𝟥𝟤¦𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗰𝘀 & 𝘁𝗲𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀

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✩  "LET'S GET matching charms!" Bokuto excitedly exclaimed, his hazel toned eyes darting to me with pure joy

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✩ "LET'S GET matching charms!" Bokuto excitedly exclaimed, his hazel toned eyes darting to me with pure joy. I had to smile a little bit because with the way he was looking at me, I felt so warm inside. Before I could even open my mouth to respond he snatched my hand and dragged me away from Kuroo, taking me toward the little stand where thousands of croc charms were neatly ordered in their bins.

My mouth gaped a bit, the stand went as high as the ceiling, dazzled with labels of what every charm was. And that wasn't all, beside the shelf was another with prepackaged and ordered charms; ranging from Disney themes, some anime things, and even a few Sanrio items that caught my eye.

"Wow, okay, just leave me out," Kuroo bickered solemnly behind us, trudging up to us with a playful frown, "I feel like a third wheel."

Bokuto turned away from the shelf in which he was rummaging through, batting his eyes with confusion, "You wanna match with us, bro?"

Kuroo's expression instantly went to match Bokuto's, brown eyes widening and pearly teeth flashing through a smile.

"Hell yeah!" And with that the boys were digging through the shelves like rabid beasts, loud yet playful bickering between the two as they argued over which charms to get.

Which, in return, left me on the sidelines. But I had to sigh with relief because the feeling of Bokuto's hand in mine had left me a little ruffled up, my cheeks were hot. I grazed my hand over where Bokuto's once were, biting the skin of my lips gently as I watched the pair of loud boys a few feet away.

Then my eyes wandered back to the smaller shelf with the little Sanrio characters in their respective packages. My eyes set directly onto Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel (aka her boyfriend), their white cat bodies nicely dressed in matching clothes, matching pink sweaters. My lips autonomically pulled into a smile.

"Hey! Y/n! Which one is better? Godzilla charms or-" Kuroo suddenly appeared at my side, his hands swamped in tiny little boyish charms, many of which were dropping onto the floor and creating a mess.

Then Bokuto burst into frame, appearing on my other side and interrupting Kuroo, "No! Y/n doesn't wanna wear those ugly Godzilla charms! Let's get these!" The owl-haired Boy held up a generous amount of Barbie charms- some of which were almost equally as ugly as Kuroo's. But at least he knew me well enough to know I would never buy whatever Kuroo was offering.

"Shh! You don't know that!" Kuroo stuck out his tongue, throwing a tiny croc charm Bokuto's way, ultimately missing and hitting a little girl who was strutting around.


I sighed, eyeing Kuroo and shooing him away with a firm hand, "Put those away, Kuroo! I don't want that..." Bokuto snickered, pointing at Kuroo who sulked back to the shelf, "And, Bo, I love you, but I don't want those either," I chuckled, picking one of his charms up and politely placing it back on the shelf.

"Do you want those?" Bokuto put his pile away but looked at my hand, pointing out the paper sheet with the charms along the border. I looked down and blushed a bit, seeing his hand reaching for mine and grabbing them gently to gaze at.

I watched with a meek sound of confirmation, slightly in awe as the male took it in his hands and brightly grinned, looking back up at me with happiness.

"They kinda remind you of us, don't they?" Bokuto exclaimed, pointing between the two and holding it in my face, "See, this is You! And this one is me!"

"Hey! What about me?!" Kuroo suddenly appeared, suspiciously eyeing the packaging and placing a hand on my shoulder, "Hmm, this doesn't look anything like you or Y/n!"

"I said 'reminds' not 'looks'," Bokuto jerked the item away and snatched me by the wrist, pulling me to his chest suddenly. I stopped breathing for a moment, my head shooting up to look at his pouty face. But he was looking ahead as if nothing he had just done was making his heart race as much as mine, "Besides you can be Kuromi, yknow, cuz you're emo." Bokuto pointed at another package with the character.

Meanwhile, my face stayed close to his chest; so close that I could hear his heartbeat, smell his cologne, even feel every breathe he took. The intimacy, the propinquity, all of it made me feel dizzy. But I didn't dare wiggle free or tell him to back up because silently, I adored the closeness. I loved feeling him along my skin like this. The way his hand wrapped so nicely around my wrist and the other dangerously close to my cheek as he animatedly explained something to Kuroo.

Suddenly, he glanced down at me, meeting my eyes with a gentle expression, "You okay?"

I turned my head to see where Kuroo was and I saw him grumbling to himself at another shelf. It seems that he'd left us alone, intentionally or not, with my face on his broad chest and breathe fanning each others face. Was the surreal feeling only in my chest?

"Mhm," I spoke barely audibly, my hands somehow falling to be planted right on his chest, just barely above his heart. Which I subtly noticed was beating a bit faster, "I'm fine... we don't have to get these ones if Kuroo doesn't want to-"

"Hm, but I wanna match with you," Bokuto hummed with discontent, eyeing the package once more, "Kuroo said he'd just get his Godzilla one."

"Ah, okay," I couldn't argue with those caramel tinted eyes of his. They held too much power and looked so pretty, "We should get some Godzilla ones too to match with him, then."

Bokuto beamed, tucked a hand in his pocket, the other snagging the package of charms. He went to turn, but quickly paused and stared at me. Silently, not even a breathe was let slip, he raised a hand and tucked a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. Then hurried away to Kuroo, yelling something I couldn't hear over the ringing in my ears.

"Oh my god," I mumbled, covering my mouth with my hand and staring at the floor where he once stood before me, "I need to call Kenma..."


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