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We arrived and set up a camp nearly three miles away from where we left our car. We kept a red flag from where we started. We started climbing mountains and took photos. The funniest thing is that we hid ourselves and were trying to scare Sasha because she is a scaredy cat for sure. We had a race to the mountain peak. Unfortunately Harry won. We set up two tents just to relax for a few minutes. Sasha and Harry already occupied a tent. Olivia took another. Cyril And I were busy checking the maps and other stuff. I always felt that there was a presence of someone hiding behind the tall trees and staring at us. I told Cyril, he went to check it out by the time Sasha interrupted by telling, "It's just a shadow. Relax Amy. We need to keep going". I found it peculiar. We had to leave as it was growing dark and went back to the cottage. It felt so hushed or no movements of the workers.

Maybe they are on break today. I was badly in need of a bath but I saw that my suitcase was unlocked, clothes scattered, selves hanging out in bad shape and not only mine Olivia's bag was always torn. I heard Sasha yelling. We ran towards her door and Saw a dead raccoon in Sasha's luggage. She was terrified. I could see how frightened she became, those tears she was holding on. Harry got a stick and was trying to lift it because raccoons play dead for defensive tactics, Cyril was ready with another stick. But it was actually dead and gross, that smell. It doesn't look like it's dead for a few hours. That smell seems to be like the raccoon is dead for months. But the question was how did it land up over Sasha's luggage and how come my clothes and other stuff are scattered. The workers came hearing Sasha's scream. It is possible for people to hear her voice for a mile too.

"What happened, oh god what the hell ". He said disgustingly.

"Where were you all? Did you see anyone here? "Olivia asked.

"Few were in the parking lot and others were repairing the circuit. I guess it's the burglar activity. There is mischief work always going on around here past the week you came". One of the workers said.

"Huh! "Sighed Harry.

Olivia was smoothing Sasha. Poor girl. She got frightened. I went back to my room to clean everything and I decided I will clean Olivia's too. There were glasses and wood pieces everywhere.

"Need a hand Miss Amy?" Cyril saw me cleaning out.

I don't want Cyril to worry about me each and every time. I know he wants to be with me, but I don't want him to get disturbed or get in trouble because of me. My life has never been easy. I struggled through a lot. I never wanted to be loved by someone. If I wanted to love also it could always get messed up. No one is perfect in this world. No one is good enough to make you feel deserved too. Cyril deserves so much to be in this world but not me. People can easily deceive me. FRAGILE. I am afraid that I will lose him. This is the reason I keep going away from him.

"No, I am fine. Just help out Harry if you want". I said by ignoring him.

He went to help Harry and sat down cleaning my room. The only thing which was in perfect shape was my camera. After cleaning, I took my camera to look at the pictures which we took over the mountain. It was fun actually. The way we smiled and laughed, Harry winning the race, Olivia napping in the tent. Just by seeing these photos we can see how valuable these trips are, but then I found a few pictures which I never took. One of the pictures showed a room that is exactly like mine in L.A. There was a girl who was combing her hair. A man came in. It's the same man which I saw in my nightmare. I am just visualizing the photos in my mind so that I could put it all together. The girl turned back but was scared to go near. And the door opens and there's another person. Wait what? How can it be possible! I couldn't believe that.

Another person who enters the door is none other than my dad. What the hell is he doing over there? As I moved on, dad and the man were giving her a gift but the girl only accepted my father's but not the man's. The man grew in anger and grabbed the girl with her hair. He acted so violently that he threw her against the wall. The same happened in my nightmare too. He threw Hanna against the wall. I could relate those pictures to my nightmare which was totally insane. My dad took hold of that man but he hit my dad and went towards the girl. The girl looked frightened but I couldn't recognize her. He crawled to her, presented the gift again but the girl didn't take it. But now my dad is standing still doing nothing. She threw away his present which made him even more mad and he drew a knife out of his pocket. All of a sudden my camera went off. The battery was low. I was exasperated. I keep it charging. I couldn't take it out of my mind. The poor girl! What happened to her? What did she do that made him kill? It's just a present she threw? Who is he? What does he want? Why is he in my nightmares? How did this land up in my camera? I needed answers and it didn't make sense cause each and every moment was captured in my camera. It's like someone wanted me to know.

I skipped my dinner and went off to sleep.

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