내 말 끝까지 들어봐요 (Hear Me Out)

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Chapter 11: 내 말 끝까지 들어봐요

It's Tuesday, October 10th. It's only been a couple of days since our encounter with his parents. His dad was actually really kind to my parents. Even Minsu but his mother. I don't know why his mother has such an issue with me. I'm taking Seungmin from her? What does that even mean? Seungmin is going to grow up and start his own family someday. I wonder will it be with me. My cheeks flush pink as I think about it. I quickly shake my head, smiling slightly. Felix nudges me. I gasp, blinking my eyes a couple of times. "What are you thinking about that's got you blushing like that?" I look around. That's right. We are at a restaurant . Why are we at a restaurant again? 

"Nothing. Who has the soju?" I offer. Jeong-in passes me the bottle of soju and I pour myself a shot. Hyunjin raises his glass in the air. 

"Cheers to your acceptance into Busan Arts!" He shouts. I remember now. We came here to celebrate me getting into Busan Arts but also to take my mind off Seungmin and his family. It's like trying to kill two birds with one stone. Felix, Jeong-in, and I clank our glasses with Hyunjin and down our shots. I burp, making the others burst out into laughter. 

"Chaeyeong, isn't your birthday on Halloween?" Jeong-in questions. I have completely forgotten about it. I nod my head. 

"Yeah, it is." I say.

"You're a Halloween baby? That's so cool. How many Halloween parties do you have?" Hyunjin says. I roll my eyes. 

"The only good thing was getting extra candy from the neighbors around because it was my birthday." 

"Have you had an actual birthday party?" I shrug my shoulders. 

"When I was sixteen. I don't really celebrate my birthday if I'm being honest." Felix nudges me again. 

"Oh c'mon. Why not? Halloween is a fun year. It's just as fun as Christmas." I scoff. 

"Speak for yourself." I mutter. Actually, now that I think about it, I never really celebrated my birthday while I was with Changbin. We either spent time together or fighting because I'd want to be something cute but sexy. You don't need all those guys looking at you. You're mine. "Anyway, it's just another day. Let's just drop it." Jeong-in frowns. 

"Isn't your boyfriend going to plan something?" I don't say anything as I pour myself another shot. I just want to drink my feelings away. Why am I so miserable?  Hyunjin grabs the bottle from me. 

"I got just the thing. Let's go on a trip the weekend before November. We can take a break from school and make you the center of attention." Felix says. Jeong-in shakes his head.

 "I like that, would you like that Chaeyeong?" I down my drink. Just agree so they will shut up. 

"If I say yes, will you guys shut up about my birthday?" 

"Yes!" They all say in unison. 

"Then yes." They all cheer and I look down at the table. I wonder what Seungmin is enduring now. Is he still not speaking to his parents? 

"You gotta pick where we go. Maybe a beach or something." Felix says. I smile a small smile. 

"Alright." I say. 

After a few more shots, I'm drunk and too sleepy to walk. Hyunjin carries me back to my house where my parents lets him and the others inside. Felix looks around, sniffing the air. "It smells wonderful in here. Is that lilac?" Mom nods, a smile on her face. Dad raises an eyebrow as he exits out my room with Hyunjin behind him. 

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