Chapter XVII: Make-up sex

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*We're back in Mal's POV*

I was so scared about my babies. I thought they were gone, but no. They're fine and still growing.

The doctor walks back into the room with a bottle of medication for me, "just take one a day with a meal and you should be fine." she smiles.

"Thank you." I smile back.

"Your discharge papers are ready whenever you are."

"Thanks, but I have a question." I say.

Sin's eyes light up, wondering what it could be.

"Yeah, sure; what is it?"

"Can we have sex while I'm pregnant? He's so scared to because he doesn't wanna 'squish the babies' head'."

"Oh, yes, of course you can. But it becomes a little uncomfortable as your stomach gets bigger." she answers.

"So, just no rough sex?" Sin asks.

"You could, yes. But I recommend otherwise. You never know what could happen, I always say."

I turn to Sin with a big smile.

"Oh, my God. Come on, angel." he laughs, knowing what I want.

He better rail the living lights out of me when we get back.


When we get back to the penthouse, Malik, Eve, Jackson and two other of their friends, Justin and Gin are waiting in the lobby. Fuck.

"Hi, Mal," Eve says in a high pitched tone as she shuffled over to me. She's definitely talking to the babies, not me.

Malik stands up and starts to slowly walk over to Sin. Sin backs up slowly, and then Malik starts chasing him.

Oh, my goodness. They're so embarrassing.

"So, how've you been feeling?" Eve asks me this time.

"I mean... like every other pregnant lady I guess. But I feel like at the early stage, I'm feeling pain of a one-child, five-month pregnant woman."

"Well, you did choose to have unprotected sex so... that's what you get." Eve laughs.

I laugh sarcastically, "yeah, yeah. Are you guys leaving soon?" I ask, really because I want them to. Me and Sin have things to attend to.

"What? No! We just got here. Let's go u-"

"Reed, bring your ass back!" Malik yells.

"No, stop!" Sincere shouts back. Sin trips over a chair but gets up quick as lightning.

"Malik!" Eve shouts and runs after him.

Good lord.


They've been here since one, it's now five. My horniness has gone up by five thousand, I swear. Sin has been teasing me this whole time. Circling his fingers around my thigh, giving me that look, and he's been kissing me. Kissing me. It's driving me crazy.

He stands up from the couch and walks over to the thermostat, "it's hot in here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." Malik groans.

Sin takes his shirt off and tosses it aside, then walks back over to me.

"You know what, I can't." I throw my hands up and stand from the couch.

Sincere laughs, "what?"

"I'm gonna go take a nap; I'll be back in like an hour." I say.

I can't. I'm literally so wet right now, and I need a shower. A cold one.

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