𝟮𝟬 ¦ 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁

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✩  𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝟏𝟑 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 it felt like my legs were rubber, I felt sleepier than I wished and I didn't

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✩ 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝟏𝟑 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 it felt like my legs were rubber, I felt sleepier than I wished and I didn't. But then I remembered that in less than an hour, the plane would land and I'd meet the boy whose been prancing around my mind for months now; the one I've been dying to feel was real.

I glanced at Kenma beside me, his head lulled and dropped over while he held his phone lazily in his hand, the device on the verge of falling. I then glanced at the window beside him, watching the view of the ocean quickly flash between clouds and still blue; it was captivating, enough to calm my nerves down.

I wondered mindlessly, what would it be like to see him? To lock eyes with him for the first time? To hug or touch hands or even just graze fingertips. I wondered if he was half as endearing and hyper in real life as he was over the phone, and almost all of me knew that he was. His authenticity and unfiltered cuteness was why I loved him so much.

And the more I thought, the more my mind wandered, and for a brief moment a thought passed my mind; I wonder what his lips feel like.

My head stopped and it felt like everything surrounding me did too. I blinked hard, as if to dispel the thought. But it stayed, it lingered with its atrocious, butterfly inducing feeling.

His lips? His lips... how would his lips feel? They look so soft in photos; suddenly I was wondering what they tasted like and that's when I knew I was too deep into the trenches of bad thoughts. My mind kept wondering what chapstick he used or if they looked half as soft as they did in photos.

"Y/n, why are you so red?" Kenma suddenly spoke, awakening from his nap and glancing at me with judgmental stares.

I bounced up in my chair, wondering if he could read my mind, "What? I'm not red. You're red. Weird little red man."

Kenma made a face as if he didn't know what to say; I then realized how ridiculous I sounded, but I just slumped in my chair, tapping my feet to distract my dirty, scandalous mind. I blinked harshly, once again trying to dispel the foul thoughts that circled my brain in repeating motions.

"Ah-ha, you were thinking of Bokuto again weren't you?" Kenma wiggled his eyebrows, teasing me lamely as I kept my eyes forward. A fragment of me worried that if I met his stare I'd blurt out the thoughts that burned my brain.

"No. I was thinking about... chem... chemistry?" I made up something on the spot, thanking Kuroo for his useless chemistry facts he sent me all those times.

Kenma gave me an unamused glare, blinking at me as if he could smell the lies, "Yup, you've either spent too much time with Kuroo or you think I'm dumb."

"Kuroo really knows his stuff, y'know!"

"Please, he just likes mixing things around to make pretty colors," Kenma laughed. His statement was only half true, I chuckled anyway.

"Even if that were true, why would chemistry be making you blush like an idiot?" Kenma persisted, unwillingly to accept defeat.

"Because... protons and shit like that... they're sexy... especially neutrons- those little shits are so fine."

"Okay... this just got weird so I'm going back to sleep." Kenma side eyed me one last time, making sure to upturn his upper lip into a scowl as he pulled his hood up. He covered his matted black and blonde hair and sunk into a comfortable position, fluttering his eyes shut.

"Thank god..." I mumbled almost soundlessly, quietly bringing my fingers to my lips and biting the skin there.

God, Bokuto, you'll be the death of me. Get out of my tiny, useless brain...


The plane hit the runway, making the interiors jolt and rattle with every little jerky movement. Kenma arose from his resumed nap and glanced out the window, gazing upon the tarmac of the runway with a blank stare, unimpressed by the sight but annoyed that he felt every bit of movement there was.

"We're finally meeting your boyfriend!" Kenma sounded more excited than I did. I silently admired my friends cute smile, anyone who didn't know him would've said he looked rather bored but I could see the lightness in his eyes. He was excited whether her enjoyed it or not.

I thought about seeing Bokuto waiting outside the gate for me, his black and white mess of hair gently blowing in the AC vent air. I wondered if he'd thought about that first glance feeling as much as I did.

But I blinked hard, taking my mind somewhere different. I searched my brain for anything but these weird, lovey dovey thoughts. Banana.

Banana had nothing to do with Bokuto and for a second I was released from those thoughts. Until I remembered Bokuto and Banana both start with B's and then I was right back to square one. I silently cursed myself, not even bothering to respond to Kenma's remarks.

"Y'know, Y/n, as much as you want to deny it, there's clearly something there," Kenma spoke again, silently confused about why I wasn't answering.

I remained silent, also confused but for different reasons.

The plane stopped and that's when I looked at Kenma, fear creeping across my body. This felt real, very, very real.

What if I did like Bokuto? What if Kenma's entirely speculative, brainless teasing was all real and I've been suppressing it all. Would it be weird or dumb to admit now? Was I being an idiot? There are so many questions that I wondered if I'd ever receive and answer to.

"Ken... I think you've rotted my brain."


"All I can fucking think about is Bokuto."

"Oh, damn."


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