🍫✨The prince✨🍫

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Dark choco finally made an apprence (besides he's on one of my tags lol)

They finally reached the citadel. It was standing tall like usual.

As they stepped inside of the cold citadel golden cheese felt better now

As they made their way around the citadel they met the prince, dark choco cookie. He was talking with a guard and servent .

He was saying something about breaking someone's spear in half ( wtf the maid built different )

The maid turned to the left she saw a young women with a very long high ponytail approaching. As she got closer the maid realised it's was first watcher caramel arrow cookie. Coming in with a smile on her face. The prince realised and glacend to the left and her. The guard remained alert.

"Oh carrow what happened?"

"His majesty's come back my prince."

"Wonderful. Then I shall go and meet him."

(Dark choco- so after he left the strawberry jam sword and went in episode 14 of the game. He was living on his own in a snow forest. After a few months he had the courage to come back and ask forgiveness from his father. Of course they forgave eachother with happy tears and dark choco is basically really tall and over protective. He now is back to being a prince again and the whole kingdom is happy (: )

The prince walked out of the room the guard followed him and the maid was joined by another maid ( this maid was dark chocos hand maid ) they followed the prince and later caramel arrow cookie came too. The maids and gurad bowed with deep respect to the king

"Hmm. Father your back."

"Yes, my dear boy"

Dark cacao walked up to dark choco . Dark choco bent a little and dark cacao kissed him on his forehead

They got some "aww"s from the large group of maids behind the headmaid who also sqeeled. Caramel arrow and the guard smiled warmly.

"Come on its lunch time" said the prince excitedly

They all sat on the low benches of the dining area and chatted for while. Wildberry and crunchy went to the city to look around.

After a bit they all crossed paths the prince and the king went training grounds . So the rest followed them . It's sparring time . Dark cacao cookie and dark choco spared for bit dark choco got a little cut but he was fine. Pure vanilla sat on a bench near a shrine like thing for the dragons. Golden cheese spared with a random watcher because..she was bored. Hollyberry got on to some small talk she managed to carry a whole bottle of berry juice and chatted with three watcher-trainees who had finished training

Pure vanilla brought a novel and read it for a good while before they all went home.

After going home pure vanilla didn't get to spend a lot of time with dark cacao as he was busy with paper work

Looks like days here would go on like this he slept in his bed thinking of .. that night. He was legit hard.

I MISSED YOU THE MOST(PURE CACAO) Where stories live. Discover now