🍫The first watcher🥢

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Yay they're getting greeted by the the girlboss of the dark cacao kingdom

As they were approaching this blizzard kingdom. They all started to feel cold well all of them except dark cacao and crunchy chip they were making themselves at home right on the carriage

The carriage stopped and the doors opened. Golden cheese stepped out like she always steps out of the carriage thinking there would be a nice flat ground to stand on ...and she fell immediately into the snow. Almost completely submerged into the cold shit.
Everyone else stared at her for like ten seconds processing what the hell just happened. Staring deep into the snow forest crunchy chip heard his cream wolves barks notifying him that they know he came back. He was so excited he jumped out of the carriage grabbing that bag of collars and landed right on miss golden cheese. She almost died guys- Crunchy ran like a trackstar with wildberry following him. Finally wildberry picked up golden cheese .

"Are you alright your highness , queen golden cheese cookie?"

"Yea, yea whatever man. Thanks for the help."

As crunchy chip was running at the cream wolves he was Already deep into the forest. Suddenly a figure jumped down from what it seemed like nowhere came and stood in front of him..staring at him dead in the eyes

"Who dare trespasses into these lan- oh! Crunchy. Your back!"

It was first watcher caramel arrow cookie

"Yeah .. now where are my cream wolves!?"

Crunchy chip hugged caramel arrow and asked for his wolves

"Uh.. crunchy chip.. where's his majesty?"

"His majesty's. back at the carriage "

"Alright I'll be on my way captain!"

Caramel arrow ran like a graceful Swift tigeress through the snow living a trail of snow flakes behind. Then suddenly she felt something in her way . *Bump* its wild berry cookie! He was running behind Crunchy chip

"Ugh! Who goes there!?"

"Mmp.. ma'am are you ok?"

She looked up with threatened eyes and saw a man .. a very large man with a gaulet which was glowing a bright hot pink aura. She looked at him dead in his eyes. Clutched her bow tightly and asked

" Who are you?"

"I'm wildberry cookie.. bodyguard of queen mother hollyberry cookie. I have come to visit with the rulers..."

"I'm sorry.. but I can't trust people like that. SHOW WHERE THEY ARE!!"

she said to him in a louder tone . But at the same time she clutched her bow tighter and stepped a few steps back .she was a bit scared as he has giantic gaulet and can punch her at any moment

Crunchy chip was running along with all of the cream wolves like a parade and screeched


Caramel arrow slightly glanced behind her seeing the wolf captain acting like he had snorted twenty types of drugs from each kingdom or something.

"Oh carrow. Your still here "

Crunchy chip jumped off his cream wolf and walked towards wildberry and caramel arrow cookie.

" Caramel arrow cookie this is wildberry cookie, wildberry cookie this is caramel arrow cookie"

"Oh so you know this guy Crunchy.?"

" Yea. He's my uh-...f-friend.... Yea.." crunchy stutterd

A Sussy bussy smirk emerged from caramel arrow's face.

" H-hey.. DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA WE'RE JUST..we are just friends ok?

"Mmn ok *giggles*"

The four rulers and two cookies who seemed to be coachmen walked in the midst of the snow. Dark cacao cookie looked up in the sky.. clouds.. blizzards coming..

Golden cheese was having a hard time walking in the snow she felt she lost a day off her life each step she took in the shivering snow

They walked until they caught up to a caramel arrow and the other gay dudes chilling with a whole squad of cream wolves orbiting crunchy chip.

"Your majesty, your back."
Caramel arrow bowed respectfully

"Hmm. How was everything going on caramel arrow?"

"Sir the brown sugar tribe . Ran out of fire wood so 14th watcher delivered it. And all the other outskirts villages are doing fine your majesty"

"Good job caramel arrow cookie."
Dark cacao cookie said with a small smile on his face

Though caramel arrow didn't show it but on the inside she was jumping with joy when his majesty praised her and he even smiled!

"Ugh can we like- go now I'm freezing"
Golden cheese cookie said in a sassy tone

Next chapter---------------------------->

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