Log 1

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I've spent what feels like eternity waiting for something to finally happen, yet nothing ever seems to come out of it.

My efforts are to no avail. My time is a waste and my skin and blood is nothing. The wretched vines gripping at my heart twist and choke at me for hours on end, flipping my world upside down, ripping my soul from me at every waking moment, and haunting me in the dark abyss of my dreams.

Many would chirp on the classic phrases. You understand what I mean, correct? The common 'It will get better', as if they had ever been in my exact situation. As if they could even begin to comprehend the shattered blur that is my world. Grief is something many claim will come to pass, yet my grief is eternal.

My heart is a puzzle, and the final piece, the last hope, the only way to set life straight, is in the hands of another.

And i shall rip to shreds every fraction of that hand until I retrieve the piece in question.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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