Chapter XXVI: The End

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4 months later:

Our kids are four months and three days old and we planned on planning our wedding while taking care of them, but life said "nope.". I'm not sure why we thought we'd be able to do that considering this is both our first time taking care of a child, let alone two.

"Zadie's already crawling. She's gonna be so smart," my mother says as she picks up the twins' diaper bag.

"I know," I smile.

Zain's taking a bit longer than Zadie to crawl, and to do a lot of 'normal' things a four month would know how to do. Like sitting up by himself; he can't. And I think it's the aftermath of what happened when he was born. I think about it a lot, and sometimes I feel guilty. There had to be something I could've done differently while carrying them.

"Okay, well I'll see you two lovebirds next week. I'm gonna take my grand-babies everywhere." Ma says. She's taking them for a week so Sin and I can have a break.

"Alright, Ma," I hug her. "See you, Love-bug," I rub Zadie's face. "Bye, Munch." I rub Zain's. I call him that because he's so small.

"Little girl stole my nickname." Sincere smiles.

"She sure did, didn't she?" Ma laughs as she turns around and head out of the door. "You two better not be getting too freaky and end up with another baby while we're gone!"


She laughs as she puts them in the car. Sin and I wait for her to get them snug and then watch as she pulls off.

I walk back into the house first, and with every step, a piece of clothing leaves my body. Surprisingly enough, about a month a after I gave birth, my body went back to what it was like before... besides my tits. They're huge now (thank God).

"Oh?" Sincere says in an amused tone.

"Mm... when's the last time we did anything?" I ask.

He sighs deeply, "almost a year ago. You gave birth four months ago, but we stopped having sex when you were about six months because it was uncomfortable for you."

"Really?" I hoist myself onto the kitchen counter, "should we break that streak or what?" I spread my legs open and rest my left foot on the stool next to me.

Sincere licks his lips, "oh, hell yeah."

As he slowly starts to walk over to me, I can see the bulge in his pants growing with every step.

When he reaches me, he kisses me and starts rubbing my pussy.

"I missed this." he whispers against my neck.

"Do you think you could show me how much?" I tease as I stroke the back of his hair.

"Lay on your back for me."

The moment he removes his lips from my neck, I fall onto my back, legs still spread wide open.

He takes his scrunchy and ties his hair back: probably to make it easier for me to grip. Then he starts to place gentle kisses on my clit.

"Wow, baby. You're swollen." he laughs.

Sincere starts to suck directly on my clit and,

"It feels so fucking good," I whisper.

"Let me know when you're about to cum, baby." he says then goes right back to eating me out.


I grip his bun and then feel him begin to repeatedly flick my clit with his tongue. He grips my thighs and pins them in the air, creating an angle that makes his tongue against me feel so much better.

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