Chapter II: A Bottle of Red, With You As the dish

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I step out of my shower, hair wet and tangled. I definitely should've combed it before I washed it: my hair is long and curly as hell.

I walk into my room and as soon as I drop my towel, my phone rings. It's Sin.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi, angel. Let me see you." he says.

"I, uh, just got out of the shower. I'm not dressed and my hair's a mess." I say as I grab my lotion.

"First of all, I've seen every inch of your body already. Second, I messed your hair up last night with all that pulling I was doing, yet you still turned me on. So what, you look a little crazy? Let me see you."

"Um... no. Give me a second."

I put on a hoodie and shorts, then throw my hair into a ponytail. Doesn't look too bad, I guess.

I walk back over to my phone to see him getting ready. He has on black slacks and is buttoning up a white dress shirt. He looks good.

"Where you going?" I ask as I prop my phone up. I walk over to my book shelf, grab my book and then sit back down.

"I have a meeting with my staff. There's a gala that an associate of mine is planning and he's having it at my hotel, so I need to speak with them and make sure things are going fine."

"Oh, the one you're staying in? Or..."

"No, the one in New York. I actually need a date, angel. Would you like to go with me?"

"What? Me? No, definitely not. I'm too broke to be around all of those fancy people." I shake my head.

He leans down on the top of his dresser, staring at me, "you can come. You'll be with me the whole time, and it isn't until next week either. Your brother and our other friends are coming and we already rented out an eight bedroom penthouse. Just come."

I sigh, "My brother would see us together. And I don't have anything to wear."

"He can't say anything if we're just friends. And You'll have something to wear." he says.

He picks up his phone and takes a few steps before propping it up against something, in front of a chair. He sits down in the chair, and his belt is undone.

"What... are you doing?" I ask with an awkward laugh.

"Can you do me a favor, baby?"

"Yeah, what is it?" I reply, even though he didn't answer me.

"Talk to me. Say anything; anything at all."

I sit and think for a second before I start talking, "I think I want to open a book and music store. Something pretty, and comfortable," I smile at the drawing I've made in my head of this place. "A place where people can come in and think, and chill out. Somewhere that can be people's happy pla-"

I turn back to the camera as I hear him breathing heavily and see him jerking off... to me... talking. He's on another level of freakiness.

"Hey, Sincere? Does my voice really turn you on that bad?" I ask softly.

"Say my name again," he calls as he starts jerking himself faster.

I soften my tone more, "what did you say, Sincere?"

He starts to slow down on himself as cum pours out of him, "you did that on purpose." he says, referring to the tone in my voice.

"No proof," I laugh. "Now your pants are messed up."

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