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I felt I was in paradise. Literal paradise. Do you know what I mean? Like the sun shining brightly and its rays falling directly into the windows which make the shadows of the things around. I wanted to capture this moment. I looked around for my camera but it was missing. It's not on my table. I checked the desk, my bed, the shelves and everything. It's not there. It's gone. I started panicking because I need that camera to know what really happened and I will have proof to ask my dad what's going on. Most importantly, its my first fucking camera i ever brought.

I ran to ask Olivia if she took it.

"Olivia? Did you take my camera? It's not on my table? Did you see it?"

"No, I didn't see your camera. The last time I saw you taking pictures of us." Olivia said.

"No no! Didn't you see the camera which I kept charging?"

"No, why? Did you lose it somewhere?" Olivia inquired.

I was displeased by her words. "Where the hell did it go then? Do you think the ghost came and took it or it ran off to the woods? Please guys stop acting and return it back. You can play games later but right now I need it. It's important". I shouted back.

"Amy no one took it "

"So I should believe you guys? Huh? What do you want? To keep pranking me every time?" I yelled.

"Amy there's a limit. You are mistaking us. We didn't take your camera nor did we prank you". Sasha spoke.

"Where did it go then?"

"We don't know Amy but we will find it for you. Just relax for a second. It's just a camera! Why are you holding on to it so tensed?" Harry said, trying to calm me.

I walked away from the cottage and went into the woods just to get air. I was so frustrated that I need that camera back. I went deep into the wood without my knowledge. I heard someone running so fast around me. It was so quick that I couldn't find in which direction they were moving. Then there was no noise or movement.

That person caught hold of me, covering my mouth and dragging me somewhere.

"Shhh! Shh! don't panic. No one is going to hurt you". Said the voice.

It was a man's voice. What if he is ...? I was trying to get rid of him but he was grabbing me so hard that I couldn't move. He tied my hands and covered my mouth with a cloth. As he turned back untying the knot. I kicked his ass and ran as fast as I could to the cottage. Shouting for help and calling out my friends' names. I was gasping and couldn't run anymore. I could hear his voice.

"Wait. I am not here to hurt you. Please listen to me. I came to warn you" said the voice.

I paused for a second but then I ran because it can be a trap. Killer's always have a way of talking to get their prey. I could hear the voice getting closer and closer but I was almost near the cottage. I still screamed out asking for HELP. Cyril and Harry came out with a wood. I fell down as I can't run anymore. I was out of breath. The man stopped and helped me out.

"Leave her alone" shouted Cyril.

"Or else you are going to face the consequences" added Harry.

He made me stand on my feet but I pushed him. Cyril took the mask on his face to reveal who he was. I stood still without uttering a word. I can't believe that the person who tied my hands and put a cloth in my mouth was my "DAD".

"DAD!" I yelled in shock.

"Yes, sweetheart". He said bending his head down.

"But why?" I questioned.

"Please dear, let me explain everything. Will you calm down for a second? I didn't mean to hurt you but I came here to warn you. I want you to be safe." He said by lowering his voice.

"Calm down huh? Dad, how will I calm down? You tried to tie me up and guess what, I will believe you? In what aspect dad? I don't understand. Did you do the thing to Hanna so she hates you so much that she grew in rage ?

"Oh dear! No. You are being mistaken. I know what I did was wrong but I didn't do anything to Hanna. Amylo I want you to be safe. That's it." he insisted.

"Oh really? Dad then what were you doing when someone, a man tried to drag and kill a girl just because she didn't accept his present? Who is he?" I asked.

"What are you talking about Amylo ? I don't have an idea." He said shockingly. "Sweetheart, I will explain everything. Just give me time and you need to trust me. I have been followed by Hanna ever since I met you in tactile coffee. I don't want your friends to see me and warn your mom. That's why I did this. Believe me. I need to hurry up now. Call me if you need anything" . And he left.

I still can't believe it's my dad who's trying to hurt me. Sasha was comforting me and Olivia made hot coffee. I felt secured around them.

"Take some rest Amy," said Sasha.

I nodded. I couldn't take it off completely meanwhile Cyril entered my room.

"Mind if I come in, your Highness?"

I just gave a small smile letting him in. He told me to knock things right for now but I couldn't hold myself in and my tears rolled down my cheek. I felt aggressive with myself , how I hate myself , how I let believe in people, how I care for them, how I want them in my life. But it always turned out to be worse. He understood what my tears meant.

"Amy, it's not your fault. It's not your fault that you let your dad in. What more does a daughter want? Let her dad be with her so that she would enjoy her life more than anything else. And that's what you did. You didn't fail him as a daughter, he wanted to safeguard you. Maybe what he did was wrong but don't push yourself into this. You deserve more than anyone. You know what's so cute in you, your smile. The way you laugh and smile around things you like to do and the stupidest thing which you do... Remember when you wanted to catch a butterfly but you were afraid of it , do you remember the first flight you got on, how scared you were to sit near the window, do you remember the first time you drank and talked to someone who actually doesn't exist. You're an insane person. But not only that, have you remembered helping Olivia when she needed your help? Do you remember you were trying to bring me back to life? Do you remember rescuing your own dog when he was trapped? Amy, you didn't help many great people but you were there when someone was in need. You helped them to come out of the trap. You are a precious gift a person can have and I am damn lucky to have you as my friend and if you don't mind I could be your boyfriend too. You know I have no issues"

Cyril chuckled and waited for my response.

I laughed. That's what he wanted .Cyril has his own way of convincing me. It makes me feel a whole lot better. Then I told him everything, the nightmare, the wilted rose, the card and the camera photos. He was astonished and worried at first but he promised whatever it is , we will figure it out together and no more secrets. And when he wrapped me around his arms I felt that warmth, the warmth which I needed for a long time. I could hear his heartbeat and mine pouncing at the same time. When I saw him, his eyes sparkled with love and I couldn't resist myself to take my eyes out of it. I don't want him to move away. I want myself to be around his arms and without my consciousness I just fell asleep.

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