Chapter XVIII: Another trip?!

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I wake up, and Sin's sitting next to me, writing. It's already twelve in the afternoon. I must've went to sleep right after our shower yesterday.

"Good morning." I yawn.

He turns to face me, "good morning, angel. How'd you sleep?"

"I've definitely slept better. These stomach cramps feel like hell." I sit up against the headboard with him and rest my head on his shoulder to see what he's writing. It's a list about me.


"Hm? You thought I was joking last night?" He smiles and kisses my head.

I wanna cry... but I can't be one of those emotional pregnant women. I have to be a thug... a strong woman!
*My mother told herself the same thing, then cried when my dad wouldn't get her Hot Cheetos. Let's see how this works out for lil Mal*

"Sin, you didn't have to; I was kidding." I smile and lift up.

"I know, angel. I'm not finished yet so go shower and stuff. By the time you're done, I should be as well."

"Okay. I'll be back," I kiss him on his cheek and then stand to shower.


When I go back into the room, Sin isn't here. He left his note undone too. I walk over and check my phone so see if he sent me any messages or left a call, but he didn't.

"Yeah, it's good to see you." I hear him.

I change into my robe and walk downstairs to see Sin sitting on the couch, talking to his brother Sam.

"Oh, hey, Sam. It's been a long ass time, hasn't it?" I say.

He looks over at me and a big grin appears on his face, "hey, Mali. I heard you're carrying this idiot's kid... or kids."

"Yeah. They've been kicking my ass too." I walk over and sit next to Sin on the couch.

He asks me, "how was your shower?"

"It was good. I got a little concerned when I didn't see you though."

"Aww, you guys are so cute." Sam says. "And pregnancy looks good on you, Mali."

I laugh, "thank yo-"

"Sam. Watch it." Sin squints.

"Oh, come on! You know I don't actually swing that way." Sam laughs.

"I don't care; stop flirting with my wife, Sammy."

"Don't you dare call me that again, or I'll call Ma." Sam shouts.

"Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, I'll call Ma... I don't care!" Sincere mocks.

"Oh, whatever! I'm leaving! I'm gonna go see Malik and Eve since I'm obviously not wanted here! I'll see you later, Mali." Sam stands up and storms over to the elevator.

Sin teases, "I don't care if you're mad! Cry about i-"

"Sin, stop!" I say.

Sam gets in the elevator and gives Sin the middle finger as the door closes. They've always been like that. Always arguing, but will commit genocide for each other if necessary.

"Damn, he gets on my nerves. He's lucky I love his little big forehead having ass."

"Sin, you shouldn't be like that with him. He's your brother." I say as I walk over to the kitchen.

"Yeah, and you're my wife. I don't want him flirting with you, whether he's gay or not because with how sexy you are, it's possible you'll make him switch teams."

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