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― "WELL, THAT WAS A WEIRD FUCKING DREAM." obanai muttered to himself as he wandered down the stairwell of the apartment building and reached the lobby, where his friend kyojuro rengoku was waiting for him.

"obanai!" the flame-haired man called to him, and he approached with a smile. "happy twenty-first, my friend!"

"thanks." obanai closed his eyes as he smiled.


"i still can't believe you don't want to do anything special for your birthday. your twenty-first, at that." kyojuro remarks jokingly as the two walk across the pathway.

"well, it's only marking twenty-one years of my existence. it doesn't mean much, i never usually celebrate my birthday." obanai shrugs.

"but twenty-one years is a long time! think of all the things you've done in twenty-one years!" kyojuro adds.

"honestly, i can't remember anything right now. my brain's focused on some weird dream i had earlier." obanai looks up to the glorious sun as it beamed in the clear sky.

"really? what was it about?" kyojuro asks.

"i don't exactly know. it felt like i witnessed an entire lifetime, my entire lifetime, but it was over a hundred years ago, definitely. i don't know how to properly explain it, but it felt familiar. it was like an entire lifetime full of déjà vu." obanai replies.

"that's funny. i got a dream exactly like that on my twentieth birthday. it was almost like i was rewatching my past lifetime from the third person. i asked my other friends, and it turns out those dreams are your past lifetime."

"really? that's so interesting. so we're reincarnations?"

"i'd say so."

"well, past-life me was pretty awesome, then."

"same here. i fought a demon on a train!"

"woah, that's cool! i fought a demon in a weird castle thing."

"i guess we're both equally as cool, then."


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