Episode 11: Unprecedented Monster vs Unorthodox Knight

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A vast desert on a vast world full of ferocious monsters of all sizes, from dog-sized scavengers to colossal titans that shake the ground with every step. Many monster hunters make a living on the ones in between, protecting villages or extorting them, serving cities for material needs, or just plain killing the nightmares of their own.

Mury the human warrior, Lykha the fairy, Coco the teenage 'techromancer', Gyrryth the drakyk spellshot, and the village bailiff Kolaya, have all made camp on the suspected location of a subterranean colossus known tentatively as the 'solaghoul' after a legendary phantom known for stealing entire populations of towns and villages overnight.

Unfortunately, the monster doesn't seem to dig the same way other subterranean colossi move underground. It also leaves behind an acidic residue that is highly hydrophilic, becoming slimy mud that is attracted to what is believed to be the monster itself.

Of course, this particular monster has never been seen by any of the dozens of monster hunters wandering the desert region. Everything being speculated currently is new based on the few observations that have been made.

And, the monster is not following any normal conventions.

The group is awakened by Mury, who is always the first one awake. He says plainly, "Wake up. Time to move."

The warrior is already packing gear back up as the others wake up slowly. Gyrryth is partially buried in the sand in a sleeping bag, which he claims helps keep him warm. Coco and Lykha were sharing a blanket and pillow, and Kolaya, who isn't actually part of their group specifically, is sleeping in a small tent.

Coco sneezes as she wakes up, complaining softly, "I wish we had a blankie house."

Mury approaches and offers her a hand, "Aside from the bailiff, you have more money than the rest of us."

"Ye ne'er take me pas' the thrif'lanes in the bundles, Love!"

Gyrryth rises to his full height, stretching. He says warmly, "You should sleep in the sand, Fiery One. Nothing more comfortable."

Kolaya, knowing she has the most complex setup, is hasty about collapsing her tent and packing it up, while Lykha helps Coco fold their blanket. She asks, "What's going on, Mury?"

The warrior answers, "Target moved on us. If you want to eat, you'll have to eat while we're driving. Let's move."

Gyrryth remarks warmly, "At least he woke us up."

Coco and Lykha nod in agreement.

Mury remarks as he climbs into the driver seat of the two seater sand rail, "You make me out to be anti-social."

Lykha says sourly, "A loner that wanders through the desert killing monsters is... kinda the epitome."

"And yet, here we are."

The fairy flies next to his head level, gingerly putting her hand on his helmet with a smile. "And, I'm thankful we are."

Coco says as she climbs into the back seat, "I'm marryin' 'Bando, so 'course I'm conten' as a boul'er in the sun."

Kolaya climbs into her own sand rail, stating, "Lead the way, Mury."

"It's headed north."

The bailiff pales at this news. Her own town, Solace, is directly north of them. "We have to hurry!"

"Stay calm. We have time."

The group takes off north in the desert-running vehicles, driving as quickly and safely as they can. Lykha watches the compass closely. After a couple hours, the mud starts to sink more directly to the bottom. She calls out, "Mury! It's here!"

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