⭐ Blissful reunion ⭐

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It was a beautiful morning at the vanilla palace. Pure vanilla woke up at hearing the little blue birds chirping.he streched his arms and got ready to start the day

Then he realised that he had almost forgotten all his friends had come from their kingdoms for the meeting this morning to discuss about white lily they must be waiting oh the witches! Pure vanilla exclaimed

He rushed to the hall of unity and saw no one was there " huh? Where's everyone?
He looked around and then looked at the time it's was 7 o'clock" Ah..how foolish of me hehehe" vanilla chuckled

Fast forward to 8:30 am

The vanillan king sat in place where all the great rulers of great far away kingdoms had gathered he started the meeting by saying "Good morning my beloved friends, how have you all been?"
He asked with a joyful but calming tone
" Yeah yeah whatever man, ya know I had to wake up at like 5 am!!! Because of your stupid birds!" Golden cheese screeched. Hollyberry laughing like a manic holding a glass of berry juice in her hand " oh Goldie, always complaining " hollyberry said laughing and almost chocking on her berry juice
"Aye!! Listen here you drunkard! Besides WHO EVEN DRINKS WINE AT LIKE 8AM IN THE MORNING!?!" Golden cheese snapped back looking like she had some serious beef with hollyberry
Hollyberry's bodyguard Wild berry cookie was standing just outside the hall hearing what queen mother was doing he couldn't help but be embarrassed

"Anyway we've been fine vanilla , thank you for concern!" Hollyberry said.
Dark cacao finally opened his mouth. Tho he was quite a calm and silent cookie he does like to do a little bit of small talk(I mean doesn't everybody?)

"How have you been pure vanilla?"
Pure vanilla noticed while the other two ladies were still busy arguing.
"Oh! I'm quite fine dear". Pure vanilla said cheerfully. Dark cacao gave a soft smile.

Upon seeing dark cacao's smile pure vanilla's face turned red . That usually happens the two ladies finally stop arguing and noticed the Pure vanilla's bright red like an apple of some sort
They both giggled "oh~ looks like someone's flustered~" golden cheese teased pure vanilla. "Oh um- uh! What a-are you ta-lking ab-bout!?.." the blonde king stutterd . Hollyberry looked at the other king having a little smirk on her face "oh ho ho~ look their so cute together oh my god, Goldie!" Hollyberry said in a pick me girl like tone

Hollyberry aggressively slurped the  glass of berry juice, then she went to take another sip of her glass and realised that she had already drank the entire glass in just 2 minutes "ugh! Wildberry cookie my beloved bodyguard would you kindly get me some berry juice please pretty please~" hollyberry whined

Wildberry took a deep sigh and walked into the hall. It was a chaotic site golden cheese was practically on the table sitting like a West coast country side stripper , pure vanilla who was red as snow White's god forsaken lips, dark cacao cookie who was wide awake but looked like he hasn't slept in months
And then his queen. His drunkass queen, A queen who can't survive without berry juice. Begging for more of that dare he drugs. No but seriously she drinks that shit like water . " But queen mother princess( yes princess ) jungle berry cookie said not to drink too much berry juice, and thats basically the reason why she sent me here with you " wildberry said in a firm but respectful tone " oh please that woman has no other good work anyway. Don't worry naggingberry cookie I talk to her about it " hollyberry cookie said carelessly " oh but queen mother she-" "No no no no , Nope no buts wildberry cookie". Hollyberry said

Even in all this chaos and screeching
Pure vanilla was smiling not because he was the only sane person in the room
But also because it reminded him of the olden times the laughter , the shipping, the begging-your-subjects-for-berryjucie act, golden screeching like a dying old bird with astama and most importantly his one and true love dark cacao cookie..(Sussy)

By the way this took place after gingerfart and his worthless friends go to the golden cheese kingdom #no offense

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