Important Update #2

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So. As a lot of people know, I've been gone from this book almost a year now and have published nothing new for it. But, I'm afraid I have to bite the bullet here and admit I don't enjoy writing Adelaide anymore and that it'd be foolish to keep trying to push through when I know in my heart I won't get anywhere. Adelaide means a lot to me, and I will always love her, but I really struggle writing her character nowadays. I don't know how many people are still tuned into this fic, but I want to thank everyone for their support, especially my good friend That1Weirdo_Rand0, who's been there for me almost a year now and has supported me through it all. But I can't keep giving people false hope and hurting myself in the process. This is what's best for me right now, and I have other things I want to work on that I care alot about, but trying to force myself into writing Adelaide isn't healthy, and I understand that now, and I hope you will too. I may come back to her in future, but I don't think that'll be anytime soon. Again, thank you for your support, and thank you for being there. Stay safe out there, have a good morning/Afternoon/Evening and my messages are always open to chat if you'd like. But this is the end for now. Thank you.


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