and Lykha both look up at the mature fairy, who adds deviously as she sips her refilled flask, "Cute dresses and no Murmur." She grins toothily, and Lykha squeaks. Coco, however, manages to hold frame, saying proudly, "'Bando'll gander. Ain't like I've to sell it."

Maerin replies with a toast-gesture, "True."

Gyrryth says quietly towards his shoulder, "Do attempt to minimize the use of your flask within the church, M'lady Chemist. Inebriation tends to blur the lines of spiritual wisdom."

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