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E P I S O D E  2 9 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - n i n e  :  H U S T L E  G A M E

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E P I S O D E  2 9 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - n i n e  :  H U S T L E  G A M E

takemichi chewed on his lip anxiously. he tried so much to just keep his eyes locked on souya but having chifuyu's presence sitting beside him makes it hard to focus. especially with his mind filling with thoughts he thought he already forgot.

he's quite not sure if there are still feelings lingering. he tried to use this training camp to at least forget the things he heard back in the musashi shrine.

the fact that mitsuya wanted to remove him.

the fact that chifuyu hated his company.

he said to himself that if he can't get this feelings off his mind and heart, then he'd at least distract himself and keep himself away from them for a while.

"did you see that, takemichi? angry shot a 3."

takemichi snapped his head up at his name, gaze immediately landing on the game — at souya whose foot just landed on the ground, behind the 3 point line, along with the ball falling within the basket.

takemichi panicked a little. i promised to watch him! he slapped his cheeks together as though it'll help him focus. angry might get mad if he saw me not watching him.

the blond clapped along with the applause around him. the players ran back to their positions as two tenjiku players pass the ball to each other. ran and rindou approaches the other half of the court, each having their own marks.

"who do you think will win?" takemichi heard chifuyu ask. the blond ignored the boy thinking that he was probably talking to mitsuya.

chifuyu tilted his head confusedly when he heard no response as he looked at the yellow haired male. "takemichi."

takemichi flinched at the hand settling on his shoulder, snapping his gaze at the boy with the undercut. "h-huh?"

"i asked who do you think will win?" chifuyu repeated, hand slipping from the blond's shoulder and over the backrest of the blond's seat instead.

"oh! that, uhm .." he doesn't really know since he's he didn't pay attention that much. takemichi's mouth open closes as he try to come up with something to say, eyes shifting from one player to another on court. "i don't know. everyone's really doing great so it's hard to tell who would win." he added a nervous laugh at the end.

𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩 . various / takeWhere stories live. Discover now