Chapter 4 take us back

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Clem wakes up on the boat, which is falling apart. Clem sees Lilly's corpse. Clem stands up, and an explosion knocks her hat off her head and into the water.
Aj: Clem!
Aj holds onto the edge of the boat.
Clem:Hang on!
Clem:I'm coming!
There are several more explosions as Clem jumps over to a lifeboat.
Clem: Aj, you have to trust me.
Clem:On the count of three, let go, and I'll catch you.
Aj: Promise?
Clem: Promise.
Clem:One, two, three!
Aj lets go; he falls, but Clem grabs his hand.
Aj:Hurry, clem!
Aj:I'm slipping!
Clem pulls him into the boat.
Aj:Now what?
Clem:We need to find a way down. Clem:This ship isn't gonna stay afloat much longer.
An explosion rocks the boat, fraying one of the ropes holding it to the Delta ship.
Aj: There!
Aj:We can climb down from there.
Clem:Well, we have to get there first. Clem:Okay, we've got to jump.
Aj:It's far.
Clem:I know it's far, but it's the only way.
Clem:You'll have to go first.
Clem:You'll need a running start.
Aj:I don't know, clem.
Clem: Aj, what do we do when we're scared?
Aj:Fuck off, fear!
Clem:Atta boy.
Aj runs and jumps onto the part of the Delta ship that is more stable.
Aj:Come on, clem.
Clem tries to move across the boat as the explosions continue. The rope snaps, and Clem holds onto the seat.
Aj: Clem!
Clem:Get to the pier.
Clem:I'll meet you there.
Aj:I'm not going to leave you.
Clem:There's nothing you can do.
Clem:I'll find a way there.
Clem:Now go!
Clem pulls herself up and jumps onto the railing moments before the lifeboat falls into the water. Clem climbs across, avoiding some falling debris. An explosion knocks Aj onto the tarp, and part of the railing breaks off.
Aj: Hurry!
Clem climbs to the edge of the railing.
Aj:You got this, clem!
Aj: Jump!
Clem jumps onto the tarp moments before the railing collapses, and the ship is hit with more fiery explosions. Aj and Clem climb onto the pier.
An arrow hits the post near Clem and Aj. A guy is armed with Clem's bow.
???:You forgot something!
Clem ducks as the guy continues firing.
???:Where do you think you're going?
???:No way you're just walking out of here.
???:You come up here, kill my people.
???:And think you can just leave?
???:Fuck you!
Clem takes one of the arrows out of the post and stabs the guy's foot as he turns the corner. They wrestle for the bow, and Aj punches the guy in the groin, making him stumble backward. Clem shoots the guy in the head with an arrow, and he falls into the water.
Clem: Come on!
Clem and Aj run along the pier as the boat continues being destroyed.
Clem and Aj run as the ship falls over and explodes, disorienting them.
A walker approaches Clem, but Louis kills it with a rock.
Aj: Louis!
Aj:You made it!
Louis: Yeah.
Louis:Yeah, I did.
Louis:I'm still kickin.
Louis:For better or worse.
Clem hugs Louis.
Clem:You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now.
Louis:I think I have some idea.
Sarah:You guys made it.
Clem:We did.
Nearby, a walker grabs onto Violet's leg and tries to pull her into the water.
Violet:Get the fuck off of me!
Aj: Violet!
Louis and Sarah kills the approaching walkers.
Clem shoots the walker.
Clem:Oh, my god, violet.
Violet's face and eyes are burned.
Violet: Clem, where are you?
Clem: Louis, get over here, she's hurt!
Violet:Where's minnie?
Clem: What?
Clem:I don't know.
Violet:We headed towards the boiler room to stop the bomb, and I just.
Clem:Whoa, slow down, you're.
Violet:Where is she?!
Clem: Louis!
Louis and Sarah run over to Violet.
Louis:Okay, vi, we've got you, come on.
Louis helps Violet stand up.
Clem: Oh, shit.
Clem:Can you see?
Violet:I don't, just don't let go of me, okay?
Sarah:I'll help you.
The raiders are surrounded by the herd.
Louis: Shit.
Sarah:We can't stay here.
The group sneaks over and hides with Omar,Otis,Lee,Doug,and Aasim.
Aasim:Oh, thank god.
Omar:You guys made it!
Aj:That's a whole lotta monsters.
Louis:And more coming by the minute.
Lee:Stay cool, we knew this would happen.
Aj: Violet, are your eyes?
Violet:Fucked up.
Violet:They're fucked up.
Otis:We just have to get off this beach.
Clem looks around and sees Willy, Ruby,and Shawn near a cart and horse. Ruby calms the horse while Willy shoots his bow at the walkers, and Shawn kills walkers with his knife.
Clem: Look!
Doug:They brought the cart around.
Aasim: Ruby,willy,shawn!
Shawn:Come on!
Willy:We're getting out of here!
???:There's no end to these little shits.
???:Put 'em down.
The girl shoots at Willy,Shawn,and Ruby.
Aasim: Shit!
Aasim: Clem, do something!
Clem shoots the girl in the neck.
???: You!
Clem ducks as the other girl shoots a pistol at her, but she is soon devoured by walkers.
Minerva: No!
Minerva:Get away from her!
Minnie shoots at the walkers but soon runs out of ammo. She picks up an axe and continues killing the herd.
Louis:She's lost it!
Violet: Minnie?!
Violet:What's going on?
A walker bites Minnie's arm, and she kills it.
Omar:Oh, my god!
Clem:We've got to break for it!
Otis: Now!
Clem:Everyone run for the cart.
Clem:I'll stay back and cover you.
Clem:I'll be right behind you.
Clem:The second I see an opening, I'll make a break for it.
Sarah:Good luck.
Doug:See you there.
Lee:Please be lucky.
Clem:I will.
Omar,Sarah,Lee,Doug,and Aasim leave.
Violet: Clementine?
Violet:The stuff I said on the boat, in the cell, I, uh.
Clem:Worry about that later.
Violet leaves.
Louis:Right behind me?
Clem:Yep, just like the ninja I am.
Louis:The ninjas we are.
Louis kisses Clem.
Louis: Be careful.
Louis leaves.
Clem: Aj and otis, go with them.
Aj: No!
Aj:I'm staying with you.
Otis:What he said.
Clem:Thanks, guys.
Clem shoots the walkers, and the group safely makes it to the cart. Minnie gets bitten in the cheek, and she shoots the walker.
Minerva: Clementine!
Minnie picks up a grenade and pulls the pin.
Minerva:Fuck you!
Minerva:You ruined everything!
Clem shoots Minnie in the shoulder, making her drop the grenade.
Clem: Shit!
Clem and Otis grab Aj and dive away from the explosion. The horse Ruby is riding, gets spooked, and runs off with everyone except Clem,Otis,and Aj in the cart. Minnie gets surrounded by the herd. Walkers emerge from the forest and water and approach Clem,Otis,and Aj. Tenn waves from the edge of the forest.
Aj: Tenn!
Clem: Go!
Aj runs over to Tenn. Clem and Otis avoids the herd and reaches the two of them. A walker grabs her; Otis kicks it away, and Tenn stabs it. Clem takes the knife, and the four of them run off.
James stands near a cliff, wearing his mask and wielding two knives.
Otis: James!
The group reaches the entrance of a cave in the cliff. Walkers follow them.
James:We have to move!
Clem:We'll have to squeeze through there.
Tenn:We don't know where it goes.
Otis:Well, we do know there's walkers in the other direction.
Tenn: But.
Aj:Move it, dummy!
Aj enters the cave, and Tenn follows suit.
James:What happened up there?
Clem:What do you mean?
James: Nothing.
James:Just go.
Clem and Otis enter the cave. James follows after her.
Clem:We're safe, but not for long.
James:We can't move forward without a way to see.
Otis:We'll figure something out.
The walkers are trying to get into the cave.
Clem walks up to James.
James:So are you going to tell me what happened on the boat?
Clem decides.
Clem:We killed lilly.
Clem:And a couple of her crew.
James:How did lilly die?
Clem:She was stabbed in the knee begging for her life, then lee shoots her in the head.
James:She wasn't a threat.
Clem:We'll talk about it later.
Clem walks away from James and walks up to Aj.
Aj:It's so dark in here.
Clem:I'm working on it.
Aj:It doesn't feel safe, there's too much danger outside.
Aj:I wish I had a gun.
Clem:We'll be out of here soon.
Clem walks away from Aj and walks up to Otis.
Otis:Remember when james said he doesn't like killing people.
Clem: Yeah?
Otis:We should keep what happened on the boat to ourselves.
Clem walks away from Otis and walks up to Tenn.
Tenn: Clem, did you see minnie out there?
Tenn:I didn't see her anywhere.
Tenn:But that doesn't mean she escaped.
Clem:I saw her on the beach.
Clem:She was bitten, tenn.
Tenn:So she'll go to the next place. Tenn:With sophie.
Tenn:They can be together.
Tenn:That's good.
Clem walks away from Tenn and picks up a rock and strikes her knife against it, creating sparks.
Clem: Perfect!
Clem: Flint.
Clem:I need something to burn.
Clem grabs the stick.
Clem: Okay.
Clem examines a walker corpse.
Clem: Hm.
Clem rips off a piece of its clothing.
She creates a torch.
Clem: Alright.
Clem: Okay.
Clem: Good.
Clem:Look, there's another tunnel over there.
Aj:It's too far.
Otis:Well, we just gotta find something to help us cross.
James:The walkers are getting closer.
Clem:Don't worry.
Otis:We'll be home before you know it.
Clem looks at a log.
Clem:If I yank that out of there, it would drift down the river and get caught in the rocks.
Clem:Could work as a bridge.
Clem pushes the log down the river, and it is stopped by the rocks.
Clem: Okay.
Otis:We just need to go across one by one, and then we'll move the rocks out of the way, and then I'll take.
A walker grabs Tenn.
James punches the walker, and it releases Tenn.
Clem picks up the torch. The group walks to the other side of the river. Clem hits the walkers with the torch, lighting them on fire.
Aj: Clementine!
Clem starts to cross the river; the log shakes but stays sturdy. The walkers accidentally throw themselves into the stream while trying to follow her. Clem jumps to the riverbank just before a walker knocks the log loose. The group continues moving through the cave, and Clem sets the torch down. James takes off his mask and drops it on the floor.
Clem:Alright, which way do we go? Otis:Tenn, do you see a light down any of these tunnels?
James puts his hand on Clem's shoulder.
James:You brought this on yourself.
James throws Clem to the ground.
Aj: Clem!
Otis:What the hell, james!
James:But it's not too late.
James grabs Aj's arm.
Aj:Let go!
James:For him, at least.
Clem gets up.
Otis charges at James, but he elbows him in the face, knocking him over.
James:Follow us, and I sprain your ankle.
James:Follow us after that, I break your leg.
Clem:I won't let you take him!
James:And I won't let you make him a monster.
Otis gets up.
James:Not any further.
Aj: Clem,otis!
James: Shh.
James:You're coming with me.
Otis:You're fucking crazy!
James:I warned you once.
James:I won't do it again.
Clem:Oh, I'll take my chances.
Aj bites James hand and breaks free of him. He picks up a sharp rock.
Aj:I'll kill you before I leave them.
James reaches toward Aj, but he slices his hand with the rock.
James holds out his hand.
James:You did this.
James takes the rock from Aj and tosses it away.
Otis:What are you on about?
James:You guys made him this way. James:When you had him watch your friend shoot a bullet into lilly's head!
Aj:Yeah,well, I liked watching it.
Otis: What?
Clem: Aj, you talking like that?
Clem:It scares me.
Otis:Never think that again.
Otis:And certainly never say it again.
James:Does it matter?
James:You can tell he already believes it!
Clem:We never taught you to find joy in killing.
Aj:No one's listening!
Aj:Anyone that wants to hurt us should be dead!
Aj:And I'm not sorry about it and I'm not gonna feel bad about it!
Clem: Aj.
Aj:I don't know why you're scared, when you've always said for me to be like this!
Aj:Never hesitate to kill people that want to hurt us!
Aj:If something wants to hurt us, shoot it right in the head!
James:I can't listen to this.
James:You think you guys can change him?
James:Do it, then.
James:Talk to him.
Aj:I'm not gonna stop, clem and otis.
Aj:I'm not gonna let people that want to hurt us just walk around.
Aj:You can't tell me to stop and expect me to get it.
Clem:I know this world is hard.
Otis:For us, for you especially.
Clem:And killing it's almost unavoidable these days.
Otis:Having to do it, having to let you do it, we've learned we have to live with it.
Clem:But you can't ever like it.
Aj:I don't know if I should have said, "I liked it" maybe I don't know the right words for what I felt.
Aj:Aren't you guys glad lilly's dead?
Aj:You just said she deserved it.
Aj:You must be glad I killed her.
Otis:She was a threat, and, yes, I'm glad that threat's gone.
Clem: But.
Aj:That's what I've been saying!
Otis:Look, I know I said to kill people even if they're not dangerous, but that doesn't mean you should like it.
James:I've heard enough.
James:It's obvious you can't teach him!
James grabs Aj's arm, but he elbows him in the groin and runs over to Clem and Otis. James charges forward; Clem steps in his path, but he grabs her.
Clem:Get the fuck away from him!
James:You're not listening.
James throws Clem to the ground. Otis and Aj throw rocks at his head.
Otis:We hear you.
Aj:You just don't understand who we are.
James:I understand you.
James:I've seen your kind.
James:The world is full of you!
James:I've been you!
James:All you know is violence. James: Death.
James:He could live a peaceful life. James:But it's like you won't let him!
James:It might seem hard to believe, aj.
James:I know it does.
Clem: James, this philosophy of yours.
James:This philosophy is what has kept me human!
James:It's what will keep any of us human!
Otis:It takes more than words.
Clem:You can't just talk people into being peaceful.
Otis:You think we don't want a life like that for aj?
Clem:For myself?
Otis:God, I'd love to live in a world where I didn't have to worry about killing or dying.
Clem:But that's just not how things fucking work.
Otis:Not yet.
Clem:And what you're doing now isn't going to change that.
James:I, maybe.
Aj: Clem and otis?
Clem and Otis:What is it?
Aj:Let me help you guys.
Aj:Trust me to tell which people are bad.
Aj:That I won't ever use my gun because I like it.
Aj:But only to keep our friends safe. Aj: Please.
Aj:You can trust me to decide when it's right.
Clem: Okay.
Aj: Really?
Clem:You're growing up too fast, aj, and that scares me.
Clem:But you've seen things and done things no one your age should have to do.
Clem:You've earned my trust.
Clem:If you say you won't ever enjoy killing, I believe you.
Aj:I won't.
Aj:I promise.
Otis:You've earned my trust as well.
Wind blows through one of the tunnels in the cave.
Tenn:Feel that?
Clem picks up the torch.
Clem:Yeah, that's the way out.
Walkers growl nearby.
James draws his knives.
James: Go.
James:I'll make sure you won't be followed.
Clem:Thank you.
James:Be safe.
Otis:Come on.
The group leaves the cave. James begins to kill the walkers as they approach him.
The group exits the cave and enters the forest. The wind extinguishes the torch, and Clem drops it on the ground. They continue moving.
Clem:Coast is clear.
Otis:If the shore is that way, the school is probably that way.
Tenn: Aasim was the third.
Clem: Huh?
Tenn:The day after aj killed marlon. Tenn:You already know violet, and I voted for you to stay.
Tenn: Aasim was the third vote.
Aj:Wait, that means.
Aj: Omar voted us out?
Aj: And ruby?
Tenn:Uh, yeah.
Otis: Huh.
Clem:That's really nice of you to say, tenn.
Otis:Thank you.
Tenn:That's okay.
Tenn:Now that we're out of danger and going back home, it just made me think of it.
Aj:I like aasim.
Tenn:If marlon was still in charge, we'd be taken away to wherever.
Tenn:Or dead.
Tenn:Instead, we fought back. Tenn:Because you showed us how.
Tenn:We weren't safe with marlon. Tenn:Even in his safe zone we were just hiding.
The group hears a noise, and Clem draws her knife. Louis steps out from behind a tree.
Aj: Louis!
Aj,Clem,Otis,and Tenn hug Louis.
Louis:You're not dead.
Louis:That's good.
Otis:Did everyone else escape?
Louis adjusts his coat.
Louis: Damn right.
Louis:They took that cart and hauled ass back to the school.
Clem:But you came to look for us.
Louis:Thought I lost you.
Louis and Clem hold hands.
Clem:Only for a minute.
Louis:Longest damn minute of my life.
Louis:Never would've forgiven myself if I didn't.
Louis:It's over, clem.
Louis:The raiders are gone, and we got everyone out alive.
Louis: Ruby said violet's eyes aren't infected, so that's good too.
Louis:They'll all be waiting for us back home.
Otis:Any idea which way that is?
Louis:I haven't been out here in a while, but I think there's a bridge that way.
Louis:It's the fastest way back.
Clem:Let's go.
The group continues moving.
Louis:I killed that woman.
Louis:Back on the boat.
Clem and Otis:Was that your first?
Louis:Yeah, my first.
Louis:It feels like bile, but not quite, you know?
Louis:Or like a scream that doesn't know if it should or not.
Otis:It'll get easier.
Clem: We promise.
Louis:You know what?
Louis:It's fucked up, but I know it will. Louis:I'm just glad to know I have it in me, at all.
Louis:Having a home means defending it.
Clem: Yeah.
Otis:Yeah, it does.
Louis:I really thought we were gonna die on that boat.
Louis:The dumbest shit always goes through my head when that happens. Louis:My old pet turtle, geoff, my grandma's phone number, the word that lost me the fourth grade spelling bee: recommend.
Louis:Stupid shit.
Clem:Anything new this time?
Louis:Before my parents divorced, they were building a house.
Louis:I begged my dad to put in a skylight.
Louis: Begged.
Louis: "Please, if you love me, you'll do it!"
Louis:That shit definitely didn't work. Louis:So we made a deal.
Louis:I got straight a's, he'd put in a skylight.
Otis:And you remembered the skylight just now?
Louis:They never got to build the house.
Louis:I don't even know what color it was gonna be.
Louis:I should've asked.
Clem:Well, what color did you hope it was?
Louis:Oh, uh, well.
Louis:Maybe purple?
Clem:Is that your favorite color?
Louis:No, but you don't see a lot of purple houses.
Louis:Why not stand out?
Clem:Of course you'd say that.
Louis:Of course.
Otis:Of course.
Louis:Okay, I'm starting to visualize the place.
Louis:How many floors?
Louis:Even number?
Louis: Odd?
Clem:Um, nine hundred and fourteen.
Otis:That's a lot.
Louis:That's outrageous.
Clem: Yeah.
Louis:I love it.
Louis:I like what I'm seeing, I could definitely live there.
Louis:Gimme a last flourish, though. One thing to really bring it all together.
Louis:C'mon, the coup de grace.
Otis:How were your grades?
Louis:They would've been straight a's!
Clem:Then it looks like we're putting in a skylight.
Louis:Thanks, dad!
Clem:Uh, you're welcome, weirdo.
Otis:Yeah, definitely don't call your girlfriend, dad.
Louis adjusts his coat.
Louis:We get back to the school, we are building that house.
Clem:You really think we can?
Louis:Maybe not all nine hundred floors.
Otis:And fourteen.
Louis:And fourteen.
Louis: But.
Louis:I really hope we can.
Tenn:Can I help?
Louis:Of course you can.
Louis:You're in charge of painting.
Louis: C'mon.
Louis:We got a home to build.
The group reaches a dilapidated bridge.
Clem: Okay.
Otis:Just take your time.
Clem:And keep moving forward.
The group walks across and jumps over a truck. They reach a part of the bridge that is broken, creating a gap.
Aj:That's far.
Tenn:Really far.
Louis:I think we can jump it.
Otis:Let's hope so.
Clem:Yeah, I think we can.
Clem:We just gotta be careful not to land too hard.
Minerva sings.
Minerva:Never mind the darkness. Minerva:Never mind the storm.
Minerva:Never mind the blood red moon.
Minerva:The night will be over soon.
Minnie, holding an axe and covered in blood, approaches the group.
Tenn: Minnie!
Tenn takes a step forward, but stops when he sees the herd of walkers following Minnie.
Minerva:I did it!
Minerva:I found you!
Minerva:Oh, tenn.
Minerva:My sweet little brother. Minerva:Come with me.
Tenn:You're dying.
Minerva: Yes!
Minerva:Yes, I am.
Minerva:I'm finally going someplace better.
Minerva:I want you there with me.
Tenn:Where everyone gets to be a person again.
Clem: Tenn, snap out of it!
Otis:She wants to kill you!
Tenn:I know, but I.
Minnie fires a pistol into the air, drawing the walkers.
Minerva:Don't you fucking speak to him!
Minerva:Any of you.
The group hides behind the truck.
Louis: Minnie, c'mon, stop!
Minerva:He needs to be with his family.
Clem:Don't do this.
Minerva:Don't worry, tenn.
Minerva:She can try to stop me.
Minerva:But I'm not going anywhere without you.
Minerva:The night will be over soon.
Tenn stands up. Clem reaches toward him but takes cover when Minerva fires at her.
Otis:Get down!
Otis tackles Tenn. The walkers approach the group.
Louis:I'll get the kids across the gap! Louis:Don't let the walkers get close!
Clem shoots at the walkers, and Minerva shoots at Clem. Louis returns to Clem.
Louis: Aj's across!
Louis:I can't get tenn to budge.
Otis:Then throw him across if you have to.
Tenn crouches on the bridge, his hands over his head.
Clem:I have to stop her!
Clem gets up; Minerva stands on the truck and kicks her in the face, knocking her down and making her drop her weapon. Minerva jumps down and swings the axe, but Clem dodges it, and the axe gets stuck in the bridge. A walker grabs Clem's leg, and Louis shoots it with the bow. Minerva charges at them, making them collapse and drop the bow into the water.
Minerva:You are not his family!
Minnie tries to fire her gun, but it's out of ammo.
Minerva:You're just something in my way.
Minnie reloads the gun, but Otis grabs it. They wrestle for the weapon, and Otis headbutts Minerva, knocking her down. Otis points the gun at her, but Minerva spits blood in his face, disorienting him and making him fire blindly.
Clem tackles her, Minerva spits blood in her face,disorienting her and making her get off Minerva.
Minerva picks up the axe and gashes Clem's leg; she falls.
Otis picks up the gun as Minerva raises the axe.
Minerva:I'm taking tenn home!
Minerva:I'm going home!
Otis shoots Minerva in the shoulder; she drops the axe and stumbles backward. Walkers grab and bite her.
Tenn: Minnie!
Tenn: Minnie!
Tenn runs up to Minerva and reaches toward her.
Otis gets up.
Louis:Get across!
Louis:I'll help tenn!
Otis: Okay.
Otis helps Clem get up. She throws the axe across the bridge, then jumps.
Otis jumps and then drops the gun.
Louis: Tenn, we have to go, now!
Aj picks up the gun.
Minerva: No!
Louis: Tenn, fucking move!
Aj:Let him go!
Aj:You'll die if you don't!
Aj shoots Tenn in the neck.
Louis: No!
Louis: No!
Clem: Louis, jump!
Louis jumps across.
Walkers devour Tenn.
Minerva:That's right.
Minerva:Come with me.
Louis:What the fuck?!
Louis:How could you just shoot him like that?!
Aj:I had to!
Aj:You'd never see your skylight if I didn't.
Louis:My skylight?!
Aj:I did it for you.
Louis: Tenn's dead.
Louis:He's dead!
Louis:Do you realize that?!
Louis: Look!
Louis turns Aj toward the other side of the bridge.
Louis:He's gone, because of you.
Louis:Just fucking gone.
Clem: Aj saved your life, louis.
Otis: Tenn was gonna get you killed.
Louis:So what, we just cut him loose? Louis:Gun him down like he was nothing?
Aj:I didn't want to shoot him!
Aj:He was my first real friend.
Aj:But he was messing up again.
Aj:Just like when he got mitch killed.
Aj:So I had to decide.
Aj: Clem and otis said I could, so I did.
Louis: Tenn.
Walkers approach the group.
Clem:We gotta move.
The group leaves the bridge.
Aj:The monsters are gonna trap us!
Clem: I know.
Louis runs over to a chain link fence.
Louis:Uh, I'll climb over first, then help you climb down the other side! Louis climbs over the fence.
Louis:Come on, almost there!
Otis: Louis!
Louis:Oh, fuck!
Walkers surround Louis, and he kicks one in the knee.
Louis:Oh, come on!
Aj: Clem, look out!
A walker approaches Clem, and Aj shoots it.
Louis:Damn it, there are too many!
Clem: Go!
Otis:We'll find another way!
Louis:What about you?!
Louis:You're trapped!
Clem:We'll make it.
Clem: Go!
Louis runs off. Clem kills a walker.
Aj: Clem, we can climb there!
Clem:Good idea.
Clem:This first.
Clem throws the axe to the top of the cliff.
Aj: Clem!
Clem:I got you.
Clem helps Aj climb up.
Clem:Go, otis, I'm right behind you!
Otis climbs up the cliff.
Aj shoots at some walkers.
Otis:You're turn!
Clem climbs up the cliff.
Aj: Grab on!
Clem reaches for Aj's hand, but a walker grabs her and bites her leg.
Aj: No!
Aj shoots some of the walkers. Clem kicks away the one biting her. With Aj's and Otis's help, she climbs to the top of the cliff.
Otis: Clem, your leg.
Clem examines her injury.
Clem:I got bit.
Clem: C'mon.
Clem:We can't stay here.
Clem gets up.
Clem:Keep moving forward.
Clem stumbles and falls.
Clem:Keep moving.
Aj and Otis: Forward.
Clem: Forward.
Otis helps Clem get up, and she,Otis, and Aj continue moving.
The sun is rising as Clem,Otis, and Aj walk through the forest, still pursued by walkers.
Clem: Hey.
Clem:I love you.
Clem:Don't ever forget that.
Aj:I love you too, clem.
Clem:You too, otis.
Otis:Thanks me too, clem.
Clem:Keep moving forward.
Aj: Look!
Aj: James' barn!
Aj:It's empty now.
Aj:We'll be safe in there.
Clem: Run!
Otis: Now!
Aj runs ahead. He,Otis, and Clem kill some of the walkers, but more approach.
Clem: Move!
Otis: Go, aj!
Clem: Run!
Otis:We're right behind you.
Aj runs up to the barn and opens the door. Clem limps forward and falls.
A walker approaches, and Otis stabs it in the head.
Otis:C'mon, clem!
Otis:We can make it!
Otis helps Clem stand up, and he,clem,and Aj enter the barn. Clem,Otis,and Aj try to hold the door close.
Clem:We need to find something to stick between the handles.
Clem reaches toward the pitchfork. Aj picks it up.
Clem: Quick!
Otis:Bar the door!
A walker partially opens the door. Aj stabs it and pushes it away, Clem and Otis shut the door.
Clem:Jam it through!
Aj puts the pitchfork between the door handles. Walkers start to break through the sides of the barn.
Clem:We need to get these pen doors closed before they break through.
Clem steps forward but falls. She leans against a pile of hay. She tries to get up but fails. Aj offers the gun.
Aj: Cover me.
Otis:No, cover us.
Clem takes the gun. Aj closes a stall door.
Clem:We can't let them get inside. Clem: Hurry!
Otis almost closes another other stall door, but a walker reaches through and opens it.
Otis stabs the two walkers in the head, and Otis closes the door.
Clem: Guys!
Clem:Over there!
Aj tries to close the stall door, but it is tied up with a rope. He moves the wheelbarrow.
Otis cuts the rope. A walker grabs him, and he stabs it in the hand. Clem shoots it, and Aj closes the door. More walkers enter the barn, and Clem tries to shoot them but is out of ammo. Aj and Otis kill the walkers.
Clem:We can't let them get inside.
Aj almost closes the door, but a walker reaches through. Aj kills it, kicks it away, and closes the door.
Clem:Good job, guys.
Clem:You did it.
Aj:Now what?
Otis:We just need to find a way out of here.
Aj:We can climb up there.
Aj:The monsters can't reach us up there.
Aj:Let's go.
Aj:Easy climb.
Aj: C'mon.
Aj:Please try.
Clem tries to get up but fails.
Aj:You can't give up!
Aj:You can't give up!
Aj:I need you!
Clem:I'm so sorry, kiddo.
Otis:It's just what happens sometimes.
Aj:But it wasn't supposed to happen to you, clem!
Clem:My little goofball.
Aj:It's alvin junior.
Clem:You'll always be goofball to me. Clem:Hey, look at me.
Clem: Aj, please.
Aj kneels next to Clem, and she touches his cheek.
Clem:You're such a cutie.
Clem:How did I get so lucky?
Clem taps Aj's nose.
Clem: Gotcha.
Aj:Please don't be silly right now.
Aj:Not right now.
Aj: Please.
Clem:I just wanted to see you smile. Clem:One last time.
Aj:Don't say that.
Aj:Please don't say that.
Clem:I need to make sure you remember.
Aj:Remember what?
Clem:The rules.
Clem:What's number one?
Aj:Never go alone.
Aj:So I can't leave.
Aj:Not without you.
Otis: Aj.
Aj:It's your guys rule!
Clem:You won't be alone.
Clem:Not for long.
Clem:Get back to the school.
Aj:I don't know how.
Otis:Sure you do.
Clem:One of the first things we ever taught you.
Clem:You need to make sure they can't smell you.
Clem: So.
Clem looks at the axe.
Clem:Grab that axe.
Otis picks it up. Clem looks at the walker.
Otis chops open the walker, and he and Aj covers themselves in its guts.
Clem:Next rule: what do we do when the monsters come?
Aj: Clem.
Clem: Aj.
Aj:Shoot them in the head.
Clem:Got any more ammo?
Aj:There isn't any more.
Otis:Okay, then.
Clem: Fuck.
Clem:And the last rule?
Aj:I want to stay.
Otis: Aj, no.
Aj:With you, clem.
Aj:I know what will happen.
Aj:And I don't care.
Aj:I don't want to go.
Aj:I just want to sit next to you and stay.
Aj:Like that monster couple, from the train station.
Otis: Aj.
Clem:Sorry, kid, but, no.
Clem:I have a job for you.
Clem:I need you to get back to your room, I need you to sleep in your bed, and have friends and grow tall.
Clem:Taller than I ever was, I hope.
Clem:I need you to live, aj.
Clem:For me.
Clem:That's your job now.
Aj:Okay, clem.
Aj:That's my job.
Otis:Thank you clem.
Clem:Last rule.
Aj: No.
Clem:What do we do if I get bit?
Clem:Are you gonna make me say it? Clem: Fine.
Clem: Aj, you have to kill me.
Clem:Don't let me become one of them.
Clem:Be a good boy.
Clem:Kill me.
Aj: No.
Aj brings the axe down on Clem.

The Walking Dead telltale season 4Where stories live. Discover now