Chapter 25 - What Do we Do?

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Later that Night...
Kevin (Vin) Creekman...

Today was a lesson in self-restraint. A lesson that I never thought I needed but having Lorelei around the shop all day was more distracting than I had even thought it would be.

Catching sight of her sitting at the front desk or catching her as she dealt with customers or merely went to the bathroom would set my heart into a frantic tail-spin that I hadn't felt since I was a damn teenager and seen Claire for the first time. The sweet lullaby-like voice that could be heard at almost any area of the shop would have my tummy tumble with excitement like it does when you are at the very peak of a rollercoaster; you know the point where they have the cart you sit on just hanging on the edge before letting it fall over the ledge. The scent of her lingered in the hallway so freshly that my fucking mouth would water as if I needed to get a taste of her. And let me be clear I did need to taste her. I needed to be by her side, I needed to hold her close and whisper how much I wanted her. So, all day I had been walking around half-aroused and trying desperately to hide it from the one man who would never fully understand what this thing between me and his daughter is.

I have never known guilt quite like this before.

I feel like a complete asshole.

I feel like I am being dishonest and sneaky, which isn't me – I have always been the honest one; I always maintained that lies were like rot; they would erode everything in their path.

However, how can I tell him the truth? I just know that it is not something that he will get on board with. I don't even know if he will ever get on board with it to be honest. I mean, my hope is that once he sees us together, he will see what I feel. I want him to see this pull between us because without it, I am just another middle-aged man lusting after a girl young enough to be my daughter.

Am I putting too much stock in these dreams?

I don't actually think I am putting enough stock in them if I am being honest with myself. I want to be able to talk to Lorelei about them but a part of me fears that I will end up sounding like I should be committed to a hospital instead of being committed to being partnered to.

There is this little voice in the back of my mind that keeps whispering soul-mate in regard to Lorelei and while I would normally dismiss such a thing, the dreams have me pausing.

What if those dreams aren't just dreams?!

What if they are actually memories of lives past?

Reincarnation. That was the term. Is that what is happening with Lorelei and me?

If it is, why now?

Why have the dreams started now?

We have been a part of one another's lives for so long that I can't seem to find the missing link that would explain why it is all coming out now. It is almost like I know that there is a missing piece that will make this all click into place, but I am at a loss as to how to find it.

Moving around the bottom floor of my house, I lit candles and then dimmed the lights just as the doorbell rang. All of a sudden it felt like there was a million and one butterflies trying to escape my tummy which is really ridiculous when you think about it because I have known this girl almost her entire life.

Making my way to the door, I take a deep breath and pull it open - and instantly my breath deserts me.


My woman is standing there in a floor length black pencil-style skirt that I swear had to be painted on her slender waist and hips, high-lighting the true definition of her slender waist. A beautiful silver halter-top that had a plunging neck-line show-casing her more than generous tits. A leather jacket that skims her mid-thigh. The same stiletto heels that she wore earlier adorn her tiny feet. The violet in her hair is shining in a way that it pulls all attention to her beautifully made-up face. Lorelei was never one for an over-abundance of make-up but tonight she had given herself a beautiful smoky eye dressing that made her honey-brown eyes pop and the winged eye-liner gave her an air of sophistication that I couldn't seem to pull my thoughts from. A beautiful claret colour accented her full, ripe lips and a touch of pink-blush gave her that innocent touch that I was used to feeling when I saw her.

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