Chapter 23 - but we've never been apart.

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The Following Morning...
Draven Creekman...

My whole life it has been me and Lorelei together. We went everywhere together from the moment that we became friends.

Sleepovers every weekend.

The first time we went to the gynaecologist - we scheduled our appointments, so they were back-to-back.

My first ever date; Lorelei was at my side as I insisted my date bring a friend for her.

We even picked the same school to go to and roomed together. It was just who we were as a unit and now here we are, at that point in time that we have to say goodbye to each other. We haven't been this far apart, for this long since we were kids.

How am I meant to do this without her?

Fucking Alex - he had to ruin everything. I hate him. And I have every intention of letting him know it at every given opportunity. It was bad enough that he had hurt my friend but the fact that he cost her, her place at school - well that just made his sins all the worse. And I would have absolutely no issue in telling anyone who would listen. I will make him regret the day he even heard the name Lorelei Anderson.

My only saving grace is that I will have Jensen at my side.

Jensen has come to mean more to me than I could have ever envisioned when we first met. I mean, I haven't needed to get a job while attending school - not like Jensen has had to do or how Lorelei had to do but I have spent more than enough time hanging out at Jensen's job that I am fairly certain that I could hop behind the bar at any given moment and do as good a job as my man does.

When we first met - I had thought he would be nothing more than a couple of fun rolls in the sack.

Fuck, I was an idiot.

I had done almost everything with him wrong.

I jumped into sex from the get-go assuming that he would only want me for a short period of time.

I even told him in the beginning it was ok if he saw other women, even though I knew it would have hurt like Hell had he taken me up on my offer, thankfully he didn't.

I tried everything in my power to stop myself from falling for him.

The universe had other ideas it seemed. It took less than a week to become addicted to him. I had never been with an older man before and honestly; it had never even crossed my mind that they would be far more experienced and attentive in bed. I mean, it's not like I even thought that I had been having bad sex.

Not until that first time with Jensen.

Fuck, he had played my body like a finely tuned instrument, and I have never had multiple orgasms or felt completely sated after sex before but that was exactly what happened. The way he touched me with such reverence and confidence was an even bigger turn on, especially hearing the little growls he made whenever I gave him sounds of appreciation and pleasure.

Erotic. That was what it has been like ever since that first moment.

Sex before Jensen had been lack-lustre at best. My orgasms before were barely even skimming the surface of what I now knew an orgasm to be.

And I have never felt so completely supported by a boyfriend before and I mean support in the emotional sense. I would never have believed anyone who said that they had all their emotional needs met by a man before Jensen. There has never been a moment when he has made me feel stupid for what I am feeling, and he has always shown me that I can always talk to him about whatever I am feeling.

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