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I walk into the school's cafeteria and the first thing i hear is all the kids barking and yapping that literally filled the entire room. I go to the kitchen to get my lunch and look around for the table with my friends because they switch tables every single day. When i finally found them i walked towards them and sat down. "Why did it take you so long?" Was the first thing i heard when i sat down. "You should know why i took so long" I looked at her with a blank face waiting for her to answer. "Umm let me think...Nope i don't know!" She looked at me with a smile and took a sip of her choclate milk. "Then you're fucking stupid" I gave her the same smile she gave me.

She laughed at what i said and looked at me once again. "It's because we keep switching tables Yuna" ella told her with a somewhat annoyed tone. "It's not my fault the seats get dirty!" Yuna looked at her with a disgusted look on her face. I just rolled my eyes and took a bite of my food. "You both are crazy" I said and we all started laughing.

Minutes later

When we finshed our food we started walking together to our next class. I walked inside the class and sat down at my seat. I hear people whispering behind me, I didn't hear anything important so I just ignored it, But the teacher seemed to noticed "Why don't share what we're whispering about to the whole class!" The teacher said with a smile. "Uh it's nothing important" One of the students whispering said. The other student nodded their head in agreement. The teacher didn't say anything back and continued the lesson.

A few hours go by

"You fuckin' idiot!" I told kusuke with an angry tone. "what's your problem?" he said back with a confused look plastered on his face. "You know what you did, so don't act so confused!" I said with a huge tone of anger in my voice. I heard someone's footsteps walking up the stairs behind me. Then the door behind me opened. "What's going on up here?" I looked behind me and saw kurumi. "Your son here posted this picture of me online!" I said with an angry tone in my voice while showing her the picture.

"Ugh!" I said and walked out of the room with anger plastered all over me. I walk out of the house and walked back home and upstairs to my room. When I walked in my room I plopped myself on my bed while looking up at the ceiling. A million thoughts ran through my mind about that photo. 'Why did he have to post that photo?' *I thought to myself and turned around so I was laying on my stomach with my face in the pillow.

I then hear my phone go off on my nightstand. I put my hand out to reach for my phone. I open my phone and I see that one of my friends texted me.


*Yuna- Ella told me that she's throwing a party at her place!

*Yuna- We should go!

*Y/n- I don't know if I wanna go...

*Yuna- What? why not?

*Y/n- I'm honestly not in the mood for parties..

*Yuna- Oh well..just call me whenever you change your mind

After that message I put my phone back down and closed my eyes hoping to eventually fall asleep, and it did end up working.

Then after awhile I wake up to someone continuously knocking on my door. I got up and stomped over to the door in anger "WHAT DO YOU WA- " I yelled but stopped when I realized who it was....My..Dad!? "Sorry dad I thought you were someone else.." I said. "I came up here to tell you that dinner is ready" he told me. "Oh? how long was I asleep for?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "About like 5 hours" He said. "Oh, .... Wait what!?" I was shocked for like a few minutes and then calmed down.

"You should go eat now" he said and walked back downstairs. Yup I probably should. I walked downstairs to the dining table and saw the food plated on the table. I sat down and started eating my food. "So did anything happen at school today?" My mom said and sat down. "Nope, it was boring as always...nothing new" I then took another bite of my food.

Another day at school...

When I was about to walk out the door my mother said "Wait don't leave!" I looked at her with a confused look. "What why?" I asked her. "Because your transferring to another school" She told me. "WHAT!?"
And just like that...

The new school I was about to go to is called "Pk Academy". I was walking to my new bus stop with a non-excited look on my face.. it's pretty much giving resting bitch face.

When I reached the bus stop I saw a higher amount of people than the amount I had at my last one. I had to wait there for about 10 minutes until I saw the bus on its way here.

When the bus stopped all of us started lining up to start walking inside. When I got inside the bus I walked always to the back and sat down.

A 20-minute bus drive later...

When we arrived I walked over to the office area to get my schedule and other important stuff. My new teacher walked me over to class 3. She walked in and said "Good morning class, today we will welcome our new transfer student!" she looked at me and signaled me to come in.

I walked inside the classroom and wrote my name on the board to introduce myself "Hello everyone! My name is Y/n! It is nice to meet you!" I said with a smile. "Alright Ma'am you may sit next to the pink-haired boy!" She said and pointed towards the desk.

Hopefully this day goes well...

It honestly took me awhile to figure what I wanted to write for the prologue, but I finally did it after what felt like a few years. Anyways I hope you like it, so far at least.


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