Episode 23: The Terrifying Attack of Almunaicho

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I know what you heard on that day, human. I know what you fear. I know what you strive to achieve. I tell you this instead of claim your life, for you see, in this instance, our goals align. Your life will be but a blink to mine, and yet, for once, a blink could change this world...

Legends speak of creatures so powerful, they could wipe out everything on the surface of the world within a matter of hours. These creatures have leathery, craggy skin armored with scales that glow with the heat of fire and raw power, wings that can summon storms, and a breath of distilled hell itself. They are avatars of destruction and harbingers of the end, invincible to all. They are known as dragons.

Legends also speak of a human infantryman who became the first true slayer of colossi, knighted for his deeds against a terrifying creature known as the Holgamoor, and who fears nothing. He wears improvised armor scrapped together from anything he deems necessary, brandishes an armor-breaker sword and an otherwise generic family sword alternatively, depending on the foes he faces, and he is said to be able and willing to kill any monster plaguing the dreams of men and women alike. He is known as Murtoa of Lakia.

While easy to describe him as the furthest thing from being an orthodox knight, it is undeniable that Murtoa is skilled in battle against monsters whose very movements alone could be deadly. But, in true fashion of a warrior knight of legend, his entrance was grandiose and perfectly timed, saving his relatively new friends from untimely demises at the breath of a true dragon, something he has said he has never faced and believed to be extinct.

As usual, though, whether or not he wants to or knows how to face a particular monster, Murtoa of Lakia is the last one to give up -quite possibly lacking the actual psychological ability to do so-.

With that said, his friends had resigned themselves to a quick and likely painful end until that moment, where his very presence surges inspiration and hope in all of them.

If anyone CAN kill a dragon, it will be him. And his friends, Gyrryth the drakyk spellshot, Maerin the fairy chemist, Coco the teenage techromancer, and Lykha, the young fairy still learning how to be most useful to her team, will do anything to help him achieve victory.

And this time, as Lykha watches someone she's come to unconditionally trust and cherish, she realizes what his very first step was; wounding the dragon's wing to limit its ability to fly, just as he did with the nightenmael a few short months ago.

As the dragon struggles to rise to its feet, its own weight toppled in an awkward way from being taken out of the sky by that very attack on its wing, Murtoa of Lakia immediately follows his seeming second rule to engaging a monster; absolutely do not let up the pressure.

There isn't time to coordinate an attack. Not now. He MUST keep wounding what parts he can while the monster is disoriented and ever-so-briefly off of the offensive. With little more than a single nod after Coco called out to him, Murtoa of Lakia sprints straight back into the fray with the dragon, closing the distance as quickly as his body will allow. The dragon shifts onto its stomach, snapping its jaws at him, but he feints the opposite way of where he seemed to be headed, slipping past the dragon's head so that he can attack the same wing a second time. He hops up onto the wing's elbow before the dragon can lift it, spinning into a vicious aerial slash that finds a gap between the scales, and the dragon howls in pain. It tries to flap its wing to dislodge him, but the warrior is already sliding down the leathery canvas-like wing webbing, and he manages to tumble on the ground as the dragon's motion sweeps the wing upward.

Still not hesitating or breaking momentum, Mury sprints back towards the dragon's hind-legs as it stands up. He sprints past the leg, slashing viciously again at the back of the joint, which causes the dragon to howl again and sink to a kneel.

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