🍒🍻Road to hollyberry kingdom🌹🥂

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After the meeting about white lily..

Pure vanilla was practically tearing up as golden cheese who had missed oyessdy asked him a buttload of questions about the disappearance of white lily..

But!The great queen of the hollyberry kingdom had an idea~ but don't worry it's not about berry juice- well. At least I think it is-

She said that it's been so many years since they visited each others kingdoms together so she planned first to go in a straight line, The pureVanillan kingdom, hollyberrian kingdom, golden cheezit kingdom( yeah the citizens of the golden cheese kingdom are called cheezits lol)
And then dark cacaoainian kingdom then after seeing eachother's kingdoms they would return to thier own respective kingdoms .

Pure vanilla was sitting on his throne missing the presence of his dearest white lily whom he had known since childhood..who was now.. gone
Even though all of his great friends were here but it felt like something was missing. Their friendship was like a sweet,bitter, cheesey pie with five pieces... And one missing..

But then again it would be more chaos with golden cheese teasing lily on being a nerd but still at least..it would be happier

He went deep in thought for a few minutes. Until hollyberry the great broke in the throne room and started screaming " Pure vanilla cookie! I have an idea!" Hollyberry screamed "Ah-! Oh. Hey holly.. what's the idea?" Pure vanilla asked.then suddenly golden cheese draging dark cacao cookie came in " dark cacao may have-" before cheese could finish her sentence dark cacao said " hey not only me but her too! She flies like crazy around your palace anyway!" "Oh! Alright then, ME and dark cacao may have broken your fine china or something like that-" golden cheese Said in a tone that was full of sass. " Oh well um. How did that happen?" Pure vanilla questioned " well we may had gotten into a uh- um. A FIGHT! yeah, yes a fight"Golden cheese said while thinking
Pure vanilla smacked his forehead and sighed " ugh. What over this time!?" Vanilla asked in a single-mother-with-three-kids tone
" Well she started it!" dark cacao exclaimed proving his innocence "ok, ok now keep quiet. Alright hollyberry what's the idea?" Pure vanilla asked
Hollyberry cookie who was impaitently waiting to tell " well I was thinking we'd go on adventures together like the olden times ya know when we used to go to eachother's kingdoms and hangout? Kinda of sorta like that ya know it would be a pretty fun experience don't ya think nilla?" Holly said " oh well that sounds like a wonderful idea thank you hollyberry. Ahem ahem guys listen we'll leave tomorrow alright." Pure said " hell yeah I've been waiting to get Outta here. damn fuck you birds no more 5 am chirping for me pfft-!" Golden cheese cursed the poor birds

(Fast forward to the next day cuz me too lazy.)


Pure vanilla was packing his bags ready to leave to Holly's kingdom.he noticed a picture of dark choco and realised how similar they look "hmm, this is reminding of the old times" pure blushed (Not at dark choco ew. He was thinking of the time him and dark cacao hooked up to get heirs and yea-) he was not even in this universe anymore To be honest but then "Your majesty your bags are ready and all the rulers are getting ready to go back home" said a vanillian servent
"Oh thank you dear for telling me I'll be on my way tell dark cream cookie ( an oc btw cause I noticed vanilla doesn't have heirs. Well custard can be the next heir but he's too young) to look after the kingdom alright." Pure vanilla said to the maid.

As pure vanilla was walking to the halls of his castle seeing all shining stained glass with all five ancient heros beautifully painted on the glass windows
He reached the entrance with two peral white giant pillars. He was greeted by his comrades "hey there slow coach!" Hollyberry shouted "oh hello there holly!" Pure Said he looked on to the left where a beautiful hollyberrian carriage was waiting with crispy waffle coating he walked in to carriage and noticed that there was a huge pink stained glass heart-shaped window kind of like hollyberry's souljam he looked out of it to see one of the vanillian gurads seemingly being seduced by the cheese queen..

He was mortified. Anyway the carriage had a front and back seats he wanted to sit in the front. there were two majestic white sugar-stallions and a  coachman with a pink feather hat and shining polished black boots with a (quite menacing)smirk on his face. he looked at his friends coming to sit in the carriage from the back window. "Huh!? Your already here!" Golden cheese exclaimed "umm..yea I was here for quite some time you know." Vanilla answered " oh come on we were waiting for your ass!" Goldie shouted " will you please stop fighting see, we have a whole journey ahead of us and we are here wasting our energy and time on this!?" Dark cacao said in a annoyed tone " Alright then, my dearest coachman lead the way to the kingdom!" Holly said "Of course your majesty" the coachman replied

Fast forward to 12:00 pm

Hollyberry was seated in the front seat with with pure vanilla cookie she was sleeping on his lap
In the back seat was dark cacao and golden cheese they were still gossiping about the fact that the maids of thier kingdom palaces are in a clut of some shit. There was actually a seat behind the bàçk seat so yea. Crunchy chip and wildberry were seated with crunchy's giant ass cream wolf( dark cacao cookie  told him to only get one lol)while wild was sleeping crunchy was listening to the juicy, malicious gossip

"Bruh some of the maids in my kingdom are worthless bro-" GC said "yea girl, like some of them ain't do shit bro" DC replied " I wonder if they started a cult of some sort. Like an occult club or something " GC said " Nah bro they probably have a all girls sleepover every night and summon the evil demons" dark cacao said

They slept after a bit it was like 1:30 am or something when they slept crunchy fell asleep just listening to the gossip and on top of all that his cream wolf was rolling all over the place like a cursed demon wolf hybrid thingy

Wtf is a kilometre

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