Chapter 3 broken toys

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Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug walk through the courtyard. Willy holds Mitch's hand and cries. Mitch's face has been covered with a cloth. Ruby is digging a grave.
Willy: Mitch I.
Clem walks up to Mitch.
Willy:At the start, I was so little, and mitch looked after me.
Willy:People said he was a dick sometimes, but he was always nice to me.
Willy:And now, now he's gone.
Willy:Stabbed in the eye by some asshole who never even knew his name.
Clem:Look, I promise you, willy, the people who did this?
Clem:We're going to hit them back. Clem:They're gonna regret ever coming near us.
Willy:If mitch were here, he wouldn't cry.
Willy:He'd find a way to get our friends back.
Willy:Then he'd bash lilly's brains out with a rock.
Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,Louis, Ruby,and Tenn walk up to them.
Louis: Abel's tied up in the basement. Louis:He passed out from the pain.
Clem: Thanks.
Louis: Aj wanted to stay down there and keep an eye on him.
Louis:Hey, buddy.
Louis:It's time for us to bury mitch and say our goodbyes.
Tenn:I'll help you carry.
Willy pushes Tenn to the ground.
Willy:Get away from him!
Willy:You're the reason he's dead!
Ruby: Willy!
Willy:Well, it's true!
Willy:We had a plan, and that idiot messed it up!
Clem:Hey, cut that shit out!
Willy:Someone's gotta say it!
Willy:It's what everyone thinks.
Lee:Everyone just chill.
Tenn runs off.
Ruby: Tenn!
Louis:Let me handle this.
Louis:Talk to abel, see if you can't find out where lilly took vi,omar,and aasim.
Louis:I wanted to hurt him, you know, to make him talk.
Louis:But I just couldn't.
Louis:Maybe you'll get more out of him than I did.
Louis holds her hand and smiles at her before walking away.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug enter the basement.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug walk up to Aj and Abel. Aj is spinning the bullet chamber of his revolver.
Clem:Got your gun back, huh?
Aj: Uh huh.
Sarah:Still want dibs?
Aj:It's different like this.
Aj:With him all broken.
Aj:But I still hate him.
Lee: Ready?
Clem slaps Abel.
Abel:The fuck?!
Abel:Well, that ain't no way to wake an old man up from his afternoon nap.
Abel:I was having a nice dream, too, about a girl I used to know from before.
Abel:She also had me tied up, but I wasn't her prisoner if you get my meaning.
Abel coughs.
Shawn:Choke on your blood.
Abel:No offense, but I'd rather go back to my dream, so if you don't mind.
Aj kicks Abel in the knee several times.
Abel:Damn it, squirt.
Abel:Easy on the broken parts.
Otis punches Abel in the stomach.
Aj:And don't call me squirt.
Aj:You're a squirt.
Abel:You've never done this before, have you?
Abel:First thing you learn, I can't tell you shit if I pass out from the pain.
Abel:Got any water?
Abel:Other than what you already dumped on me, I mean.
Doug:Nope,we used it all on you.
Abel:Well, that sucks.
Clem:Don't make this harder than it needs to be, okay?
Otis:We just wanna know where lilly took my people.
Abel:It doesn't matter.
Abel:Soon as she gets there, she's gonna turn around and come right back for me.
Abel:You better give me the five star treatment.
Abel:If I'm smiling when she gets here, you might be able to trade me for a little mercy.
Abel:We underestimated you little shits, but lilly won't make the same mistake twice.
Sarah:We fought Lilly off once.
Lee:We'll do it again.
Abel:You caught us by surprise.
Abel:Didn't reckon you'd know how to scrap.
Abel:Now we know.
Aj:Just tell us where they took our friends so we can get them back.
Abel: Lilly will never give 'em up. Abel:Only reason we came here was for more manpower.
Abel:Losing yonatan and me for three sprouts who can barely hold a gun. Abel:Even a dummy like me can do the math on that one.
Clem:We're gonna get 'em back.
Abel:You don't know what it's like out there.
Abel:It's a bloodbath, one community against another, from richmond to the coast.
Abel:Back at the delta, we're at war, with some really sick fucks who make me look like the virgin mary.
Abel:We need people to fight it.
Shawn slams Abel's head against the desk.
Shawn:No fucking way we let our people fight for you.
Abel:I'm starting to think you're mad at me.
Abel:You think we like doing raids like this?
Abel:Our home is under threat.
Abel:It's a good home, built to last.
Abel:I'd do a lot to protect it.
Abel:Maybe you can understand that.
Clem:And we do a lot to get my friends back.
Otis:So stop wasting our time.
Abel: Okay.
Abel:Front pocket.
Abel:The answer to all your questions.
Clem takes a cigarette out of Abel's pocket.
Abel: Read it.
Clem: "Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat."
Sarah:What the fuck?
Doug:Is this code?
Abel:No, it's fucking leviticus.
Abel:I was hoping it'd be some timely moralistic shit about turning the other cheek.
Abel:Well, c'mon.
Abel:That thing isn't gonna light itself.
Clem feints moving the cigarette toward Abel to let him smoke but stubs it out on the desk.
Clem: Oops.
Abel:You little bitch.
Abel: Fucking.
Lee:Tell us everything or die a painful death.
Abel coughs up blood.
Abel: Shit.
Aj:That's a lot of blood.
Abel:Oh, fuck.
Abel:This is not good.
Aj:He's gonna die, isn't he?
Shawn: Yes.
Clem: I hope so.
Clem:And I hope he suffers every moment 'til he does.
Abel:You're gonna get your wish. Abel:When you pushed me off that balcony, something must've burst inside of me.
Abel:Shit, I never wanted things to end like this.
Abel:Everything it all got out of hand. Abel:Now look at me.
Abel:I'm a fucking mess.
Aj:Will he turn?
Abel: No!
Abel:My whole life, everything I ever got, I got with my own two hands and my will.
Abel:For my body to turn on me to take control, I'll tell you where to find lilly.
Abel:Just promise you won't let me turn.
Clem:If you're honest with me, I'll put you out of your misery.
Clem:You have my word.
Abel:Okay, we have a boat.
Abel:We're docked few miles west of here, at an old fishing pier.
Abel:Your friends are on the boat.
Aj takes out his gun and is about to hand it to Clem.
Abel:Not that.
Abel:I wanna, let me keep my face.
Clem draws her knife.
Clem:You don't need to watch this.
Aj:I want to.
Clem stabs Abel in the side of the head.
Aj:At least he can't hurt anyone anymore.
Clem: Yeah.
Otis: C'mon.
Sarah:We have a boat to find.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Aj leave the basement.
Willy,Aj,Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn, Doug,and Louis walk through the forest. Clem looks at the map, then puts it away.
Clem:Once we find the boat, we'll look for a way to sneak on board.
Willy:Yeah, if tenn doesn't fuck it up this time.
Aj:It wasn't tenn's fault.
Willy:Yes, it was!
Willy: Mitch died because he.
Aj:Say one more thing about tenn.
Aj:I dare you.
Lee:Keep it together, guys.
Louis:Guys, there it is!
The group sneaks toward a boat in the distance. Aj looks at it through his binoculars.
Otis:You see anything?
Aj:The beach, um, a boat, and, uh, a wood street in the water.
Shawn:That's called a pier.
Aj: Pier.
Sarah:Okay, let's spread out and focus on those areas.
Doug:Keep your heads low.
The group splits up.
Clem picks up a rabbit's foot.
Clem:A rabbit's foot?
Willy: Omar used to carry around a rabbit's foot.
Willy:You don't think?
Clem:We'll take it home.
Otis:We can give it back to him once we've saved him.
Clem walks up to Louis and Otis.
Clem:Have you ever seen this thing before?
Louis: No way.
Louis:Pretty sure I would've remembered an old timey river boat. Otis:And from where I'm sitting, looks like that pier is the only way inside.
Clem looks through the binoculars. She looks at the raiders.
Clem:There are a few on deck.
Clem:A couple others on the pier. Clem:Could be more inside.
Clem: Wait!
Clem:I see violet!
Louis:Holy shit.
Otis:This is really it.
Louis:We found them.
Clem examines the entrance.
Clem:I can see an entrance.
Louis:Yeah, there's one at the other end of the boat, too.
Clem:There's a small opening at the top of those closed doorways.
Clem: Aj,otis,sarah,lee,shawn,doug, and I know how to deal with those.
Clem inspects the pilot house.
Clem:I don't see any obvious place to keep prisoners.
Louis:Don't boats have brigs?
Louis:Boat jails.
Clem: Maybe.
Otis:But where?
Louis:Now that I don't know.
Clem examines the pier.
Clem:The pier has plenty of cover on it.
Otis:If we're careful, we can sneak in undetected.
Clem looks at the path.
Clem:There's no good cover leading up to the boat.
Clem:We're gonna need one hell of a distraction.
???: Walkers!
The Delta shoots at the walkers approaching the ship.
Otis:Looks like we just need a dozen walkers?
Louis:How hard could that be?
Doug:Not at all.
Clem:What do you mean?
Doug: James has a ton of walkers in a barn.
Doug:We just have to convince him to help us.
Doug:He's let's just say weird about walkers.
Clem walks away from Louis,Otis,and Doug.
Clem walks up to Willy and Sarah.
Clem:Anything useful?
Willy:Looks like building material, furniture.
Sarah:Probably stuff from the train station.
Clem looks through the binoculars. She examines the rafts.
Clem:They're loading those rafts with supplies.
Willy:I could cut those loose and just ride them downriver.
Willy: Easy.
Sarah:I'll help you.
Clem looks at the supplies.
Clem:Sheet metal,wood,and quite a bit of it.
Willy:We should have that stuff!
Clem looks at the torches.
Clem: Huh.
Clem:Are those torches?
Willy: Maybe.
Sarah: Why?
Clem:We could use the fire.
Clem walks away from Willy and Sarah.
Clem walks up to Aj,Lee,and Shawn.
Clem:Find anything over here?
Aj:They have horses.
Clem:Let me see.
Clem looks through the binoculars. She looks at the torches.
Clem: More torches.
Lee:Setting the hay on fire would get their attention.
Shawn:Scare the horses, too.
Aj:We could get on the boat easier that way.
Clem looks at the horses.
Clem:If we cut those horses free, we could slow down anyone trying to chase us.
The group gathers together.
Clem:We should get out of here before they spot us.
Lee:We can talk through the plan once we're somewhere safe.
The group walks back through the forest.
Louis:Alright, what's the plan?
Clem:Well, they've got guards posted on the pier and the boat.
Clem:There's no way we can take them all at once.
Clem:Our only hope is to distract them while we sneak on board.
Aj:We should burn their stuff.
Otis: That'd work.
Sarah:We could burn the supplies or the hay they keep for the horses.
Willy:Whatever we don't burn, we should take.
Willy: Ruby'd love to have the horses. Willy:But I'd rather steal those supplies.
Willy:I could build traps, weapons.
Clem:Yeah, we'll steal their supplies and burn the hay as our distraction.
Doug:If you're going to steal from the rafts, you have to do it carefully.
Willy:Wouldn't do it any other way.
Willy:If anyone sees us, they'll shoot.
Doug:Don't worry, I know where we could find a bunch of walkers.
Doug:But it's going to take a lot of convincing.
Louis:Well, hell yeah!
Louis:Let's find out how much he charges for his services.
Willy:What about after we get everyone home?
Willy:I mean, the raiders'll just come attack us again.
Willy:What then?
The group sees someone chopping wood nearby.
Clem:Hide, quick!
Everyone hides.
Aj: A raider?
Clem:Has to be.
Clem:You all stay here.
Clem:I'll see if they know anything that could help us.
Clem sneaks up to the raider and puts a knife to her throat.
Clem: Drop it.
The raider drops their axe.
Clem:Where do you keep the people you steal?
???:I don't know what you're.
Clem:I'm not fucking around.
Clem:Answer the question.
???:The boiler deck.
???:Second deck.
???:They're all there.
Louis: Clem, stop!
The raider breaks free of Clem.
Louis: Hey, minnie.
Minnie hugs Louis.
Otis:The twin that disappeared.
Minerva:After the attack, I wasn't sure.
Minerva:I mean, I heard they burned half your school down.
Minerva:Who survived?
Minerva: Ruby, mitch?
Minerva: Brody?
Minerva: Tenn?
Willy: Ruby and tenn made it.
Willy: Mitch didn't.
Willy:And brody, um, she died.
Minerva: Tenn's boots holding up, okay?
Aj: His boots?
Minerva:They're so old, they're more holes than rubber.
Minerva:I duct taped them up last time I saw him, but that was a while ago.
Sarah:I'm pretty sure that was a long time ago.
Clem:His boots are fine.
Minerva:You're clementine,otis,sarah, lee,and shawn.
Minerva:The girl who took over after marlon died.
Minerva:It's weird, I thought everyone would want to lean on their own.
Clem:Do you have a problem with that?
Minerva:Yes, I have a problem with it. Minerva:Your leadership is going to get my little brother killed.
Clem:Excuse me?
Minerva: Abel figured he could talk marlon into handing everyone over, like he and lilly did like they did before.
Minerva:You ruined the whole plan.
Louis:What are you talking about? Louis: Marlon traded you and sophie like it was nothing!
Minerva:Yeah, and we all survived it! Minerva: Marlon would've never made them fight the way you did.
Minerva:He wouldn't have gotten people killed.
Louis:That is some grade a horseshit. Louis: Clem saved us.
Minerva: Yeah?
Minerva:Then how come so many people are dead?
Clem:He wouldn't have gotten people killed?
Clem:He murdered brody!
Minerva: What?
Louis: Minerva.
Louis:Where's sophie?
Minerva:She died protecting the delta. Minerva: A hero.
Clem: A hero?
Doug:That could happen to you, too.
Doug:If you don't wisen the fuck up.
Lilly: Minerva!
Clem: Shit!
Clem's group hides.
Minerva: Rockingham!
Lilly:Finish up and head back.
Lilly:I want to be in before dark.
Minerva: Yes, ma'am.
Lilly and a girl leave. Minnie picks up her axe.
Minerva:Our boat leaves for the delta in two days.
Minerva:Then it'll be a couple of weeks before we can come back for the rest of you.
Minerva:When we do, don't fight.
Minerva:The only way you're gonna save your people is to let us take them.
Clem:If tenn could see you now, he'd be ashamed to call you his sister.
Minnie runs off, and the group leaves their hiding places.
Clem:Are you okay?
Louis:It doesn't change anything.
Louis:We still have to get onto that boat.
Clem:You all should head home.
Clem:Start getting things ready, get everyone caught up on the plan.
Willy:Everyone except tenn.
Aj:I warned you.
Clem:Enough, both of you.
Clem: Aj,doug,and I will go find james.
Louis: Be safe.
The group splits up. Aj,Doug,and Clem walk through the forest.
Clem:So, how many walkers do you think james will help us get?
Clem: Fifteen?
Clem: A hundred?
Clem: A thousand?
Aj grabs his stomach.
Aj: Clem, I don't.
Aj: Ow.
Doug:Gunshot wound?
Aj:It feels like someone pinched me from inside.
Clem:Here, let's rest a second.
Aj sits down on a rock.
Aj: Clem?
Aj:I keep thinking.
Aj:When willy said all that stuff about tenn before, I got so mad.
Aj:He was being mean, and tenn wasn't even there to defend himself.
Aj:I wanted to hurt him.
Aj:I know I shouldn't.
Aj:But I just can't stop thinking about it.
Aj:I wanna just punch his head.
Clem:It's okay to get mad at people. Doug:You can't help that.
Clem:But those thoughts have to stay in your head, okay?
Doug:Don't act on them.
Clem: Ever.
Aj: Okay.
Aj:I'm strong.
Aj:I can control what I do.
Aj:But not what I think.
Aj:Like, I think I'm mad at tenn, too. Aj:Running out of cover when lilly attacked the school was really stupid. Aj:But he just doesn't know stuff like we do.
Aj:And then willy started yelling at him instead of helping him learn. Aj:Why don't the other kids know all the stuff we know?
Aj:When there's a plan, you have to follow it.
Aj:And when you yell at someone, it just makes them not listen.
Clem:Well, why don't we teach them? Doug:They're smart.
Clem:Someone just has to show them what to do.
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:I want tenn to know how to be safe.
Aj:We can show them how to be smart like us.
Clem and Doug sit next to Aj.
Aj:It's weird that people are so different.
Clem:It is ericson's boarding school for troubled youth.
Aj:Troubled youth.
Aj: Trouble.
Aj:Like, bad.
Aj:So they did bad things?
Aj: Why?
Doug:Okay, um, sometimes they do them because bad things happened to them.
Clem:I knew a doctor once, back when you were just a baby.
Clem:He called it trauma.
Clem:You have some too, you know. Clem:The thing where people can't walk up behind you.
Aj:I don't like my trauma.
Aj:I want to get it off of me.
Aj:How do I get rid of it?
Clem:It doesn't work like that.
Doug:It's too deep down inside you.
Clem:It never goes away.
Aj:That sucks.
Clem:But you can resist it, just like anger.
Aj:I still like them.
Clem,Doug,and Aj continue walking.
Aj:I like tenn the most, I think.
Aj:Even if he does dumb things. Aj:Actually, I think he's my first real friend.
Clem:Oh, yeah?
Clem:We thought we were your first real friends?
Aj:Well, yeah.
Aj:But you guys don't count, you're old!
Clem:We are not!
Aj:Fine, he's my second first real friend.
They run into some walkers, and they hide. Clem and Doug draws their knifes, and sneaks toward them, hiding behind a log.
Doug:I don't see james.
Aj:Just monsters.
James walks up behind them and clears his throat.
Clem: James?
James puts his finger to his lips, and Clem puts her knife away. James grabs his injured arm.
Aj:You're hurt.
Clem:Did the raiders do this?
James:It looked like they had people from your school.
James:Why are you here?
Doug:Those people you saw, we're going to save them.
Doug:But to do that, we need your help moving some walkers.
James:I could maybe help, but my mask is still in the camp.
James:Inside my bag.
James:I can't pass through a herd without it.
Clem:Okay, then let's go get it.
James:Please, I just ask that you don't kill them.
James:The walkers.
James:If you distract them, I can sneak over and find my mask.
Aj:Distract all of them?
James: Please.
Clem: I'll try.
Doug:I'll look the old fashion way.
Doug puts his walker mask on.
James sneaks away. Clem jumps over the log, and the walkers approach her.
Doug walks through the walkers and distract some of them away.
She stuns some or all of them. Aj and Clem run up to James, and Doug slowly walks toward them.
Clem:I don't know how long I can keep this up.
Clem:Did you find your mask?
James:I can't find it.
Doug:The horses push your bag over there.
Doug points to James's bag, which is near more walkers.
Clem: Shit.
James:We have to run.
Aj: Hey!
Aj:Over here!
Aj stands on the log. He throws a rock at the walkers.
Clem and Doug: Aj!
James: No.
James:There are too many of them.
Clem: The cart!
Doug:If we push it, the noise will draw them away.
James,Clem,and Doug run over to the cart. They lift it up and start pushing it. Clem stuns the nearby walker. They roll the cart down the hill and hide behind a rock. The cart crashes into a tree, drawing the walkers toward the noise. Aj runs back to the others.
Clem: Aj, are you okay?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:No bites.
Doug: Awesome.
James:I know it would've been easier to kill them.
James:You're kind.
James:I appreciate it.
James: Really.
James takes off his mask and a picture out of his bag.
Doug also takes off his mask.
James: Thank you.
James:For helping me get this back. James: Now.
James:How will walkers save your friends?
Clem:They're being held captive on a boat not too far from here.
Doug:We can't sneak on board without cover, not without the raiders gunning us down.
James:You want to use walkers to hide to sneak on board their ship?
James:That's insane.
Clem:It's our only chance.
James:I have something I need you to see.
James:So you can understand what you're asking.
Clem: James!
Aj:We still need his help, right?
Clem: Yeah.
Doug:We do.
Clem,Doug,and Aj follow James. Some time later, James throws a rock to distract a walker.
James:It's safe.
James:Just a little further.
The group reaches a dilapidated barn.
Clem notices a salt lick nearby.
Aj:What's this thing?
Doug:A salt lick.
Aj:Can I lick it?
Clem:Whatever you do, don't lick it.
Clem:It tastes horrible.
Aj:Wait a minute, how do you know? Aj:Did you lick it?
Clem:I don't know.
Doug:Kinda sounds like you did.
Clem: Nu uh.
Clem walks up to James.
James:My people, my former people. James:They had a practice.
James:They called it collecting.
James briefly opens the door to reveal the barn is full of walkers.
James:They used them as a weapon.
James:I do this to protect them.
James:I know it sounds strange.
James:But that's why I brought you here.
James:To see them as I do.
James:As people.
Clem:As people?
James:Well, not people, exactly.
James:But something in between.
James:Part of us is still in there.
James:Deep down.
Clem:I wish I could see it that way.
Clem:It'd be nice to think that everyone isn't actually gone.
Doug:I agree.
James:In a way, they're just lost.
Aj:Do you really think there's people inside of monsters?
James:Somewhere, yes.
James:Think about it this way.
James:Has someone you cared about turned?
Aj: Clem's friend ben.
Aj:Then kenny finished him off.
James: Sorry.
James:Maybe this wasn't the best way to explain.
James:Didn't mean to bring up difficult memories.
James:I lived among walkers for years.
James:Still do, in a way.
James:When they're alone, they're harmless.
James: Innocent.
James:If you want my help, I need you to try and walk with them.
James offers his mask.
James:Then tell me if you really believe they're just monsters.
Aj:They are just monsters.
Aj:They're not people or friends.
Aj: Clem.
Doug:She'll be okay if she just stays calm and quiet.
Clem:I'll be fine, aj.
Clem:I'm doing this, okay?
Aj:I, okay.
Aj: Fine.
Clem takes James' mask.
Aj:The first rule is never go alone.
Clem:I'm not leaving you.
Clem:I'll be right back.
Aj:Find the exits.
Clem: I will.
Aj:And say fuck off to fear!
Clem: I will.
Clem: I promise.
Doug:The mask will disguise your scent.
Doug:But be gentle and be quiet. Doug:Touch the wind chime.
James: You'll see.
Clem puts on the mask and enters the barn. She walks through the herd to touch the wind chimes, and the walkers are drawn to the noise. Clem exits the barn and removes the mask. Aj hugs her.
Clem:Whoa, hey there, kiddo.
Clem:It's alright, I'm fine.
Clem: See?
Clem:No bites.
Aj:No bites.
James:So do you still think they're just monsters?
James:Now that you've seen them at peace.
Clem:I think you might be right about there being something more to them. Clem:It was kind of nice in there.
James: Really?
James:Never met someone who understood besides doug.
James:It's thank you.
James:I'm glad.
Aj:Have you ever killed a walker before?
James: I have.
James: Many.
Aj:Have you ever killed a person?
James: Many.
James:But that was a long time ago.
Aj:I've killed someone before, too.
Doug: Really?
Clem: Aj.
James:You've killed someone?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:I'm a murderer.
Aj:But I'm trying to atone.
James: Well.
James:That's good.
James:I guess.
Clem:That's enough.
Clem:What about the walkers?
Clem:Are you going to help us save our friends?
Clem gives the mask back to James.
James:I thought I could, but I can't.
James:So many walkers would die.
James:All of the death this would cause, I'm sorry, clementine and doug.
Clem:So let me get this straight, if you really had to choose: human life or walker life.
Doug:Which is more important?
James:Walkers are peaceful.
James:Humans, I.
Clem:Our friends are alive!
Doug:Not kind of or maybe alive. Clem:They're trapped, and they're afraid.
Doug:They need our help.
James:I may be stubborn.
James:But I'm not heartless.
James:Those raiders are cruel.
James:They force others to be the same.
James:And if your friends are anything like you.
James:I don't doubt they're worth saving.
James:It'll take some time to guide them through the forest, to the shore.
Doug:I'll help you.
James:Others will join the herd as they go.
James and Doug puts on their masks. James: Tomorrow night.
James: Be ready.
James:I can't undo this.
Clem and Aj hide behind the barn. James opens the doors to let out the walkers. James and Doug lead them through the forest. Clem and Aj walk away.
Aj: Clem?
Aj:When you said there might be people inside walkers, did you mean it?
Aj:Is he right?
Clem:Honestly, I just told him what he wanted to hear.
Clem:Walkers are just walkers.
Aj:So you lied?
Clem:We needed his help to save our friends.
Aj:So lies can help sometimes.
Aj: Huh.
Clem:Come on, aj.
Clem:Let's get back before it's too dark.
Clem and Aj enter the dorms.
Aj:I've never met anyone like james before.
Aj:I mean, he's tough.
Aj:Not like you, though.
Aj:He doesn't kill monsters, but he's not scared of them, either.
Aj:He's cool.
Ruby walks through the dormitory, carrying pillows.
Ruby: Hey, clem.
Ruby: Willy told me the plan.
Ruby:How'd things go with that guy?
Clem: James.
Clem:He agreed to help us.
Clem:And doug is helping him.
Ruby:If somebody told me we were gonna sneak onto a boat in a herd of walkers, I'd have called them crazy.
Aj:What're you doing with those?
Ruby: Oh.
Ruby:Well, I wanted to throw one last hootenanny before the big fight.
Aj: Swear?
Ruby: Huh?
Aj:It sounds like a swear.
Clem:No, it's just another word for party.
Ruby: Right.
Ruby:I know it sounds strange, throwing a party.
Ruby:But people need something to lift their spirits right about now.
Clem:This could be our last chance.
Ruby:I wanted to make some tea for everyone.
Ruby:Could I borrow your little heater thing?
Aj:What can I do?
Ruby:We need to pretty up the old music room.
Ruby:Could you make us something colorful to hang up?
Aj: Okay!
Aj:I'll be an artist.
Aj and Clem enter their dorm room. Aj starts drawing.
Aj:I'm gonna make the deck the decker.
Otis: Decoration.
Aj: Decoration.
Aj: For the party.
Clem:Okay, I'll get the heater.
Clem walks up to Otis.
Clem: Hey.
Otis: Hey.
Clem:What are you doing in here?
Otis:What do you mean?
Clem:You're supposed to be at the party.
Otis:I told ruby I'm not going because I don't need a party to cheer me up.
Clem:I don't need a party either, but I do it anyway.
Otis:Let me guess you're gonna keep bothering me until I go?
Clem: Yes.
Otis:Fine, but I go when you go.
Clem walks away from Otis
Clem hangs the rabbit's foot above Aj's bed.
Clem: There.
Clem:For luck.
Aj:Are bunnies lucky?
Clem:Just their feet.
Otis:It's weird.
Clem picks up the heater.
Aj:I'm done, clem and otis, come see!
Clem:Okay, be right there.
Clem and Otis walk up to Aj.
He shows then his drawing, which says goodbye boat! and shows Omar, Aasim,and Violet above an exploding boat.
Clem:Hey, you're getting better at this. Otis:Soon, you'll be as good an artist as tenn.
Aj:I dunno.
Aj:He's really good.
Otis:Something wrong?
Clem: Aj?
Aj:I was just thinking about stuff while I was drawing.
Aj:There are three kinds of eyes.
Clem: Oh, yeah?
Aj:There are alive people eyes.
Aj:We got those.
Aj:Then there's monster's eyes. Aj:Usually look like dirty water.
Aj:Other times, monster's eyes aren't even wet.
Aj:And then there are alive people eyes right as you kill them.
Aj:Like you did to abel.
Aj:His eyes looked like you blew a candle out.
Clem:Somethings are hard to look at. Otis:Difficult and messy to take in.
Clem:But you can't let any of that make you soft.
Otis: Okay?
Aj:Hard, but still good where it counts, right?
Clem: Right.
Otis:We're still good where it counts.
Aj:I'm getting real smart.
Clem:Is that right?
Aj: Yes.
Aj:Because I'm always thinking all the time.
Otis:Okay, what are you thinking about right now?
Aj:You guys getting bit.
Aj:Turning into a monsters.
Clem: Oh.
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:The older I get, the more I see it.
Aj:I don't know why.
Aj:What happens then?
Aj:Anyone can get bit.
Clem: Aj, we've talked about this.
Otis: A lot.
Clem:If we get bit, you know what has to happen.
Aj:I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Otis:But you brought it up, so we're going to.
Aj:It does something weird to my stomach.
Aj:Like, I'm gonna get the dookies.
Clem: Aj, I need to know you remember what we talked about. Otis:What you're supposed to do if it happens.
Clem: Listen to us.
Otis:If we get bit, you'll.
Clem: Shoot.
Aj: No.
Aj:No, I'm not gonna do that.
Otis: Alvin junior, you promised.
Aj:I don't care.
Aj:I'm not gonna shoot you guys!
Aj:If you guys get bit, I'd want you guys to bite me, too.
Otis: What?
Clem:You don't mean that.
Aj:I don't want to be alone.
Aj:Please don't be mad.
Aj:I can't live with you guys, not with me.
Aj:I know we've talked about it.
Clem: Alvin junior, if you have a gun, you shoot us.
Otis:If you don't, you use your knife. Clem:No knife, a rock to the head.
Otis:As many times as you have to.
Aj:I don't care what you guys say!
Clem:Goddamn it, aj!
Clem:You can't break promises, aj.
Aj: I know.
Otis:You're not letting this go, are you?
Aj: James said.
Clem:Guess not.
Aj:That we could be around when we're monsters.
Aj:Like, on the inside. If you got bit and then bit me, then maybe we'd still be together.
Aj:It would just be a different together.
Clem: James said a lot of things about the monsters.
Clem:And most of it was crazy pants, aj.
Aj:So you don't think I would be inside my monster self?
Otis:There is no monster self, kiddo. Otis:Nothing that makes you "you" would be in there.
Aj:Can I go patrol for a bit?
Aj:Before the party?
Clem:Sure, go ahead.
Otis:Be careful.
Aj takes his gun and opens the door.
Louis:Hey, little man.
Aj: Hi, louis.
Aj:I'm going on patrol!
Aj runs out the door, past Louis.
Louis:So, patrolling's a thing?
Clem: Mm hmm.
Otis:Patrolling's a thing.
Louis enters the room and closes the door.
Louis:I was wondering, well, I can't help but thinking.
Otis: What is it, louis?
Louis: Clem you shot that raider who grabbed me, but you saw them take violet, too.
Louis:Which means you could've saved violet and not me.
Louis:Why would you pick me?
Louis:I mean, I wouldn't have picked me.
Louis:Hell, I don't know anyone who would've picked me.
Clem:I couldn't let them take you. Clem:You're too important to me.
Louis:I know I'm always teasing her. Louis:Trying to get her to do that one eye roll, she does, you know the one? Louis:Where it's like you're such a dumbass, she has to do a full body eye roll.
Louis:I do it because, when I actually do manage to make her laugh, it's worth it.
Louis:If I needed her, she'd be there. Louis:Meat cleaver in hand, ready to chop someone in half if it meant protecting me.
Clem:Hey, we're going to get them back, louis.
Louis: Yeah.
Louis:Damn right, we will.
Louis adjusts his coat.
Louis:Actually, um, that's not the only reason I dropped by.
Louis: Ruby's whole party idea kind of made me realize something.
Louis sits down, takes out a candle out of his jacket, and puts it on the floor.
Otis:What are you doing?
Louis:Well, I figured since we might die tomorrow and never get to go on a real date.
Otis:That sounds like I need to get out of here.
Louis:You can watch if you like.
Otis:Ha, you're funny, but no.
Otis walks toward the door.
Clem:You sure you don't wanna stay?
Otis:Don't wanna third wheel it.
Otis opens the door and closes the door on the way out.
Louis takes out a match and tries to light it.
Louis:I thought we could damn it.
Louis manages to light the match and uses it to light the candle.
Louis:Have one now.
Louis:I promise I'll keep it short so we can finish getting things ready for tomorrow.
Louis:But, I mean, nothing's wrong with short and sweet, right?
Louis:Wait, that's not I, forget I said that.
Clem:Let's do it.
Clem:I never thought I'd get to go on a date ever.
Louis:Really, never?
Louis:Have you met you?
Louis:End of the world or not, someone would've at least tried to sweep you off your feet.
Clem:Alright, alright.
Louis: What?
Louis:It's true!
Clem:What do you know about dating, anyway?
Clem sits down.
Louis:I'll have you know, I found some magazines in the headmaster's office that had some very interesting things to say about the dating world.
Clem: Oh, yeah?
Clem:Like what?
Louis adjusts his coat.
Louis:Well, like it said, you can tell a lot about someone based on what they look for in a partner.
Louis:You know, brains, brawn, dashing good looks, great sense of humor.
Louis:That sort of thing.
Clem:Sure, I guess.
Louis:What, uh, what would you say your thing is?
Louis:That you look for.
Louis:In a guy.
Louis:If you had to pick!
Clem:Well, brains just mean they're smart, right?
Louis:I think so.
Clem: Alright.
Clem: Brains.
Louis:Well, luckily, I've got plenty of those.
Louis:I think that deserves a toast.
Louis picks up a pretzel.
Clem: A toast?
Clem:Don't those usually come at the end?
Louis:Hey, I warned you I'd make this quick.
Louis:So, what do you say?
Louis:To our last night alive!
Clem:To making it past tomorrow!
Louis and Clem toast with their pretzels.
Louis:Alright, fine.
Louis:Maybe we live another day.
Louis:To making it past tomorrow.
Louis and Clem eat their pretzels.
Louis blows out the candle and puts it away. He and Clem get up.
Louis:So, I'll see you over there?
Aj and Otis open the door.
Aj: Hey, clem!
Aj throws a beachball at Clem, and she catches it.
Clem laughs.
Clem:Wow, where did you find a beach ball?
Otis:It was in some garbage behind one of the dorms.
Aj:I had to blow it up, and that was pretty gross, but look!
Aj:It works!
Louis laughs.
Louis:I should start heading back to the admin building.
Louis leaves.
Aj:It's cool, right?
Clem:Super cool.
Aj: Back!
Clem,Otis,and Aj briefly toss the ball back and forth. Aj hugs Clem.
Aj:I love you, clem.
Aj:You too, otis.
Otis hugs Aj and Clem.
Clem:I love you back, kiddo.
Otis:Me too.
Clem:Okay, we better get ready to go. Otis:Sounds like they need us in the music room.
Aj: Okay.
Aj takes his drawing. He,Otis,and Clem leave the room.
Clem,Otis,and Aj enter the music room. Tenn and Sarah set down several jars of candles and Louis and Shawn adjust a record player.
Clem:It looks like things are coming together.
Clem hands the heater to Ruby.
Ruby:We still need to figure out lighting, music, and something to write on that banner.
Otis:If we're gonna die, we should have some fun first.
Aj: Music?
Aj:You're gonna play the piano all night?
Louis:God, no.
Louis:I want to actually attend this thing.
Aj:Then how?
Louis:You've never seen a record player?
Louis:Come here, buddy, I'll show you.
Ruby:Pulled out the old headmaster's gramophone so we could play some records.
Lee:Not much of a selection, but it should do.
Ruby:Just tell me what you wanna listen to.
Clem:You guys have any classical? Ruby: You bet.
Louis:Ah, a woman after my own heart.
Lee:What does classical music have to do with clem chasing after your heart?
Louis was about to open his mouth, but Otis interrupts him.
Otis:They're together.
Lee:Oh, as long as clem is happy.
Louis: Cool.
Louis:Look, check this out.
Louis:When you turn that crank there, it plays music.
Louis:Any kind you want.
Aj: But how?
Louis:Well, that I don't really know. Louis:But showing's better than telling.
Louis:Come on, get a closer look.
Ruby:Wouldn't be a party without some kind of mood lighting.
Ruby:I've been going back and forth between colors for ages.
Ruby:Green's calming, but purple might be nice.
Ruby:Room gets natural moonlight, so something to complement that, maybe?
Clem:Let's deck this place out in green.
Louis:It'll look like we're trying to summon leprechauns.
Louis looks to Aj.
Louis:And before you ask, leprechauns are too hard to explain and don't really exist.
Ruby:I'll make it happen.
Clem:Are we using the banner for some kind of party theme?
Ruby:Not exactly.
Ruby:It's meant to be more motivational.
Ruby:I'd keep it short, though.
Ruby:There's not as much room as you'd think.
Ruby:I was thinking something uplifting, like, "we're gonna get through this."
Ruby:Just trying to instill some confidence, you know?
Clem: Aj, why don't you come up with something.
Ruby: Really?
Aj:I have an idea.
Aj:It'll be a surprise.
Ruby: Okay.
Ruby:We'll have tenn break out his paintbrush and write it out.
The group starts getting ready to set up the room.
Ruby:This place is gonna look great. Ruby:Oh, and willy was asking for you.
Runy:He's up in marlon's office, said he had a surprise for the party, but he wanted to show it to you first.
Clem enters Marlon's office, where Willy is reading a book and building a bomb.
Willy: Hey, clem!
Willy:Check it out, I found a bunch of books on ships.
Willy:There's some awesome stuff about fires at sea and explosions and stuff.
Willy:The key is the boiler.
Clem:Wait, what are you talking about?
Willy:I have an idea about how to stop those assholes coming back to the school after we've rescued the others.
Willy:And from hurting anyone else ever again.
Willy:We're gonna blow up the boat. Willy:It's the only way to make sure they don't come back.
Clem: Nice.
Clem: Mitch would love this plan.
Willy:I know.
Willy:It's perfect.
Willy:I can't think of a better memorial than to blow that boat out of the water.
Willy:The tricky bit is timing the explosion so that it happens after you get off the boat.
Willy:Trust me.
Willy:This'll work.
Willy:We'll be okay.
Ruby:Okay, everybody, get ready to boogie.
Music starts playing. Clem turns to leave.
Willy:And, uh, clem.
Willy:I'm sorry for before.
Willy:About how I treated tenn.
Willy:I didn't mean to get so angry.
Willy:I know it's not his fault.
Clem:That's nice, willy, but don't tell me, tell tenn.
Clem and Willy enter the music room, which has been covered in candles. Aj dances to the music. Tenn pets Rosie. Willy walks up to him and shows him the bomb. They both sit down and start talking. The banner hung above the room says, "surprise, dummies!"
Clem:Wow, this looks great, ruby!
Ruby:Couldn't have done it without you.
Ruby:But just wait until you see what else I've got planned.
Ruby:Go ahead and mingle.
Ruby:I'll let you know when it's time.
Clem:I guess I'll mingle?
Clem walks up to Willy and Tenn.
Clem:I see you two are working together.
Tenn:Yeah, willy asked me to help with his special project.
Clem:Well, that's good to hear.
Clem:Is it ready?
Willy:Good to go, clem.
Tenn:It'll work.
Willy:Actually, uh, I was thinking maybe we should name it?
Willy:Something cool, I mean.
Willy:I think it deserves a name.
Willy:All the best bombs have names.
Clem:Yeah, we absolutely have to name it.
Willy:I thought you'd make fun of me, but.
Willy:Hell yeah, let's name this fucker.
Clem decides.
Clem:How about mitch's masterpiece?
Willy:Yeah, I like that.
Ruby: Mitch would've too.
Clem:Okay, then it's settled.
Ruby:I found them.
Ruby sets a box of files on the floor and sits down.
Ruby:Okay, clementine, these here are our official ericson's psych evaluations and probationary reports.
Clem: Okay.
Aj:I don't get it.
Tenn,Willy,and Rosie sit down near Ruby.
Ruby:Well, these explain why all of us got sent to this school in the first place.
Louis:And how we got stuck here for as long as we did.
Louis sits down.
Sarah:So what's the game?
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Aj sit down.
Ruby:I figured if we're all going on this crazy mission together, you might as well know who we really are.
Ruby takes out a file.
Ruby:So I'll read some of what the adults thought about us, and you have to guess which one of us fits the bill. Ruby:I'll make sure it's someone you've actually met.
Ruby:This'll be the first one.
Ruby opens the file.
Ruby: "While otherwise a remarkable student, 'blank' continues to be plagued by fits of anger, uncontrollable cursing, and repeated physical altercations with the senior faculty."
Clem:You know what, ruby?
Clem:I bet you're reading your own file.
Ruby laughs.
Willy: Whoa!
Willy:How did you guess that?
Louis:It's the red hair.
Louis:Dead giveaway.
Otis:I mean, I can totally see it.
Sarah:The first time we met ruby, she was all, "that little motherfucker!"
Ruby and Willy laugh.
Aj:I said I was sorry.
Louis:Our sweet ruby here was kind of a nightmare when she first showed up.
Tenn:She once chased the home ec teacher around the yard with a barbecue fork this big.
Tenn holds out his hands.
Aj:No way.
Ruby:Don't worry.
Ruby:That was a long time ago.
Willy:You guys want to know why I got sent here?
Louis: Dude, no.
Lee:Is it that bad?
Willy:Chronic masturbation.
Shawn:You just had to ask didn't you?
Louis: Willy, I speak for all of us when I say nobody has ever, ever wanted to know that.
Aj:What's that mean?
Clem: Uh-uh.
Otis:Don't you dare.
They point at the group.
Tenn leans over and whispers to Aj.
Ruby:Uh, anyway, maybe we should change up the music?
Aj:I like all kinds of different music, I think.
Tenn:There's a lot of them.
Aj:How many?
Tenn:I dunno, a lot.
Clem: Sure.
Clem:We've heard enough of this. Clem:Throw some country on.
Ruby: Hell yeah!
Willy: Hell yeah.
Willy changes the music.
Ruby searches through the files.
Ruby:I didn't realize how many of us we'd lost.
Willy:Remember that justin guy?
Tenn:And therissa.
Tenn:And jasper.
Tenn:That one girl with the colored braces.
Tenn:And joey.
Tenn: Maddie.
Tenn: Lamar.
Louis: Erin.
Louis:She had the braces.
Willy: Alex.
Willy: Dewey.
Willy: Trey.
Willy: Stephanie.
Willy:Holy crap, how many of us died?
Ruby: 34.
Ruby takes out a file.
Clem:Whose is it?
Ruby: Violet's.
Willy:Should we read it?
Louis:I, uh, I could tell you guys my story instead.
Louis:What got me sent here, I mean. Louis:Only if you want.
Louis:It's not great.
Clem:The person you are right now is all that matters to me.
Otis:Whatever bad things you did in the past?
Sarah:That's not you anymore.
Louis:So, my family was stupid rich. Louis:Parents gave me everything I wanted when I wanted it.
Louis:Except for one thing: singing lessons.
Louis:God, I begged my dad.
Louis:Told him I wanted to be a real musician.
Louis:But all he said was, "you get to be happy, or you get to be rich, can't be both."
Louis:I know now that he was just trying to teach me a dumb dad lesson but I hated him for that.
Louis:So, I decided I'd teach him a lesson.
Louis:I thought, I'll break up my parents' marriage.
Louis:That'd hurt real bad, right?
Louis:So I broke into my dad's credit card accounts and made all these purchases in his name.
Louis:Did this for over a year.
Louis:This is how rich we were: he never noticed he was spending a fortune on a mistress that I'd made up for him.
Louis:But I made sure my mom did. Louis:Sent her all the receipts for the hotel rooms, the jewelry all of it.
Louis:They had a fight all night long. Louis:He denied it.
Louis:She wouldn't have it.
Louis:I sat in the corner and cried to help it feel more real.
Louis:When their divorce was final, I told them the truth.
Louis:I said, "you get to be happy or you get to be rich."
Louis: "You don't get to be both."
Louis:You know those two would've been happily married forever.
Louis:But then I had to go be a vindictive fuckhead.
Louis:I came here the week after.
Clem: Yeah.
Clem: Okay.
Clem:So that's pretty fucked up.
Louis:I'm in complete and total agreement.
Lee:Could've been worse.
Shawn: True.
Louis:They said we were bad people, guys.
Louis:They weren't wrong.
Louis:Still, none of us deserved to be ditched out here in the middle of the forest by the people that were supposed to make us better.
Ruby: Sorry.
Ruby:This was supposed to be fun.
Ruby:I guess I'm not really a game person.
Louis:Don't beat yourself up.
Louis:You said it yourself, clem,otis,sarah,lee,and shawn need to know who they're leading into battle.
Tenn:Hey, I, um, I've got an idea.
Tenn:Do you guys remember when minnie would sing us don't be afraid when all of us used to get scared?
Louis:Of course I remember.
Louis:I helped compose it with her.
Tenn:Could you maybe play it for us? Tenn:If violet was here, she could sing the words, but.
Louis:Yeah, I'd love to, tenn.
Louis sits down at the piano.
Louis:This is for you, minnie.
Louis plays the piano.
During the performance, Clem and Otis wrap their arms around Aj,
Sarah wraps her arm around Clem, Shawn wraps his arm around Otis, and Lee wraps his arm around Sarah,
Willy sits next to Tenn, and Ruby puts away the box of files. At the end, Aj blows out a candle.
The Delta kills a walker near their boat. Clem drags it into the forest.
Ruby: Ugh.
Ruby:I guess we're really doing this.
Clem:Only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themselves.
Ruby:Now we just need your walker friends to.
Aj:They're here!
Ruby:Good Lord.
James and Doug stand near the group, wearing their masks.
James:Uh, hello.
Doug:Hi, again.
Clem:Guys, this is james.
Clem points to the guy with a jacket on.
Aj:He's my friend.
Tenn: He's, uh.
Willy: So.
Willy: Cool!
Willy:How do you get the skin like that?
James:Oh, I, um, clementine?
Doug:Got a fan all ready?
Willy:Can I try it on?
Clem:Willy, stay focused.
Otis:Now isn't the time for this.
Sarah:We can ask questions later.
Willy: Yeah.
Willy:Right, sorry.
Willy:I'm focused.
Willy:Oh, and sorry, I tried to shoot you that one time.
Willy:Your mask looks so real.
Louis:Functional and fashionable.
Louis:I'll take two.
James: Funny.
James:Um, clementine, could I speak to you alone?
James:For a moment?
Clem: Good idea.
Clem:Hold tight.
Louis:Hey, uh, tenn?
Louis:Come here, buddy.
Louis:I gotta tell you something.
James and Clem walk away from the group.
James: The walkers.
James:They'll be here in a little while. James:You can join them as they pass through the trees.
James:The noise from the boat will draw them toward the water.
Clem:Then we can get on board and save our friends.
James:Your friends are different. James: Open-minded.
James: Accepting.
James: Like you.
James:That's not usually how my first impressions go.
Clem:You know, they could be your friends too.
Clem:I know you didn't want to come into the school before, but now that you've met them.
James:I haven't lived with people in a long time.
James:But it does sound nice.
James:Let me think about it.
James takes off his mask.
James:I wanted to show you something.
James takes out a photo.
James:This is, was my boyfriend, charlie.
James:We joined the whisperers. James: Together.
James:But it changed him.
James:In a way that couldn't be undone.
James:It changed both of us.
James puts away the photo.
James: Listen, clementine.
James:I need to talk to you.
James:About aj.
Clem:What do you mean?
James:The whisperers were my family from a young age.
James:In that time, I witnessed a lot of death and suffering.
James:Eventually, I became the cause of it.
James:Weakness was considered a poison.
James:And I believed in that.
James: Fiercely.
James:So much so, that when another boy expressed sympathy for our enemy before an attack.
James:I slit his throat.
James:I didn't talk to him.
Clem:You killed someone innocent?
Clem:A child?
Clem:That's horrible.
James:I know that now.
James:But then?
James:I didn't care.
James:It had to be done.
James:After he died, I kept hearing his words in my head: "those people are like us, just on a different path."
James:I stopped killing after that.
James:I changed.
James:But no one else did.
James:When aj told me he killed someone, it reminded me of them.
James:Of myself.
James:He said it was wrong, but it sounded like he was just repeating what he'd been told.
James:Taking life like that, from a young age it breaks something inside you.
James:It broke something in charlie.
James:I just I'm afraid if aj kills again, he won't be able to go back.
James:He won't be the same boy he was.
Clem:I'm not going to let aj become a killer.
Clem:I don't want him to change.
Clem:Not like that.
James:I hope you can keep that promise.
The herd reaches the forest.
James:They're close.
James:Soon, there will be enough of them to provide us cover.
James:We'll lead you through the herd until you reach the boat.
James:That's as far as I go.
James:After that, it's up to you.
James puts on his mask.
Clem: Thank you.
James:Take care of aj.
James walks into the herd. Clem returns to the group.
Doug:Where's james?
Clem:He's in the herd.
Doug:Okay, see you on the flip side.
Doug walks into the herd.
Clem:The walkers are getting close. Clem: Ruby and shawn, you're in charge of the horses.
Clem: Willy, tenn, take care of the supplies.
Louis:And I'm in charge of the bomb.
Willy:Find the boiler.
Willy:There'll be a door on the bottom with ash and stuff.
Willy:Put it in there.
Clem:See you all on the other side.
Aj:I'll cut it open.
Everyone walks away except Tenn and Clem.
Tenn:Louis told me about minnie.
Tenn:That sophie died, and minnie is one of them now.
Tenn:Just if you see her out there, tell her I forgive her.
Tenn: Please.
Clem:Yeah, sure.
Clem:If we see her, I'll let her know.
Tenn: Thanks.
Tenn walks away. Clem walks up to Louis.
Louis:It's really happening, isn't it?
Clem:Yeah, it really is.
Louis:Other peoples lives are depending on us.
Louis:Depending on me.
Louis:You're depending on me too. Louis:What if something happens to you, clem?
Clem:We don't have time to start questioning ourselves, louis.
Clem:I know it's hard, but you can't start crumbling.
Clem:Not right now.
Louis:Alright, fine.
Louis:No crumbling, sure.
Louis:Easy as that.
Louis: Okay.
Louis:I'll try.
Louis:But what if I just get us caught too?
Louis:All it would take is one little screw up.
Louis:And I screw up all the time. Louis:Alright, come on, louis, get it together.
Louis:I need you to slap me.
Louis:Help pull me out of this.
Clem kisses Louis.
Louis:I can't tell if I feel more focused or less.
Aj:What are you doing?
Louis:You'll learn when you're older.
Clem:Go look in another direction.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Louis walk over to Aj and the gutted walker.
Louis:Ugh, we're not doing what I think we are?
Otis:We are.
Clem:That depends.
Sarah:What do you think we're doing?
Louis:Oh, god, we are.
Lee:It'll help us blend in with the walkers.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Aj,and Louis cover themselves in walker guts.
Louis: There.
Louis:I think I'm ready.
Clem:Uh, no.
Clem:You're not.
Clem smears guts on Louis' face.
Clem: There.
Louis:You know, walker blood is one of the hardest stains to get out.
Louis:You owe me some new clothes.
Otis:Complain later louis.
Aj:We gonna do it?
Sarah:We're doing it.
The group approaches the herd.
Clem: Okay.
Clem:Follow my lead.
Clem joins the herd.
Clem:Here we go.
???: Walkers!
The group slowly moves along with the herd. Clem grabs a walker and holds it in front of her, and it gets shot.
Clem:Stay behind the walkers.
Clem:Use them as shields.
The group continues moving, using the walkers as shields. The horses get spooked and run off; the hay near them is on fire.
???:Damn it, the horses!
???:Hey, get that fire under control!
Lilly:Get rid of these fucking walkers!
The group hides behind some boxes on the pier.
Clem: Come on, willy.
A guy unknowingly approaches the group to shoot at the walkers.
Willy and Tenn float down the river with the supplies.
???:Supplies going overboard!
???:Goddamn it!
???:Someone get over there and see what's going on.
Lilly:Stay sharp!
Lilly:We're under attack.
A guy jumps over the boxes and runs over to the supplies.
Otis: Okay.
Sarah:Now's our chance.
The group enters the water.
Lee:We can't risk leaving cover.
Clem:We'll have to crawl along the side of the dock.
The group sneaks along the edge of the dock.
Louis:The guts are coming off.
Clem peeks over the edge of the dock, but ducks as a raider approaches to shoot at the walkers.
Clem:Follow me.
Clem:This way.
The group swims underwater. The walkers walk along the bottom of the ocean. They resurface, the walker guts now completely gone from their clothes. Aj,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Louis climb the ladder. A walker grabs Clem's foot, and she kicks it away. Louis grabs her hand and helps her up onto the dock.
Lee: You okay?
Clem: Yeah.
The group hides behind cover.
Clem:Stay close.
Clem:Stay hidden.
The group sneaks past the searchlight.
Clem:Come on, let's hurry.
Clem:Ready, aj?
Louis:Walkers incoming!
Clem,Otis,Sarah,and Lee kill the approaching walkers. Louis helps Aj climb through the gap above the door, and he opens it. Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee, and Louis run inside.
They close the door and hide behind some hay.
Aj:We're getting close.
Clem:After we find the boiler and place the bomb, we'll get our friends out.
Clem: Minnie said they keep prisoners on the second deck.
Clem:Look out for guards, and stay quiet, okay?
Louis nods.
Otis: Good.
Lee:We'll scout ahead and signal when it's clear.
Clem:Got it?
Clem sees a raider and ducks.
Clem:I can see the boiler.
Clem,Otis,and Lee walk through the hallway but hide when a raider runs past. Clem opens a door at the end of the hallway, and the group enters the room. Clem moves forward but hides when a raider enters.
???:Hey, who's there?
Clem charges at Michael and body-slams him, making him drop his weapon, then hits him with his gun, knocking him unconscious.
Louis: Shit.
Louis:Hey, check this out.
Louis:I think it's the boiler?
Louis: Maybe?
Clem:Yeah, it looks like it.
Aj:There's too much stuff in the way.
Sarah:Maybe there's another way in.
The group enters the next room. Clem hides as a raider nearby fires at the walkers, then runs off. Clem moves forward and hides behind the doorway, seeing a raider in the boiler room.
Clem: Wait here.
Clem enters the room, takes cover, and draws her bow.
Clem shoots the guy in the neck.
Clem nods at the other others, and they enter the room. The group approaches the boiler. Clem opens it, takes the bomb from Louis, and puts it inside.
Clem:There you go, mitch's masterpiece.
Louis:We all love and support you.
Clem:Once they start up this boat, we won't have much time before it explodes.
Aj: How long?
Clem:Not sure.
Otis:An hour?
Sarah:Thirty minutes?
Louis:I guess we'd better move.
Lee: Yep.
The group climbs the stairs. They see Minerva talking to one of the raiders.
???: Minerva, focus.
Minerva:Yes, ma'am.
Minerva:I have a little brother.
Minerva:Short, scarred face.
Minerva:He's not out there, is he?
???:Look, we've discussed this.
???:Your family is delta now.
???:There ain't no room for anyone else.
Minerva:Yes, ma'am.
The woman leaves.
Louis:There's no way we can get in there without her seeing us.
Clem draws her bow and points it at Minerva, who aims her crossbow at Clem.
Minerva: Get.
Minerva: Out.
Aj,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Louis brandish their weapons.
Otis:Not without our people.
Minerva:I swear to god, if you got tenn caught up in this.
Minerva:Just tell me that he's safe.
Clem:He told me to tell you he forgives you.
Sarah:It's more than you deserve.
Minerva: Shit.
Minerva:I'll help you get everyone out.
Minerva:Then you take my brother and run.
Minerva:Get him back to where it's safe.
Lee:Come on, we have to hurry.
The group approaches the cells.
Omar: Clementine?
Aasim:Holy fuck.
Clem:Oh, my god.
Otis:Are you okay?
Aj:He doesn't look hurt.
Omar: I, yeah.
Omar:I'm alright.
Omar:We're alright.
Omar:Get violet first.
Omar:She needs to know you're here.
Minerva:I'll unlock the other cell.
Minerva unlocks the cell.
Minerva:We don't have a lot of time before dorian comes back.
Clem enters the cell.
Minerva: Louis, give me a hand.
Louis:Yeah, sure.
Violet is huddled in the corner of the cell. Clem walks up to check on her.
Clem: Violet?
Clem: Violet!
Minnie hits Clem in the back of the head with her crossbow, incapacitating her.
Louis:What the fuck, minnie?!
Aj: Clem!
Otis:What the hell?!
Sarah:Oh, come on!
Lee:Fucking of course!
Minnie points the crossbow at Aj.
Minerva:Get in the cell, now!
Louis:Are you fucking serious?!
Minerva:I will kill him, louis.
Minerva:Don't test me.
Louis:Please, minnie.
Louis:You don't.
Minerva: Now!
Clem regains consciousness some time later.
Clem: Vi?
Clem:What happened?
Clem:Are you okay?
Clem: Violet, talk to me.
Clem:We're here to take you home.
Violet:I looked for you.
Violet:When they grabbed me, I saw you let them take me.
Violet:I'm just supposed to forget that because you're here now?
Violet:Some fucking friend you are.
Clem: Louis wouldn't have stood a chance against these guys.
Clem:I knew you could fight back.
Violet: Yeah.
Violet: Sure.
Clem:What's wrong with you, vi? Clem:Come on, let's get the hell out of here.
Violet:No, clem.
Violet:I'm done.
Violet:This whole situation is so fucked!
Violet:At least here I have, minnie.
Clem:You mean the minnie that betrayed us?
Violet:Don't act like you know her. Violet:She tried to escape.
Violet:Her and sophie.
Violet:They said if I fight back, they'd kill minnie.
Violet:Or one of you.
Violet:All you've done is get us hurt or killed.
Violet:If you fuck this up worse, I'll stop you myself.
Clem:We can't give up now.
Clem:If they take us back to their community, we'll all die.
Violet:So, what, your plan is to speed up the process?
Violet:Whatever you do, leave me out of it.
Clem walks up to a metal door.
Clem kicks the metal on the door.
Clem looks through the door.
Aasim: Clem, are you alright?
Clem:I'm fine.
Clem:Where's aj?
Aj:Over here!
Clem:Thank god.
Louis:Is vi alright?
Clem:She's saying she won't help us.
Otis:What the shit?
Sarah:Are you serious?
Lee:We're not moving yet.
Louis:So at least we've got some time, I guess.
Clem looks at Louis.
Clem: Louis, are you alright?
Louis: Me?
Louis:Yeah, I'm fine.
Louis:Just trying to figure out the best way to survive an explosion.
Clem looks at Aj.
Clem:You doing okay in there, aj?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:I'm alright.
Aj:I'm looking for a way out.
Clem: Yeah.
Clem:Me too.
Clem:The doors don't look very well-made, maybe that's something we can work with.
Clem looks at Aasim.
Clem:How are you holding up?
Aasim:I can't talk.
Aasim:If lilly.
Aasim:She told us not to talk.
Clem:We'll be home soon.
Clem:Just hang in there.
Clem looks at Omar.
Clem: Omar, are you hurt?
Omar:Let's just get out of here, okay?
Clem:We will.
Omar nods.
Clem looks at Otis.
Clem:You okay, otis?
Otis:Are you?
Clem: Yes.
Otis: Good.
Clem looks at Sarah.
Clem: Sarah, are you okay?
Sarah: Yeah, I am.
Clem looks at Lee.
Clem:Are you okay, lee?
Lee:Yeah, what about you, sweet pea?
Clem: I am.
Clem looks at the latch at the bottom of the cell door.
Clem:I might be able to chip away at this if I had a tool or.
Clem:Damn it, they must've taken away my knife.
Clem: Aj!
Clem:Do you still have your knife?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:They didn't find it.
Aj:Only the big one.
Clem: Good.
Clem:I need you to slide it over to me.
Aj slides his knife across the floor and into the cell, and Clem picks it up.
Clem chips away at the rusted welds. A girl bangs against the door, startling Clem and making her drop the shiv.
???: Hey!
???:Whatever you're doing, don't.
???:I promise you, it ain't worth it.
???:Step back!
Lilly:She awake?
???:Yes, ma'am.
Lilly: Good.
Lilly:I'll take it from here.
The girl steps away from the cell, and Lilly walks up to Clem.
Violet: Shit.
Minnie walks up to the cells.
Lilly:Where's abel?
Aj:He's dead.
Aj:We killed him.
Aj:We put a knife in his head.
Lilly: Fuck.
Lilly:You little monster.
Clem:We showed him mercy.
Clem:He was terrified of turning.
Clem:So we stopped him from having to.
Clem:We gave him what he wanted.
Lilly:I'm sure you did.
Lilly points a pistol at Clem.
Lilly:Back up.
Clem steps backward and kicks the shiv underneath the bed.
Lilly: Minerva.
Lilly:Open the door.
Minerva:Yes, ma'am.
Minnie opens the door, and Lilly enters the cell.
Lilly:Normally, the trouble you caused, I'd shoot you and toss you overboard.
Lilly:But I'm genuinely impressed. Lilly:First, you organize these idiot kids into a fighting force and kill two of my most experienced soldiers. Lilly:Then you sneak onto my boat under the cover of a herd?
Lilly:I bring a prize like you back to the delta, it might make this whole clusterfuck of a mission worth it.
Clem:You should have never attacked us, lilly.
Clem:Your mission was a bad idea from the start, and you failed.
Lilly:And you're still mouthing off, despite being in a cell.
Lilly:That'll change.
Lilly:You know, my father, larry, was a military man, and when I was a kid, he had all kinds of rules.
Lilly:The thing that bugged him most was waste.
Lilly:If I ever left a light on after leaving a room, he'd flip.
Lilly:No matter how many times he ranted about the cost of electricity, I could never remember to hit that switch.
Clem: So?
Lilly:So one day, he let our power get cut.
Lilly:He liked illustrations.
Lilly:To show that actions have consequences.
Lilly:No more tv.
Lilly:My father had his faults, but he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example.
Clem:Well, I guess asshole runs in the family.
Clem:Is that the consequence?
Clem:That you're an asshole?
Lilly:The consequence is: I never left the lights on again.
Clem:Oh, is that what this is?
Clem:A lesson?
Clem takes a step forward, and Minerva raises her crossbow. Lilly raises her hand, signaling Minnie not to shoot. Lilly gestures at Clem with her gun, and Clem moves to stand in front of her.
Lilly:I want to tell you a story.
Lilly:Let's call it "the parable of the twins."
Lilly:Two girls were taken from their home, and brought to a new place to live.
Lilly:They had to leave their friends and family behind, and that was hard at first.
Lilly:They shed a lot of tears, but the new place was a good place.
Lilly:The people there grew corn and raised pigs, and the twins ate well for the first time in years.
Lilly:They had hot showers, clean clothes, beds.
Lilly:They were given guns and trained to use them.
Lilly:The people there were kind to these girls.
Lilly:All that was asked in return was that they help defend the group.
Lilly:You see, this place had a lot of enemies, killers and thieves, who wanted what they had.
Clem:I wonder if that's how the twins would tell it?
Lilly:One of them would.
Lilly:One of the girls saw that this was a place worth fighting for, and her tears dried.
Lilly:But the other twin, she could never forget her old home.
Lilly:She rejected every gift, every opportunity.
Lilly:Stirred up trouble every chance she got.
Lilly:She convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river. Lilly:Of course, they didn't get far. Lilly:What happened then, minerva?
Minerva:I killed her.
Otis:Should've seen that coming.
Aasim:Shit, minnie!
Sarah:Both of them are mad!
Omar:How could you?!
Lee:They're both crazy delusional bitches!
Louis:What the fuck?!
Violet:Is that true?
Lilly:Your own sister?
Lilly:Why would you do that?
Minerva:She was twisting my head with her lies.
Lilly: And?
Minerva:I made a mistake.
Minerva:I needed to show my loyalty to the place I call home.
Lilly:Like it or not, you're one of my people now, clem.
Lilly:The question is, which twin are you going to be?
Lilly:The loyal one, or the dead one?
Louis:You brainwashed her!
Louis bangs on the cellar door.
Louis:You people are fucking sick!
Clem:I'll be the one who breaks out at night and cuts your throat while you sleep.
Lilly:Kind of what I expected you to say.
Lilly:But you'll see I'm not kidding around.
Lilly stands up.
Lilly:Pull the mouthy one out of the cell.
The girl opens Louis's cell.
Lilly:They clearly didn't get the moral of the story.
Lilly:We'll have to help them understand.
The girl pulls out a cleaver and approaches Louis. Aj jumps between them.
Aj: Stop!
Aj:Don't hurt louis.
Aj:Or I'll hurt you.
???:Ey, yo.
???:You better cool it or you're gonna get yourself hurt.
The girl grabs Louis's arm and throws them to the ground.
Louis:Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Clem steps forward, but Lilly cocks the gun.
???: Easy.
???:Stay still.
The girl grabs Louis's wrist and raises her cleaver.
Louis:No, no, please, clem.
???:Don't make this hurt more than it has to.
???:Come on.
???:Just breathe.
Aj sneaks up behind the girl.
Clem nods at Aj. He jumps on the girl and bits her ear. She throws him backward.
Otis: Aj!
Aj spits out a piece of the girl's ear. She grasps her wound and kicks him in the face.
???:Son of a bitch!
Sarah: Stop!
Lilly:That's enough.
???:He bit me.
Lilly:I said that's enough!
The girl drags Louis back into the cell.
Aj:You deserve to die.
Aj:We'll kill you!
Lilly walks up to Aj.
Lilly:You think you can kill me?
Aj:I know I can!
Aj:We'll throw you in the river!
Aj:Or we'll put a knife right in the side of your head!
Aj:I know I can do it.
Aj:I killed marlon.
Aj:He wasn't a monster.
Aj:But you are.
Aj mimics firing a gun at Lilly.
Aj: Bang.
Lilly:So you killed marlon, huh?
Lilly:I bet you'd make a great soldier.
Lee:Leave him alone.
Clem:This is between us.
Lilly: Clem,otis,sarah,and lee seem to care a lot about you, huh?
Lilly:Come on, let's go have a chat.
Lilly:Just us.
Lilly grabs Aj and drags him out of the cell. Clem,Otis,Sarah,and Lee run forward, but Minnie closes their cell doors.
Clem:Don't you fucking touch him!
Clem bangs on the door.
Aj: Clem!
Clem:No, please!
Otis:You will die, lilly!
Aj: Otis!
Sarah: Aj!
Lilly:Keep an eye on her, minerva.
Lee: Lilly, don't!
Lilly:Get this thing moving.
Lilly:I want to be far away from here. Lilly: Fast.
???:I'll start up the boiler.
Lilly,Aj,and the girl leave.
Minerva: Don't.
Minerva:Don't you dare look at me like that!
Minerva:This is the only way we survive.
Louis:Are you serious right now?! Louis:After everything that she's done, you're just gonna help her?! Louis: Fuck you!
Louis: Minerva!
Minerva:Fuck off!
Louis:What the hell happened to you? Louis:You killed sophie?
Louis:What the fuck?!
Louis:You just decided, "hey, I'll work for these people, they seem friendly enough!"
Minerva:Don't act like you understand what happened!
Minerva:You weren't there!
Louis:Well, I'm here now, aren't I?! Louis:And this shit, it looks bad, minnie!
Clem grabs her shiv and starts to chip away at the door.
Violet shoves Clem.
Violet:What the fuck are you doing?! Violet:You're gonna get us all killed!
Clem shoves Violet against the wall and chokes her.
Violet:Fuck you!
Minerva:What the hell are you doing?!
Minerva: Stop!
Minnie starts to open the door.
Clem rams the door open, knocking Minerva over and making her drop the crossbow. Clem unlatches Louis's cell door.
Louis: Clem, behind you!
Clem blocks Minnie as she charges and tries to stab her.
Minerva:You're the fucking problem here!
Minnie kicks Clem in the knee and pushes her onto the floor, pressing the knife into her chest.
Minerva:I won't let you get them all killed!
As Clem struggles to push the knife away, Louis picks up the crossbow.
Louis:Stop, minerva!
Louis:I'm warning you!
Minnie raises the knife. The girl appears behind Louis.
???:What the hell is going on down here?!
Louis:Oh, fuck!
Louis spins around and accidentally shoots the girl, killing her.
Louis:No, no, no, no.
Louis: Wait.
Louis:No, that's not what I.
Minerva: Dorian!
Minerva: No!
Otis:You had to do it.
Clem punches Minerva twice, knocking her out.
Louis:I'm sorry.
Louis:I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Louis: I'm sorry.
Sarah:It's going to be okay, louis.
Violet runs over to Minnie and holds her. Lee unlocks the cell for Aasim and Omar.
Clem: Violet, we have to go.
Violet: No!
Lee:We planted a bomb on the boat!
Violet:Fuck you, there's a bomb! Violet: Mitch is dead!
Violet:You just fucking go!
Aasim:We have to get the hell out of here.
Aasim: Now.
Clem: Go.
Clem:I need to find aj.
Louis: I can.
Otis:We'll be fine.
Sarah:Better see you on land.
Lee:You will.
Clem,Otis,and Lee run outside and climb up the ladder.
Clem,Otis,and Lee peer out onto the boat. Lilly is still dragging Aj along with her.
Clem:Shit, they started the boiler.
Otis:We have to hurry.
Clem,Otis,and Lee sneak along the boat.
Lilly:We'll focus that energy.
Lilly:Sharpen it.
Lilly:I've known clementine,otis,lee, and shawn since before this all started.
Lilly:They'll come around.
Lilly:You'll come around too, once you see what we have to offer.
Lilly:Plenty of food, comfortable beds for you,otis,lee,shawn,and clem.
Lilly:You can even share a room.
Aj:Fuck off, fear.
Lilly:Trust me, aj.
Lilly:You're gonna fit right in where I'm from.
Lilly:We respect the strong here, and I can tell by one look at you that you're strong.
Lilly:All of you are.
Clem,Otis,and Lee reach some boxes.
Two people escort Tenn across the boat.
???:Found one more sneaking over the docks.
Aj: Tenn!
Lee: Fuck.
Lilly: Tennessee?
Lilly:Did you get lost?
???:Ma'am, he wasn't alone.
???:I've got something else to show you.
Lilly: This way.
Clem,Otis,and Lee hide as two people walk past them.
???:Found this in the herd.
The girl takes the mask off Doug.
Lilly:No wonder there were so many walkers.
Lilly:Must have thought you were clever, leading those walkers here.
Lilly:Or was that clementine's idea?
Doug:Fuck you lilly, I hope you die like your father.
Lilly:You know who I am?
Doug:You don't?
Lilly: No.
Doug:My name's doug.
Lilly:The guy that made the alarm at the motel?
Doug:So you do remember.
Lilly:Are you here to stop me like, clem?
Doug:Yes, because you force your ways onto others.
Doug:Because you're afraid.
Doug:Because you're weak.
Lilly:I give my people a cause to fight for.
Doug:All you do is kill.
Doug:It's not for a cause, it's.
Lilly hits Doug.
Lilly:Nothing else?
Doug: Yes.
Lilly:What is it?
Doug:Fuck you crazy bitch.
Lilly: Fine.
Lilly:You're no use to me anyway.
Clem,Otis,and Lee run over to another stack of boxes and sneak around them.
Lilly:The thing about people like him, aj, is that they're too smart for this world.
Lilly:They won't fight for themselves but anyone.
Lilly: Kill it.
Aj: No!
A girl points her gun at Doug. Tenn grabs the girl's pistol and aims it at her and Lilly.
???:What the fuck?
Lilly:Easy there, tenn.
Tenn:Don't hurt him!
Tenn:Just stop hurting people!
Tenn: Please!
Aj:Shoot her!
Lilly:Why don't we all just take a breath, alright?
Tenn:Give me my friends back!
Lilly:Put down the gun.
Tenn:Let them go!
Tenn:All of us!
Tenn:Or else.
Lilly: Fine.
Lilly:Go ahead, then.
Lilly:Do it.
Lilly:Save your friends.
Lilly puts her head against the gun.
Lilly:That's what you came here to do, isn't it?
Tenn starts sobbing.
Lilly:Oh, I see.
Lilly:You came here to cry.
Aj: Tenn.
Lilly grabs the gun and points it at Tenn.
Lilly:Looks like you're not a soldier, either.
Doug:You're crazy!
Aj: No!
Aj grabs Lilly's arm and bites her hand.
Lilly: Fuck!
The girl aims her gun at Aj but Doug knocks her over. Clem charges at Lilly and tackles her, making her drop her weapon. Clem runs toward the gun, but Lilly grabs her hair and throws her to the ground. Clem kicks Lilly in the knee, making her fall, and Lilly starts to choke her.
Tenn: Stop!
Lilly punches Clem. Otis grabs her arm, but she elbows him away. Clem elbows Lilly in the face, knocking her backward, and gets up, drawing her knife. Lilly pins her against the wall. Doug wrestles for the girl's gun. Lilly makes Clem drop her knife, then elbows her in the face. She pins her against the railing and chokes her.
Lilly:You've made a big fucking mistake!
Clem grabs Lilly's face, but she moves her arm away.
Lilly:Such a fucking waste!
Aj stabs Lilly in the leg, and she kicks him away. Clem kicks the knife, making Lilly fall and release her. Both of them crawl toward the gun, but Lee picks it up and aims it at Lilly.
Lilly: Lee, wait!
Lilly:I give up.
Lilly:I will give up!
Lilly:Put down the gun, I'll let everyone leave.
Lilly:My crew and I will leave!
Lilly:We won't bother you anymore!
Doug shoots the girl and throws her gun away.
Lilly:You don't have to do this, please!
Tenn:It's a trick!
Lilly:Don't you fucking dare, lee!
Doug: Do it!
Tenn:You can't let her hurt anyone else!
Lilly:I don't want to die!
Lee:See you in hell, lilly.
Lee shoots Lilly in the face.
???: Lilly, we couldn't find the other.
???:What did you do?
???:You are fucking dead!
The ship rumbles.
Clem:Shit, the bomb!
Clem: Aj!
Clem runs toward Aj, but the explosion knocks her backward.

The Walking Dead telltale season 4Where stories live. Discover now